Din sökning på "*" gav 528282 sökträffar
Sex differences in predictors of mortality in patients with Alzheimer’s disease – A 20-year follow-up.
Objectives: To identify sex-specific factors that may predict life expectancy after a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Methods: The Swedish Alzheimer Treatment Study (SATS) is a prospective, observational, multicentre study in clinical practice that includes 1,021 participants (367 males and 654 females) diagnosed with mild-to-moderate AD at the start of cholinesterase inhibitor treatment (t
Neutrophil extracellular traps in the central nervous system hinder bacterial clearance during pneumococcal meningitis
Neutrophils are crucial mediators of host defense that are recruited to the central nervous system (CNS) in large numbers during acute bacterial meningitis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae. Neutrophils release neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) during infections to trap and kill bacteria. Intact NETs are fibrous structures composed of decondensed DNA and neutrophil-derived antimicrobial prote
Massive MIMO: Prototyping, Proof-of-Concept and Implementation
Wireless communication is evolving rapidly with ever more connected devicesand significantly increasing data rates. Since the invention of the smartphoneand the mass introduction of mobile apps, users demand more andmore traffic to stream music, watch high-definition video or to simply browsethe internet. This tremendous growth is more pronounced by the introductionof the Internet of Things (IoT)
Medeltidsläkaren blev en ikon för nazister och kommunister
Undervisningen vid medicinska fakulteten : En historisk överblick
Sanatorium Narratives from the Baltic Sea Region and Early Signs of the Pathographical Genre-The Case of Harriet Löwenhjelm
Att undervisa för långtidsminnet
Crossing the Iron Curtain : An introduction
Focusing on Western tourism behind the Iron Curtain, this chapter introduces the main research questions addressed in the volume: firstly, how and why Eastern Europe became a tourist destination for citizens of the West; secondly, what impact this had on the development of a tourism industry in the Eastern bloc; and thirdly, to what extent the experiences of Western tourists in Eastern Europe infl
Representing discourse referents in speech and gesture
The thesis examines the way that speech and gestures are used together to represent referents in discourse. The starting point is the generally acknowledged observation that gestures are a constitutive part of language (Kendon, 2004; McNeill, 1992). Gestures are used in combination with speech in the production of language, and are integrated with speech in the perception of language. But while th
Enhanced Dopamine in Prodromal Schizophrenia (EDiPS) : a new animal model of relevance to schizophrenia
One of the most robust neurochemical abnormalities reported in patients living with schizophrenia is an increase in dopamine (DA) synthesis and release in the dorsal striatum (DS). Importantly, it appears that this increase progresses as a patient transitions from a prodromal stage to the clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia. Here we have recreated this pathophysiology in an animal model by increas
Meta-analysis reveals that pollinator functional diversity and abundance enhance crop pollination and yield
How insects promote crop pollination remains poorly understood in terms of the contribution of functional trait differences between species. We used meta-analyses to test for correlations between community abundance, species richness and functional trait metrics with oilseed rape yield, a globally important crop. While overall abundance is consistently important in predicting yield, functional div
En kopp kaffe och Marx, tack!
Bokcaféerna spelade en avgörande roll inom den västeuropeiska vänsterns tryck- och mediekultur under 1970-talet. Även i Sverige gjorde bokcaféerna omfattande avtryck inom kultur- och samhällslivet, till exempel genom att etablera den politiska pocketgenren. När fenomenet dog ut under nästa decennium försvann en betydande plattform för den radikala folkbildningen.
Vibration thresholds in carpal tunnel syndrome assessed by multiple frequency vibrometry : a case-control study
Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common compression neuropathy, but there is no gold standard for establishing the diagnosis. The ability to feel vibrations in the fingertips is dependent on the function in cutaneous receptors and afferent nerves. Our aim was to investigate vibration perception thresholds (VPTs) in patients with CTS using multi-frequency vibrometry.Methods: Six
Removal of metals from contaminated waters : Evaluating the use of synthetic adsorbents and green algae biomass
Metal contamination of water bodies has attracted global attention owing to its environmental toxicity, abundance and persistence. Metals such as arsenic, cadmium and mercury are of greater concern since they are toxic even at low concentrations. Mercury is present at 1000 times lower concentrations than the other two metals, but still has a negative impact on the environment due to its high trans
Can you smell smoke?
Urban Creativity in Abandoned Places : Xenia Hotels Project, Greece
Rome: Republic to Empire
Agera mera : Rapport från samverkansdialog om ESS, MAX IV, och svensk life science 2018 - 2019
Restriction-site associated DNA sequencing supports a sister group relationship of Nigritella and Gymnadenia (Orchidaceae)
The orchid genus Nigritella is closely related to Gymnadenia and has from time to time been merged with the latter. Although Nigritella is morphologically distinct, it has been suggested that the separating characters are easily modifiable and subject to rapid evolutionary change. So far, molecular phylogenetic studies have either given support for the inclusion of Nigritella in Gymnadenia, or for