Din sökning på "*" gav 533329 sökträffar
Reuniting IT Development (Dev) and Operations (Ops): A study on the merger of two opposite organizational logics in the self-organizing era, from an identity perspective
Agile working methods gain in popularity among practitioners within the IT (Information Technology) industry and beyond, as a result of the revival of the self-organizing team as a mode for organizing work in contemporary organizations. The talk of DevOps, as an agile method which merges opposite organizational logics, IT Development (Dev) and IT Operations (Ops), into a self-organizing team, has
Wastewater treatment with nanofiltration in pilot-scale
Två studenter, Safa och Jane, från kemiteknikprogrammet LTH har undersökt möjligheten att hantera hela reningsprocessen av spillvatten på Dow Chemical site i Landskrona genom att installera en pilotanläggning för nanofiltrering i anslutning till den redan befintliga ultrafiltreringsanläggningen. Dow i Landskrona framställer olika vattenbaserade bindemedel från akrylmonomerer och stora mängder vatDuring the spring semester 2018, an investigation about supplementary cleaning of the waste water at Dow Chemical site in Landskrona was done. Different water-based binders from acrylic monomers are produced by Dow and large amounts of water is used for such processes. The wastewater, that is treated currently by ultrafiltration (UF), contains different chemical residues such as surfactants, resid
Filtering with spatial parameters in B-format audio streams
The B-format is an audio format capable of reproducing full spherical surround audio, meaning sounds can appear as if coming from any direction around the listener. This thesis investigates an approach to quantify and manipulate the spatial information carried in B-format audio signals. It describes an analysis method and a corresponding model for quantifying the spatial data. Two types of appli
Recognizing the Role of Networks in Market Entry Mode Decisions of SMEs
Following the network perspective on internationalization, this study focuses on the entry mode decisions of SMEs during their foreign expansion. The study conceptualized six network-related factors from existing literature about networks and network theory, and integrated them to the previously recognized internal and external factors in entry mode frameworks. Empirical research design of multipl
The Meaning of Origin: A Cultural Analysis of Consumers’ Perspectives on Food Origin
This thesis is based on the results of a consumer-based research project carried out with the Swedish anthropological consultancy firm Inculture. By investigating the material retrieved from the project, the researcher aims to uncover the cultural and social processes behind consumer choices and more specifically what meaning the culture-based idea and beliefs about food origin bares in Swedish so
Invisible leadership - Does it exist and what does it do?
Syftet med studien är att nyansera och fördjupa förståelsen med ledarskap i en entreprenörisk kunskapsintensiv firma. Studien kommer att fokusera på hur olika individer, såsom arbetstagare och grundare, uppfattar ledarskapThe purpose of this study is to nuance and deepen the understanding of leadership in an entrepreneurial knowledge-intensive firm. The study will focus on how different individuals, both employees and founders, interpret leadership
Diffusion of wind energy, a case of the Netherlands
Wind energy has not been able to diffuse widely in the Netherlands, despite the great history of harnessing wind power. To understand the factors responsible for the slow diffusion of wind energy in the Netherlands, a qualitative study has been performed through semi-structured interviews. Drawing on insights from regime influences, this study has applied the multi-level framework by Geels (2012)
Företagskommunikation med mobila intranät
Människor är ständigt i rörelse och behöver tillgång till information som behövs för ett väl utfört arbete. Internkommunikation med mobila intranät undersöker hur användandet av det mobila intranät, ett medie som genom åren blir en del av organisationers val av kommunikat-ion mellan de anställda. Detta betyder att företag använder sig av en delad plattform parallellt med internetet där endast anst
Economic development and national environmental performance: A cross-country comparison
The relationship between economic development and environmental performance has gained much attention since the development of the environmental Kuznets curve, which predicted that economic growth would lead to environmental degradation at early stages of development but would eventually improve environmental quality at higher income levels. This assumption of economic growth alone driving both ca
The Ritualistic Nature of Business Incubation: An example from Northern Sweden
This thesis opens up the “black box” of business incubation and analyses how this process works in an incubator for cultural and creative ventures in Northern Sweden. The theoretical framework of the rites of passage by Arnold van Gennep and Victor Turner was adopted to guide the analysis. This theory indicates that one can move from one status to the next in a society through the means of differe
Ett starkt varumärke – ökad tolerans
Examensarbetets titel: Ett starkt varumärke – Ökad tolerans? – En kvalitativ studie om individanpassad marknadsföring från ICA och Nelly.com ur ett konsumentperspektiv. Seminariedatum: 2018-06-01 Kurs: FEKH29, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Marketing Undergraduate Level, 15 poäng. Författare: Louise Johansson, Olivia Lardin & Ronja Tengblad Handledare: Clara GustafssonTitle: A strong brand – increased tolerance? – A qualitative study about personalized marketing from ICA and Nelly.com from a consumer perspective. Seminar date: 2018-06-01 Course: FEKH29, Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Marketing Undergraduate Level, 15 University Credit Points (ECTS). Authors: Louise Johansson, Olivia Lardin and Ronja Tengblad Advisor: Clara Gustafsson K
Different paths of urbanization: the unconventional case of developing countries
Developing countries have undergone a process of rapid urbanization since the 1950s. However, some of them did not follow the “natural” path of urbanization, implying that additional factors also played an important role in the process of urbanization. This thesis examines common drivers of the urbanization process across countries in Asia, Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa. Thereby, it analyse
“Vem vill gå en romantisk promenad i ett industriområde?” En kvalitativ studie om logistikens betydelse som en tjänst för olika aktörer i ett citylogistikprojekt
Sammanfattning: Titel: Vem vill gå en romantisk promenad i ett industriområde? En kvalitativ studie om logistikens betydelse som en tjänst för olika aktörer i ett citylogistikprojekt Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i Logistics Service Management, VT 2018 Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management Syfte och frågeställning: Syftet med vår studie är att belys
How do innovations in the digital economy contribute to inclusive development and growth in Sub-Saharan Africa?
In recent years an explosion of new innovations have developed in the Sub-Saharan African digital economy. The services these innovations have provided such as banking, insurance and health care have long been widely available in the Developed World, yet massively underprovided in the region. This research has found that new innovations have developed to tackle unique problems to Sub-Saharan Afric
Chinese Import Share and reallocation effect on employment and productivity within the Swedish manufacturing industry
As China has become the top exporter in the world, new trade models move forward in explaining the interactions in world trade. Researchers advocate an increase in productivity and decreased survivability for low productive firms as China enters the market for domestic firms. The purpose of this paper is to research if a higher rate of import from China has a reallocation effect on productivity an
Dissolution and fibre spinning of cellulose from an ionic liquid
Regenerated cellulose fibres can become a sustainable alternative to cotton and polyester in textile applications. One method of producing such is dissolution of cellulose in an ionic liquid (IL) and regeneration through air-gap spinning. In this master thesis, the dissolution state of cellulose in the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate (EmimAc) together with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO
Straffrätt och politik: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av riksdagspartiernas straffrättspolitik
Denna studie undersöker hur väl riksdagspartiernas straffrättsliga politik överensstämmer med den kriminologisk forskningen rörande detta ämne, samt möjliga förklaringar till detta förhållande mellan politik och forskning. Det material som används utgörs av riksdagspartiernas partipolitik och valprogram inför riksdagsvalet 2018, och analyseras utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I analysen till
Are Indigenous Farmers’ Investments Under Siege? Implications of farmer-herder conflicts and threats to customary land tenure on indigenous farmers’ agricultural investment decisions in Agogo, Ghana.
Owing to structural factors of climate change and population growth, the past decade has witnessed high interest among migrant and settler pastoralist groups in the vegetal-rich customary lands of the Agogo Traditional Area. This has resulted in lease grants of large land areas to pastoralists by traditional authorities and usufruct families, for reasons of ensuring optimum use and gaining the hig
Teaching a Neural Network Quantum Mechanics. A Deep Learning Approach to the N-Representability Problem.
We show that an unsupervised artificial neural network can be trained to parameterize the set of N representable density matrices well enough to enable ground state energy calculations. A one-dimensional harmonic oscillator system is used to test the method. 4, 5, or 6 fermions are placed in an external potential. They interact with one of three different interaction types. By choosing the most su