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Review of Vinterstjärna
Outline of a computerized Chinese grammar enabling English and Swedish translation
This paper presents a computerized grammar which can analyze and generate a sample of pedagogical Chinese sentences, in particular those mentioned in the textbook Kinesiska är inte svårt (‘Chinese is not difficult’) by Göran Malmqvist 1974. Equivalent grammars for English and Swedish have also been constructed allowing translation between the three languages. The grammar model used is the Swetra g
Anhängarens makt i en ny religiös rörelse - The MOVE Organization
This article address the means by which early followers can exert influence within a new religious movement. The case study that is used to exemplify potential dynamics in such a situation is that of the MOVE Organization, a group founded in the early 1970s in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania by a man known as "John Africa". Instead of focusing on the founder, however, this article examines the role pla
Recension av Alexander Jonsson: De norrländska landshövdingarna och statsbildningen 1634–1769
Ödesslaget vid Leipzig
Pronouns in a Derivational Syntax
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Anders Nygren som teolog och filosof : rapport från symposiet vid 100-årsdagen av hans födelse
Under strecket: Är du tvetydig, lilla vän?
Complex zircons from an amphibolite in SW Sweden; age-constraints by U-Pb and Pb-Pb chronology of metamorphic zircon growth during the Sveconorwegian orogeny
Facilitating Innovations in a Mature Industry-Learnings from the Skane Food Innovation Network
An Evaluation of Precision and Systematic-errors In Vibrational Cars Thermometry
Essays on Realized Volatility and Jumps
Financial markets sometimes generate significant discontinuities, so called jumps, triggered by large informational shocks and extreme events. In the last decade, there is an increasing interest in financial economics towards modeling these jumps which may have significant consequences for risk management, and portfolio allocation. This thesis extends the literature within these areas in several w
Review of L. Hakulin, Bronzeworking on Late Minoan Crete
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Radiative lifetimes for the 4p excited states of phosphorus and the oscillator strengths of solar lines
Radiative lifetimes for the levels of the 3s(2)3p(2)4p configuration in neutral phosphorus have been determined experimentally for the first time and also theoretically. Experiments were performed by using two-photon UV laser excitation and subsequent fluorescence detection in a laser-produced plasma. In relativistic Hartree-Fock calculations, the Cowan code extended to 42 configurations was used.
Therapeutic approaches to spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy.
Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy is a hereditary motor neuron disease caused by trinucleotide repeat expansion in the androgen receptor gene. The disease mechanism probably involves a toxic gain of function in the mutant protein, because other mutations that cause a loss of androgen receptor function result in a different phenotype and the mutant protein is toxic in mouse models. In these models