

Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar

Extraordinary governance to avoid extraordinary events

The urban water crisis, including issues of water scarcity, pollution and flooding, is one of the key challenges for sustainable urban development. Reasons are manifold. Preventive measures are for instance being put on the back burner, while re-active measures and siloed governance are daily business, resulting in power struggles and ineffective governance. As the water crisis hits the most vulneWe are in the midst of a water crisis. Scarcity, pollution and flooding are some of today’s key challenges for sustainable urban development. The reasons are manifold. Preventive measures are put on the back burner, while reactive measures, siloed governance approaches and power struggles are daily business, resulting in ineffective governance. The crisis is hitting the most vulnerable urban popul

Applying the ATN scheme in a memory clinic population : The ABIDE project

OBJECTIVE: To apply the ATN scheme to memory clinic patients, to assess whether it discriminates patient populations with specific features. METHODS: We included 305 memory clinic patients (33% subjective cognitive decline [SCD]: 60 ± 9 years, 61% M; 19% mild cognitive impairment [MCI]: 68 ± 9 years, 68% M; 48% dementia: 66 ± 10 years, 58% M) classified for positivity (±) of amyloid (A) ([18F]Flor

Using metabolite profiling to construct and validate a metabolite risk score for predicting future weight gain

Background Excess weight gain throughout adulthood can lead to adverse clinical outcomes and are influenced by complex factors that are difficult to measure in free-living individuals. Metabolite profiling offers an opportunity to systematically discover new predictors for weight gain that are relatively easy to measure compared to traditional approaches. Methods and results Using baseline metabol

Social movements and interest groups compared : How organisational type matters for explaining Swedish organisations’ advocacy strategies

The divide between interest groups and social movement studies runs deep, but present developments call for a renewed focus on the relevance of these analytical categories. Both of these two forms of collective action relate to organisations that are assumed to follow distinctive logics and strategies for political influence. This article aims to contribute to the debates on the analytical differe

Synthesis of 2-substituted pyridines via a regiospecific alkylation, alkynylation, and arylation of pyridine N-oxides

Figure presented Sequential addition of Grignard reagents to pyridine N-oxides in THF at room temperature followed by treatment with acetic anhydride at 120°C afforded 2-substituted pyridines in good to high yields. Furthermore, by exchanging acetic anhydride for DMF in the second step, 2-substituted pyridine N-oxides were obtained, as intermediates suitable for addition of a second Grignard reage

Propylthiouracil-induced hypothyroidism in coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch : Effects on plasma total thyroxine, total triiodothyronine, free thyroxine, and growth hormone

Thyroid hormones transiently increase during parr-smolt transformation in coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, and are believed to trigger morphological, physiological, behavioural, and neural changes. The effectiveness of propylthiouracil (PTU) to induce hypothyroidism in smolting coho salmon was determined by immersing coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, in 30 mg 1-1 PTU from May 1, two weeks prior

Distribution of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons in the brain of sockeye salmon fry

The organization of the serotonergic cell groups in the brainstem of fishes and amphibians has received relatively little attention. It has been generally assumed that they are little differentiated and constitute a median cell column throughout the brainstem, and that laterally migrated serotonergic cell groups are largely lacking. In the present study we present evidence to the contrary. By the

Distribution of dopamine-immunoreactive neuronal perikarya and fibres in the brain of a teleost, gasterosteus aculeatus L. Comparison with tyrosine hydroxylase- and dopamine-β-hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons

The distribution of dopamine in the brain of the teleost Gasterosteus aculeatus L. was demonstrated with the indirect peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunohistochemical method using highly specific antibodies against a dopamine-glutaraldehyde-thyroglobulin conjugate. Dopamine-immunoreactive (DAir) neuronal somata were observed in all main brain regions. In the forebrain, DAir neurons were located in a

Workshop on Environmental Nanosafety: Biological Interactions of Plastic Nanoparticles

The one-hour workshop, containing both a demonstration and hands-on experiments on the topic of nanosafety, is based on current science on a topic of general interest. The workshop aims to provide a deeper knowledge and understanding of nanoparticles. The participants get an introduction to what nanoparticles are, why nanosized materials are interesting, how nanomaterials interact with biological The one-hour workshop, containing both a demonstration and hands-on experiments on the topic of nanosafety, is based on current science on a topic of general interest. The workshop aims to provide a deeper knowledge and understanding of nanoparticles. The participants get an introduction to what nanoparticles are, why nanosized materials are interesting, how nanomaterials interact with biological

Hezbollah and the axis of refusal : Hamas, Iran and Syria

Hezbollah has acquired a dual and contradictory reputation: as a legitimate political actor in Lebanon and as a terrorist organisation in the USA and Israel. This duality can be explained if we understand that Hezbollah is a nationalist entity that defines itself primarily within the Lebanese polity, as well as an anti-imperialist party intent on countering the regional hegemony of Israel and the

The Cost-effectiveness of Biological Therapy Cycles in the Management of Crohn's Disease

OBJECTIVES: To examine the cost-effectiveness of continued treatment for patients with moderate-severe Crohn's disease in clinical remission, with a combination of anti-tumour necrosis factor alpha [anti-TNFα] [infliximab] and immunomodulator therapy compared with two different withdrawal strategies: [1] withdrawal of the anti-TNFα therapy; and [2] withdrawal of the immunomodulator therapy, respec

Measurement of airway inflammation in current smokers by positron emission tomography

Background: Accumulation of activated neutrophilic leucocytes is known to increase uptake of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) into lung tissue. Available evidence suggests that smokers and subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have neutrophilic inflammation in peripheral airways. The aim of this study was to examine whether current smokers have higher lung tissue uptake of 18F

Boatsmen in Blekinge

A brief historical overview of the relocation of more than 3,000 Finnish boatsmen with families to Blekinge during the reign of Charles XI.

Early and advanced stages of Maillard reaction in infant formulas : Analysis of available lysine and carboxymethyl-lysine

Although the literature on the Maillard reaction in infant formulas is extensive, most studies have focused on model systems, and in only a few cases on real food systems. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to determine the status of the Maillard reaction, both the early and advanced phases, in a variety of commercial infant formulas available on the Swedish market. Ten powder and l

Exposure of trophoblast cells to fine particulate matter air pollution leads to growth inhibition, inflammation and ER stress

Ambient air pollution is considered a major environmental health threat to pregnant women. Our previous work has shown an association between exposure to airborne particulate matter (PM) and an increased risk of developing pre-eclamspia. It is now recognized that many pregnancy complications are due to underlying placental dysfunction, and this tissue plays a pivotal role in pre-eclamspia. Recent