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Control-theoretical load-balancing for cloud applications with brownout
Cloud applications are often subject to unexpected events like flash crowds and hardware failures. Without a predictable behaviour, users may abandon an unresponsive application. This problem has been partially solved on two separate fronts: first, by adding a self-adaptive feature called brownout inside cloud applications to bound response times by modulating user experience, and, second, by intr
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The Secular Writings Attributed to Master Zanning
Incidence and risk factors for low trauma fractures in men with prostate cancer.
BACKGROUND: Men with prostate cancer on androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) are at increased risk of bone loss. The present study sought to determine the incidence of low trauma fracture in men with prostate cancer (PC), and to characterize the association between potential risk factors and fracture risk in these men. METHODS: In the prospective, population-based Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Stu
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Swedish Translation and Validation of the Pediatric Allergic Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (PADQLQ).
Aim: The aim of the study was to translate and validate the PADQLQ (Pediatric allergic disease quality of life questionnaire), a disease specific quality of life questionnaire for the assessment of quality of life in children with pollen allergy. Methods: The PADQLQ was translated into Swedish according to guidelines. Children 7-18 years with grass pollen allergy were included. Quality of life was
Ett sant ansikte
Krönika om Ken Russell med anledning av dennes död.
An approach to quantitatively estimate biodiversity preservation potential at forest stand level.
For efficient biodiversity preservation planning in forestry we need estimates of the actual and potential conservation value of individual stands. Our approach is based on a relatively good knowledge of the habitat requirements of regionally red-listed and threatened species. The estimation requires also knowledge of habitat availability in the surrounding landscape and the distance and species c
Täljstenen, livsviktig i forntida arktis
Tabun och totemism: En analys av de kulturella betydelserna kring När lammen tystnar
Reception study of The Silence of the Lambs(Jonathan Demme, 1991).
Review of Birgitta av Vadstena. Pilgrim och profet 1303-1373
Speech tempo
This article presents an overview of the literature on speech tempo and the topics dealt with. Tempo is not one of the more frequently explored areas of speech research, and any possible consequences of tempo variation for other phonetic phenomena have all too often been taken for granted. Unfortunately, this field is complicated by pitfalls of definition and hazards of numerical treatment. A gla
Review of Svenska siffror. Nationell integration och identifikation genom statistik
Etnologisk analys av etiska problem inom hälso- och sjukvården: en sammanfattning av en avhandling
Review of Bärsärkarna: Vikingatidens elitsoldater
Psychiatric Patients Experiences with Mechanical Restraints: An Interview Study.
Objective. To examine psychiatric patients' experience of mechanical restraints and to describe the care the patients received. Background. All around the world, threats and violence perpetrated by patients in psychiatric emergency inpatient units are quite common and are a prevalent factor concerning the application of mechanical restraints, although psychiatric patients' experiences of mechanica
Den engelska och den franska hjärnan - Duhem om två kunskapsstrategier
Assessing the fire performance of electric cables (FIPEC)
The FIPEC project is a research project funded by DG XII of the European Commission and co-financed by several European cable manufacturers, compounders, cable users and governmental research bodies. The FIPEC project has developed different levels of testing ranging from a small-scale, cone calorimeter test procedure developed for cables and materials, a full-scale test procedure based on the IEC
Performance analysis of hierarchical wireless systems
For future usage of services and applications, it would be beneficial to be able to use only one terminal for their communication needs. The intention is also that the terminal should stay connected even if it has to change technology, system and/or operator. This means that a user will need to have a terminal, which can use different types of wireless systems. As well as that the systems have the