

Din sökning på "*" gav 536564 sökträffar

Immaterialrätt och skydd av samhällsideal. En studie av klassikerskyddet i upphovsrätten och undantagen i varumärkesrätten, mönsterrätten och patenträtten för allmän ordning och goda seder.

The subject of this thesis is intellectual property and protection of non-commercial societal interests. The study is divided in two main parts. The first part deals with the provision of the Swedish Copyright Act laying down that literary and artistic works may not be performed or reproduced publicly after the death of their author in a manner that violates cultural interests (protection for clas

Acidaemia at Birth: Risk factors, diagnosis and prognosis, with special reference to maternal fever in labour

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under fostertiden är fostret beroende av tillförsel av syre och näringsämnen via moderkakan och navelsträngen, och koldioxid som bildas vid dess ämnesomsätt-ning avges i motsatt riktning. Under förlossningen ökar trycket i livmodern vid varje värk, så att tillförseln av syrerikt blod från modern till moderkakan till-fälligt nedsätts. Det finns också en risk att navelstrAcidaemia at birth is a result of an impaired intrauterine gas exchange. Between 1988 and 1996, acid-base balance in cord artery blood pH was assessed in 23 016 of 27 064 newborns (85%). Obstetric risk factors for acidaemia (cord artery pH < 7.05) were identified in a case-control study. Independent risk factors were breech delivery, administration of oxytocin or pethidine, cord entanglement and m

Coaching coaches [extreme programming]

We have developed a tandem of undergraduate courses for teaching XP and coaching of XP teams. This paper focuses on the coaching course and the coaching practices we have developed. The tandem of courses enables us to give a challenging and interesting course for the coaches, and, at the same time, allows us to afford on-site coaches for the younger students, providing them with a high quality env

Den religiösa människan. En introduktion till religionspsykologin

This is a basic textbook in the psychology of religion, originally published in 1985, used at almost all basic courses at university level in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries. The book has been revised four times (1989, 1993, 1999, 2000). New chapters on contemporary spirituality and coping theory have been added.

Pharmacokinetics - Effect Relations of Glibenclamide and its Metabolites in Humans.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling gäller glibenklamid som är vårt vanligaste läkemedel för oralt bruk i behandlingen av diabetes mellitus, typ 2 (åldersdiabetes). Glibenklamids upptag, fördelning, omsättning och utsöndring har studerats i detalj hos friska människor samt hos patienter med diabetes. Därtill har läkemedlets och dess metaboliters kinetik relaterats till farmako-dynamiska eGlibenclamide (Gb) is the most commonly employed sulphonylurea worldwide for the treatment of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). There has been uncertainty concerning its pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD). Numerous long-lasting hypoglycemic reactions, which have sometimes been fatal, have been reported and have been difficult to reconsile with an allegedly short elimina

Förflutenhetens bilder

This essay reflects on the advantages and dangers of using visual art in the teaching of history. It concludes with a number of practical suggestions to teachers who want to use art in their teaching.

On reasoning and planning in real-time: An LDS-based approach

Reasoning with limited computational resources (such as time or memory) is an important problem, in particular in cognitive embedded systems. Classical logic is usually considered inappropriate for this purpose as no guarantees regarding deadlines can be made. One of the more interesting approaches to address this problem is built around the concept of active logics. Although a step in the right d

Control of fed-batch bioreactors. Part II

This chapter addresses the control of glucose feeding in fed-batchreactors. The feeding strategy is based on a pulse technique, whichdoes not require a priori knowledge of the process. A feedbackalgorithm optimizes the feed rate with respect to the constraints ofaerobic conditions and overfeeding. Stability and performance analysisare performed on a simplified model of the reactor, using standard

Thermal and flow field characteristics in a rectangular duct with broken V-shaped ribs

In the present study, the thermal and hydraulic characteristics of a rectangular duct with aspect ratio of 1/8 roughened by broken V-shaped ribs pointing upstream are investigated experimentally using Liquid Crystal Thermography (LCT) and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). The heat transfer distributions on the roughened wall were evaluated using liquid crystal images. It was found that the heat tr