

Din sökning på "*" gav 531352 sökträffar

On the off-design of a natural gas-fired combined cycle with CO2 capture

During the last 15 years cycles with CO2 capture have been in focus, due to the growing concern over our climate. Often a natural-gas fired combined cycle with a chemical absorption plant for CO2 capture from the flue gases have been used as a reference in comparisons between cycles. The integration of the steam production in the cycle to minimise the drop in efficiency have not been extensively s

Norden och omvärlden

A discussion of external and internal causes of change in the Nordic countries c. 1000-2010.

Kung Fotboll: Den svenska fotbollens kulturhistoria från 1800-talets slut till 1950

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar den svenska fotbollens kulturhistoria från 1800-talets slut fram till år 1950. Det är berättelsen om hur spelet gradvis etableras, överkommer en mängd inre och yttre problem och konflikter, för att träda in i sin guldålder under 1940-talet. Mer konkret följs hur fotbollens medelklassdominerade maktelit försökte kontrollera skeendet inom en sport pThis thesis concerns Swedish football´s cultural history from the end of the nineteenth century to 1950. It is the story of how the game was gradually established, and overcame a great number of internal and external problems and conflicts, before entering its sporting and cultural golden age during the 1940s. I demonstrate how this game´s middle-class dominated power elite tried to control the de

The Formation of Green Identities - Consumers and Providers.

Liberalisation and deregulation of public utility sectors has been introduced in several European countries. In 1994 Swedish municipalities were instructed to reorganise waste collection routines by enlarging the number of fractions to be able to reuse waste fractions in an environmental benign way. The public waste sector have to a considerable extent been diversified and deregulated. At the same

Asymptotic Inference in the Lee-Carter Model for Modelling Mortality Rates

The most popular approach to modelling and forecasting mortality rates is the model of Lee and Carter (Modeling and Forecasting U. S. Mortality, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87, 659–671, 1992). The popularity of the model rests mainly on its good fit to the data, its theoretical properties being obscure. The present paper provides asymptotic results for the Lee-Carter model and

Sorting and processing of neutrophil granule proteins

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sortering av bakteriedödande proteiner till behållarna i vita blodkroppar Vita blodkroppar har en livsviktig roll i det medfödda immunförsvaret som fagocyter, bakterieätare. Denna funktion, första linjens försvar, utövas av neutrofila granulocyter (neutrofiler), en speciell slags vita blodkroppar som är specialiserade på bakterieätning (fagocytos). När bakterier angripThe neutrophil granulocytes have a critical role in innate immunity in particular through phagocytosis of microorganisms. Their cytoplasmic granule subsets store digestive enzymes and antibiotic proteins that are released during this event. During the passage in the secretory pathway the granule proteins are retrieved from constitutive secretion to become sorted for storage. The aim of this thesis

Molecular and Metabolic Aspects of Plant and Bacterial Salt Tolerance

Popular Abstract in Swedish Salt ackumulering på jordbruksmark är en historisk såväl som ett av de potentiellt största problem som mänskor har haft och har. Forskare har undersökt och försökt lösa detta problem under en lång tid. Över 20 reviewer har publicerats om ämnet under de senaste fem åren. I denna avhandling redogörs summariskt för utbredningen av salt stress i dagens jordbruk, samt de toSalt stress is one of the historically as well as potentially largest agriculture problem humans have faced. Researchers have investigated and tried to solve this problem for a long time. Over 20 reviews have been written on this topic the last five years. In this thesis the extent of salt stress in today's agriculture, the toxic and damaging effects on plants and bacteria exposed to salt stress,

Reducing Memory in Software-Based Thread-Level Speculation for JavaScript Virtual Machine Execution of Web Applications

Thread-Level Speculation has been used to take advantage of multicore processors in virtual execution environments for the sequential JavaScript scripting language. While the results are promising the memory overhead is high. Here we propose to reduce the memory usage by limiting the checkpoint depth based on an in-depth study of the memory and execution time effects. We also propose an adaptive h