

Din sökning på "*" gav 529723 sökträffar

A Tale of Two Houses

A Tale of Two Houses The Mazovian Plain is a geographic region in central Poland. The nothern stretch of the Plain consists of predominantly flat terrain cut by the rivers Bug and Narew, that flow into Vistula in the south. Unlike other parts of the historical district of Mazovia, the lands around the system of rivers remained a primeval woodland well into the first half of the 20th century. Nowad

The Dissipating Energy Flow method for analysing generator contribution to power system damping -- evaluation and interpretation

En ny metod påstås kunna analysera störningar i elnätet i realtid med hjälp av befintliga mätinstrument. Genom att beräkna flöden av svängningsenergi kan olika generatorers roller i störningen visualiseras. Från kontrollrum kan störningskällor kopplas bort och generatorers bidrag till dämpning kontinuerligt utvärderas. Men bakgrunden till metoden är grumlig och tolkningen av svängningsenergin är oElectromechanical oscillations is a power system phenomenon where generator rotors oscillate, leading to oscillatory power flows. Damping of such oscillations is important for system stability. Forced oscillations is a special case where one faulty component is the source of the oscillation. This report concerns the Dissipating Energy Flow (DEF), which is an energy-based method for analysing dampi

Om djurens funktioner i Satantango

László Krasznahorkai (b. 1954) is a Hungarian novelist known for his melancholic-dystopic themes and post-modern prose. He has received considerable critical acclaim, notably winning the Man Booker International Prize in 2015. He initially became famous, to a wider audience outside Hungary, through director Béla Tarrs adoption of his novels. Satantango is his debut novel and chronicles the miserab

Reading Willa Cather's My Ántonia from an Intersectional Perspective

Considering the fact that many people are oppressed because of their gender and race, whilst others are privileged because of theirs, we should reflect on the concept of intersectionality. This paper aims at reading Willa Cather’s My Ántonia from an intersectional perspective with the purpose of opening up for certain themes. In addition, it also sought to explore how reading the novel from an int

An investigative study of how to utilize a smart mirror with user focus

As the tech industry evolves in a rapidly increasing pace, every other company tries to keep up with the pace of development by adapting advanced systems. Users are getting more and more comfortable with smart objects which are constantly connected with the intention of improving the life of every person. The concept of introducing technology into artifacts has been a focus of the market and diffe

Ekonomiskt bistånd som en social rättighet? : En kvalitativ textanalys av rättsfall från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen

The aim of this study was to understand how the social rights of social assistance claimants are made in the relationship between the individual and the state, and of what importance this has for the claimant. Social assistance claimants are a vulnerable group in society that depends on the safety net of the state. The study is based on a qualitative text analysis of 13 legal cases from the Suprem

”Man är ju ingen robot så det är klart man blir påverkad” - En kvalitativ studie om hur kvinnojoursanställda beskriver sina erfarenheter av att lyssna till våldsutsattas berättelser

The aim of this study was to explore how women’s shelter employees who work with survivors of domestic violence described their experiences of listening to the survivors. The method chosen for this qualitative study was semi-structured interviews with six different employees who work in three different non-profit and three municipal organisations. The data collected was analysed using Hochschild&#

The New Kids on the Block - Exploring the brand identity of disruptive innovators

Abstract Aim: The aim of this paper is to examine the corporate brand identity of disruptive innovators that have changed entire industries. Moreover, this paper strives to answer the question, whether a universal pattern of corporate brand identities for these “New kids on the block” can be identified and if so, what it looks like. Approach: Firstly, a literature review is conducted in order t

Mötet mellan det professionella och privata : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser och konstruktioner av klientrelationer

The aim of this study was to explore social workers’ experiences of their client relationships. More specifically we wanted to explore in which way the social workers experience that their position of power affect them in the client meetings and in what way they experience that the organization, both direct and indirect, affect the development of a good client relationsships. The method chosen for

Employer Branding och dess interna och externa betydelse

Due to the number of changes in the labor market, it is of high importance that organizations form strategies to attract, develop and maintain employees. One of these current strategies are referred to as Employer Branding, which can be viewed as the package of the functional, economic and psychological benefits provided by employment, and identified with the employing company. This study is a qua

Population assignment of willow warblers (Phylloscopus trochilus) based on qPCR-based SNP genotyping

The fact that solitary migratory birds can find their migration routes has indicated the possibility that a genetic basis may be involved in determining the route of migration. Researchers have also found evidence to investigate this hypothesis in various ways. The focal species of this study is the willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus), which has three described subspecies (trochilus, acredula

A climate impact assessment for the future of Greece and its adaptation capacity as influenced by socio-economic factors

The occurrence of climate change will have a significant impact on society and adapting to a more sustainable environment is of key importance. The dangers of climate change will include temperature and precipitation patterns becoming more extreme creating a substantial impact on society. Greece’s location and climate make it particularly vulnerable to a changing climate and climate impact assessm

Varför vill ingen jobba med försörjningsstöd? : En studie om socionomstudenters intresse för arbetet

Denna enkätstudie undersökte 211 svenska socionomstudenters intresse av att arbeta med försörjningsstöd, samt relationen mellan intresset och i) studenternas erfarenheter av arbete med försörjningsstöd, ii) studenternas syn på försörjningsstödssystemet och iii) studenternas syn på arbetssituationen på försörjningsstöd. Resultatet visade att studenterna hade ett begränsat intresse av att arbeta medThis study examined the interest in working with social assistance among 211 Swedish BSW (Bachelor of Social Work) students. It also focused the relationship between the students’ interest and i) their prior work experience in the field, ii) their attitudes towards the Swedish social assistance system and iii) their attitudes towards the work situation within the field of social assistance. This w

Personlig lämplighet, vad är det? - En studie över begreppet personlig lämplighet, hur det får tillämpas i en anställningsprocess och ifall det finns några begränsningar genom diskrimineringsrätten

Utgångspunkten i Sverige är att det råder fri antagningsrätt. Denna rättssystematiska utgångspunkt gäller så länge det inte finns några rättsliga inskränkningar. Saknas begränsningar, så är det med andra ord upp till arbetsgivaren att bestämma vem och hur han vill anställa. Men sedan slutet av 1990-talet har diskrimineringslagstiftningen utökats. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utröna ifall och i In Sweden, employers are free to choose whom and how to employ, as long as there are no legal restrictions. Though, since the 1990s Swedish discriminatory legislation has continuously been extended. This study aims to investigate if, and in that case, how discriminatory regulations limits the employer’s right to freely choose whom and how to employ, when personal suitability becomes decisive in a

Genuserfarenheter och kulturellt identitetsskapande i Monica Alis Brick Lane

This project investigates ethnic and gendered oppression in relation to the construction of cultural identity in the Bangladeshi diaspora as it is depicted in Monica Ali’s novel 'Brick Lane'. I read Ali’s novel as a 'feminist Bildungsroman' with the key focus on how the female migrant protagonist Nazneen’s changing self-conception and construction of a new identity in London leads

Lättkränkt? : en genreanalys av roasts i P3 Morgonpasset

Följande uppsats undersöker hur ett flertydigt språkbruk kan påbjuda oönskade följder och reaktioner. Som exempel på flertydigt språkbruk undersöks biografier tillägnade Sveriges riksdags åtta partiledare. De tillägnade biografierna presenterades i radioprogrammet Morgonpasset i P3 i samband med intervjuer med partiledarna och tillskrevs epitet som satir och roasts, vilket satte en humoristisk ton

Hälsoeffekter av en klimatskatt på nötkött i Sverige - En analys av påverkan på förekomsten av kolorektalcancer i Sverige

Införande av en klimatskatt på nötkött i Sveriges påverkan på förekomsten av kolorektalcancer Man har i flertalet studier påvisat att konsumtion av rött kött och processat kött (däribland nötkött) skulle kunna ha en negativ inverkan på människors hälsa. Framförallt visar studier på kopplingar mellan konsumtion av rött och processat och en ökad risk för kolorektalcancer. Vidare visar studier att pConsumption of red and processed meat has been found to effect human health and especially the occurrence of colorectal cancer. At the same time cattle farming and production of beef have been shown to severely effect the environment and particularly the climate. Taxation of beef could be an instrument to decrease the greenhouse gas emissions from the production of beef, but due to high transition

Traces of Secularism in Danish Development Policy on Gender Equality

The thesis seeks to do a discursive analysis of the articulation of religion’s role in promoting gender equality in Danish development policies. The empirical material analysed is that of official development policies regarding gender equality and statements from the Minister of Development Cooperation in the area of gender equality and freedom of religion and belief. The thesis draws on theories