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Towards an All-Embracing Elliptic Solver in 2D
Popular Abstract in Swedish På väg mot en universiell elliptisk lösare i två dimensioner Elliptiska partiella differentialekvationer används för att beskriva och modellera ett stort antal fysikaliska fenomen som ofta förekommer i industriella processer, till exempel värmeledning; elektromagnetisk spridning hos antenner; långsamma flöden exempelvis vid sedimentering av pappersmassa, eller elastiskThis thesis addresses solving elliptic partial differential equation using integral equation methods, with emphasis on accuracy, speed and stability. Of particular interest are such equations on non-smooth domains, and several different elliptic problems such as electrostatic and elastostatic ones are treated and solved in this setting.
Variations in the G6PC2/ABCB11 genomic region are associated with fasting glucose levels.
Identifying the genetic variants that regulate fasting glucose concentrations may further our understanding of the pathogenesis of diabetes. We therefore investigated the association of fasting glucose levels with SNPs in 2 genome-wide scans including a total of 5,088 nondiabetic individuals from Finland and Sardinia. We found a significant association between the SNP rs563694 and fasting glucose
Humanisterna har fel om religionen
Ökad kontakttid med ämnet – exempel från språkutbildning
Under lång tid har såväl studenter som lärare inom humaniora önskat och krävt mer lärarledd undervisningstid. I väntan på det vill jag emellertid diskutera hur man som lärare kan hjälpa studenterna att utnyttja självstudietiden på ett så effektivt sätt som möjligt med ett minimum av lärarresurser, för att på så sätt öka kontakttiden med ämnet. Diskussionen tar sin utgångspunkt i pedagogisk forskni
De verbala resterna aven bildprakt som förgår
Bättre metoder behövs för effektiv rökavvänjning. Primärvården har viktig roll i det tobakspreventiva arbetet
Pain among older adults from a gender perspective: findings from the Swedish National Study on Aging and Care (SNAC-Blekinge).
Pain is common in the elderly population and its prevalence varies according to the studied disease, clinical setting, sex and age. This study examines pain in an aging population from a gender perspective.
Review of Being a Roman Magistrate: Office-Holding and Roman Identity in Late Antique Gaul
Postjunctional α1- and α2-adrenoceptors mediating contraction in isolated human groin arteries and veins.
The Factor V Leiden mutation is associated with a higher blood haemoglobin concentration in women below 50 of the Malmö Thrombophilia Study (MATS).
The aim of this study was to investigate a relationship between FVL-mutation and levels of haemoglobin (Hb) in patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE). From March 1998 to December 2005, 927 consecutive patients with objectively diagnosed VTE were registered in the Malmö Thrombophilia Study (MATS). Female patients with FVL-mutation below 50 years of age had significantly higher median-Hb (133 vs
Template Based Recognition of On-Line Handwriting
Software for recognition of handwriting has been available for several decades now and research on the subject have produced several different strategies for producing competitive recognition accuracies, especially in the case of isolated single characters. The problem of recognizing samples of handwriting with arbitrary connections between constituent characters (emph{unconstrained handwriting})
Är Danmark en svensk hälsorisk? Analys av den alkoholrelaterade slutenvården i Skåne
Jewish Believers in Jesus.
Parameterization of Thermal Properties of Aging Secondary Organic Aerosol Produced by Photo-Oxidation of Selected Terpene Mixtures
Formation and evolution of secondary organic aerosols (SOA) from biogenic VOCs influences the Earth's radiative balance. We have examined the photo-oxidation and aging of boreal terpene mixtures in the SAPHIR simulation chamber. Changes in thermal properties and chemical composition, deduced from mass spectrometric measurements, were providing information on the aging of biogenic SOA produced unde
Epidemiology of mesenteric vascular disease: clinical implications.
The overall incidence rate of acute mesenteric ischemia between 1970 and 1982, diagnosed at either autopsy or operation, in the population of Malmö, Sweden was estimated at 12.9/100,000 person-years. Autopsy rate was 87%. Acute superior mesenteric artery (SMA) occlusion (embolus/thrombus ratio = 1.4), mesenteric venous thrombosis (MVT), and nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia (NOMI) were found in app