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Literature Review on Dual-Fuel Combustion Modelling
In the search for low greenhouse gas propulsion, the dual fuel engine provides a solution to use low carbon fuel at diesel-like high efficiency. Also a lower emission of NOx and particles can be achieved by replacing a substantial part of the diesel fuel by for example natural gas. Limitations can be found in excessively high heat release rate (combustion-knock), and high methane emissions. These
A Coupled Tabulated Kinetics and Flame Propagation Model for the Simulation of Fumigated Medium Speed Dual-Fuel Engines
The present work describes the numerical modeling of medium-speed marine engines, operating in a fumigated dual-fuel mode, i.e. with the second fuel injected in the ports. This engine technology allows reducing engine-out emissions while maintaining the engine efficiency and can be fairly easily retrofitted from current diesel engines. The main premixed fuel that is added can be a low-carbon one a
Dupuytren disease: Prevalence, treatment and outcome
Purpose To study the epidemiology of Dupuytren disease and evaluate treatment outcome of collagenase injections using a modified method.Patients and methods Paper I is a register-based study. From the general population of Skåne region (1.3 million) in southern Sweden, we identified all residents aged ≥20 years who had been diagnosed with Dupuytren disease during a 16-year period and identified tr
Pathophysiology and management of sensitive skin : position paper from the special interest group on sensitive skin of the International Forum for the Study of Itch (IFSI)
The special interest group on sensitive skin of the International Forum for the Study of Itch previously defined sensitive skin as a syndrome defined by the occurrence of unpleasant sensations (stinging, burning, pain, pruritus and tingling sensations) in response to stimuli that normally should not provoke such sensations. This additional paper focuses on the pathophysiology and the management of
Management of Pruritus. Diagnostics and Therapy.
Späckat med faktafel om droger
”Kunskap ska spela roll och värderas högre än magkänsla och ingrodda idéer” skriver Joar Forsell, ordförande i Liberala ungdomsförbundet, i en debattartikel om svensk narkotikapolitik (DN Debatt 27/3). Tyvärr utgör artikeln ett gott exempel på just det problem Forsell säger sig vilja komma tillrätta med, den är nämligen späckad med faktafel, skriver Björn Johnson och Petter Karlsson.
Top-quark charge asymmetry and polarization in ttW production at the LHC
Dining in the Skies. A historical account of hospitality in aviation
Small-scale multilingualism and language contact in egalitarian foragers
Situations of multilingualism and language contact in which language varieties are small in scale and relatively equal in social status are important phenomena affecting processes of language change throughout human history. Despite this, our knowledge about the outcomes of multilingualism and language contact in this kind of setting remains limited. The current thesis provides insight into the li
Metamorphic Readings : Transformation, Language, and Gender in the Interpretation of Ovid's Metamorphoses
Ovid closed his 15-book epic of transformation with the metamorphosis of the poet into his work and his work into its own reception, summed up in the final word: uiuam (‘I shall live’). The prophecy has been self-fulfilling, in that the Metamorphoses has entertained readers and inspired artists in different media for two millennia since the poet’s death in AD 17. Loved for its vast repository of m
Recruited fibroblasts reconstitute the peri-islet membrane : a longitudinal imaging study of human islet grafting and revascularisation
Aims/hypothesis: Rapid and adequate islet revascularisation and restoration of the islet–extracellular matrix (ECM) interaction are significant factors influencing islet survival and function of the transplanted islets in individuals with type 1 diabetes. Because the ECM encapsulating the islets is degraded during islet isolation, understanding the process of revascularisation and engraftment afte
Beyond participation : when citizen engagement leads to undesirable outcomes for nature-based solutions and climate change adaptation
Scholars and practitioners are increasingly promoting so-called nature-based approaches for urban climate change adaptation. There is widespread consensus that they both support and require transdisciplinary approaches, notably by involving citizens in the change process and finding innovative ways to unite different actors’ efforts and capacities. However, there is little empirical evidence regar
Histamine stimulates progesterone synthesis and cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate accumulation in isolated preovulatory rat follicles
The effect of histamine on progesterone synthesis and cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) accumulation was studied in superfused and incubated follicles dissected free from immature rats treated with pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG). Histamine, like LH, increased the progesterone synthesis, but to a smaller extent. The H2-antagonist, cimetidine, inhibited completely the histamine-i
Generalization in Legal Argumentation
When interpreting a natural language argument that generalizes over a contextually relevant category, audiences are likely to activate the category prototype and transfer its characteristics onto category instances. A generalized argument can thus appear more (respectively less) persuasive than one mentioning a specific category instance, provided the argument’s claim is more (less) warranted for
Thermometric analysis of blood metabolites in ICU patients
Real-time monitoring of patient’s blood metabolites, such as glucose and lactate, could potentially improve surgery and recovery outcomes for patients in surgical and intensive care units. Our enzyme thermometric biosensor which is based on flow injected calorimetric determination of immobilized enzyme reaction is capable of performing continuous, fast, and quantitative analysis of metabolites usi
Autoimmunity plays a role in the onset of diabetes after 40 years of age
Aims/hypothesis: Type 1 and type 2 diabetes differ with respect to pathophysiological factors such as beta cell function, insulin resistance and phenotypic appearance, but there may be overlap between the two forms of diabetes. However, there are relatively few prospective studies that have characterised the relationship between autoimmunity and incident diabetes. We investigated associations of a
Self-reported hip function and performance based measures in patients following hip arthroscopy compared to an asymptomatic control group – A cross sectional study
On the political feasibility of climate change mitigation pathways : Is it too late to keep warming below 1.5°C?
Keeping global warming below 1.5°C is technically possible but is it politically feasible? Understanding political feasibility requires answering three questions: (a) “Feasibility of what?,” (b) “Feasibility when and where?,” and (c) “Feasibility for whom?.” In relation to the 1.5°C target, these questions translate into (a) identifying specific actions comprising the 1.5°C pathways; (b) assessing