

Din sökning på "*" gav 533330 sökträffar

The Impact of Social Exclusion and Intrastate Conflict on Economic Development: A case study of the Hmong in Lao PDR

Abstract: Since the ending of the Vietnam War, the Hmong in Laos have been hiding in the northern mountainous areas, fearing retribution from the People’s Revolutionary Party, whom they opposed. These areas are still currently restricted from outside contact. In 2009, Hmong refugees were repatriated from Thailand despite their unwillingness to return to Laos, fearing safety issues with the Lao Gov

Study of the preparation of a stable foam

Skummigt kontrastmedel för buktomografi utan biverkningar Alla har vi sett i sjukhusserier en röntgenapparat med en cirkel som man åker in i, men vilka förberedelser krävs för att det ska bli bra bilder som kan hjälpa läkaren att ställa en korrekt diagnos? Visste du att man behöver dricka runt 1 L vätska innan för att fylla upp magen om man vill få en bra bild? I ett projekt har tillverkningen avOn a daily basis, abdominal examinations with x-ray imaging are run at hospitals for diagnosis of abdominal diseases. To enable doctors to visualize organs and tissues on an x-ray image with colors based on the radiodensity, the patient needs to drink an oral contrast that fills up the digestive system. Current filling agents have a radiodensity similar to that of organs and tissues which makes th

Implementering av hållbarhet i universitet - lever de som de lär?

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera hur implementering av hållbarhetsmål sker i svenska universitet, och därmed bidra med kunskap om hur icke-finansiella mål i styrs offentliga organisationer. Metod: Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ fallstudie av tre svenska universitet. Det har genomförts litteraturstudie för att skapa den teoretiska referensramen, dokumentstudie för insamling del

An Optimization of Inbound Logistic Flows at Haldex by Applying Consolidation and Monitoring to a Distribution Network

An Optimization of Inbound Logistic Flows at Haldex by Applying Consolidation and Monitoring to a Distribution Network. By Luca Stoffels and Willem Prinsen Throughout history the same factors have been of major importance regarding the transportation of goods between companies: costs, speed and reliability. Nowadays these factors are even of increased importance as supply chain networks become mo

A Qualitative Analysis of The Demographic Challenge and the Future of Work

This thesis immerses into the debate on the demographic shift that, in past years, has been characterized by widely diverse opinions and standpoints. The unpredictable nature of the expected challenge has inspired this qualitative analysis to explore and question the proposed effects of an aging population. Furthermore, this literature review investigates the suggested strategies and means to mana

An Exploration of Anger in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights: Class, Gender and Ethnicity

This thesis explores expressions of anger in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë and Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. Firstly, a brief survey of how anger has been interpreted by philosophers, theologians, doctors and scientists allows for better understanding of how anger has been conceptualised in the past. Secondly, contextual information specifically about nineteenth-century beliefs and practices

Hälsa på distans

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till en ökad förståelse för om medarbetare upplever att det har någon betydelse att inte ha sin chef fysiskt närvarande på sin arbetsplats när det gäller deras hälsa och välbefinnande. Teori: Det empiriska materialet har analyserats utifrån teorier om hälsa och ledarskap. De mest centrala är KASAM, hälsopromotion och LMX teori. Metod: Kvalitativ metod

Theory of Change for Development: Understanding, Usage, and Influence

The Theory of Change (ToC) approach has become popular among the international development community, emerging as a need for organizations to carry out more effective initiatives in the context of an increasingly complex world. The levels at which a ToC process can be aimed are worldwide, organizational, thematic and program or project level. The purpose of this study is to generate a better under

From kings and dictators to liberal democracies: How political regimes affect income inequality

This study looks at how political regimes affect income inequality. Levels of inequality differ a lot between countries but tend to be very stable over time in a country. This is in line with explanations of inequality that focus on structural factors, of which political regimes could be one. The model used in this study is based on the selectorate theory, which states that the size of the group t

Unraveling the hype: A literature review and Delphi study of the potential of public and permission-less blockchains in the supply chain

Background: Blockchain technology has during the last years become a hot topic for supply chain management. Solutions are being developed and sold, but exactly what blockchain technology can bring to the supply chain is unclear. The technology can be divided into two main varieties, public and private. The public version sparked the initial interest in the technology but has not been as heavily pr

Is bolder better? The influence of personality on competitive success and predation susceptibility in the invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus)

Invasive species are currently one of the main causes of biodiversity loss across the globe and recent research has shown that the personality of an invader can have significant impacts on the invasion dynamics for that species. Therefore, this study examined the impact of personality on both competitive success and predation susceptibility of the highly invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus


This thesis studies the cognitive elements in strategic thinking and aims to contribute to the assessment of a tool that is developed to measure this ability. Strategic thinking is an area in strategy research that has received little emphasis. There is a lack of understanding of the cognitive elements behind the ability to think strategically. Therefore, this research aims to gain a deeper insigh

Analytical and Synthetic Phases of Path Development Knowledge Bases and The Evolution of Swedish Textile Industry: The Case of Borås

The questions of how regions develop over time and new regional growth paths emerge have been widely investigated by economic geographers. This study, with a wide understanding regarding the role of history, enhances our perception on how evolution process acts and what type of dynamics are influential to create a new path development by unfolding the different characteristics of development phase

ASSIMILATION OF TECHNOLOGY-LED INNOVATIONS IN SMES: A single case study exploring organizational factors as barriers

Title: Assimilation of technology-led innovations in SMEs: A single case study exploring organizational factors as barriers Date of the seminar: May 2018 Course: ENTN39 Master’s Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation Internship and degree project (Master’s thesis 15 ECTS) Author: Justus Dircks and Olivia von Sydow Supervisor: Sotaro Shibayama Examiner: Joakim Winborg Keywords: Innovation

Investigating the role of DnaJ proteins in the suppression of tau aggregation

Tauopathies belong to a group of neurodegenerative diseases that are characterized by the presence of neurofibrillary tangles in neurons and includes diseases such as Alzheimer´s disease and frontotemporal dementia. Neurofibrillary tangles are insoluble deposits that are composed mainly of tau, which normally acts to stabilize microtubules. In disease, tau forms fibrillar and oligomeric species, wHelpers of helpers – co-chaperone proteins and protein aggregation Proteins are one of the essential molecules that make up our bodies and the bodies of all living beings. Chaperone proteins exist as a protein ¨helper,¨ folding, maintaining, and regulating other proteins. To help these helpers, co-chaperone proteins, ¨helpers of helpers,¨ regulate chaperone proteins and help them by carrying out

“Dress for Success”: En undersökning av iscensättningen av femininitet kopplat till power dressing i modemagasinet Vogue

The objective of this dissertation, "Dress for Success" - A survey of the femininity creations linked to power dressing in the fashion magazine Vogue, is to analyze and compare John T Molloy ́s manual about power dressing to how the concept is represented in 3 different editorials in the fashion magazine Vogue. The analytical method that has been used are a semiotic analysis and intermed

Untold Stories; A phenomenological enquiry into why Six Swedish seniors wish not to tell their stories.

Emphasis is being placed on how life narratives can be incorporated into caring for the elderly based on the assumption that aged health care should be grounded on narrative perspectives in order to reduce ageist behaviours. The success of this however depends on the willingness of the elderly to share their stories. The aim of this study was to explore the reasons why Swedish elders decline to sh

Ett fönster mot servicelandskapet

Syftet med studien var att fördjupa förståelsen av hur hotell kan utforma sitt servicelandskap genom tematisering. Syftet var även att förstå hur det fysiska och virtuella servicelandskapet står i relation till varandra. För att besvara syftet valdes tre frågeställningar: Hur kan hotell utforma det fysiska servicelandskapet genom tematisering? Hur kan hotell utforma det virtuella servicelandskapet


Title: Price Premium FMCG products - An exploratory study of the underlying factors why consumers would be willing to pay more Date of seminar: 5th June, 2018 Course: BUSN39 Degree project in Global Marketing Authors: Tanvir Ahmed Shuvo & Mentor Krasniqi Supervisor: Burak Tunca Keywords: FMCG, Price Premium, Consumption, Consumer behavior, Consumer culture, Quality, Perceived Value, Conspicuou

"De tittar på min kropp" – En kvalitativ studie om bemötande av kvinnliga respektive manliga kunder i underklädesbutiker

Om kvinnor i åldern 16 – 29 utgör en grupp som i stor utsträckning har arbeten som inbegriper kundkontakt samt löper större risk att utsättas för sexuella trakasserier på arbetet; vad händer då när denna kundkontakt sker i butiker där såväl miljö som produkter anspelar på sexuell attraktivitet? För att undersöka detta har fyra djupintervjuer genomfört med personer som arbetar i olika underklädesbu