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Time-Resolved and Frequency-Resolved Laser Spectroscopy in Free and Perturbed Atoms
Time-resolved VUV laser spectroscopy has been performed to determine radiative lifetimes of several elements in atomic-beam systems. VUV radiation was generated by means of resonant four-wave mixing and stimulated anti-Stokes Raman shifting. Several methods to produce free atoms are presented and different techniques to determine radiative lifetimes are discussed. Doppler-free laser spectroscopy
Slemsvampar och svampar.
A 31.25/125MSps Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma ADC with 64/59dB SNDR in 130nm CMOS
A order 3-bit continuous-time (CT) ΔΣ ADC is presented in this paper. The design equations starting from a discrete-time reference modulator to the circuit implementation are given. The non-return to zero (NRZ) DAC pulses have a half clock cycle loopdelay which is corrected by the feedforward (also known as PI) loop delay compensation, and nonlinearities in the DACs are suppressed by data-weighted
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The Bible, Nostra Aetate, and the ‘Good Text-Bad Text’ Hermeneutics
In this article it is argued that a peculiar dichotomy between pro-Hebrews and pro-Pauline readers has been construed in Jewish-Christians relations, which has resulted in Hebrews being read differently, compared to the Pauline epistles.
Private Rivers : Politics of Renewable Energy and the Rise of Water Struggles in Turkey
Popular Abstract in English We won’t give up Anatolia! Shouting this slogan, thousands of villagers marched towards Ankara, protesting against the projects that threaten to channel Anatolian rivers into hydro-power plants. The majority of demonstrators did not reach Ankara. The police stopped them at the city gates for disturbing the public order: hydroelectricity development is a national prioritPrivate Rivers is a study of contested processes whereby use rights to water are privatised for electricity production. It engages with the issues of renewable energy solutions and the sustainability of run-of-river hydro projects in Turkey by investigating the connection between these policies and justice for rural populations, whose livelihood depends on the rivers. Since 2001, water privatisati
Sex i hinduismen: från askes till extas
The chapter presents an overview of the importance of sexuality in, and its points of intersection with, Hindu religion, historically and in the contemporary world. Among the themes discussed are eroticism as religious imagery and role-play, ascetic ideals of chastity, contrasts between the treatment of sexuality in religious law and secular manuals of love, sacral and ritulized sexuality, sexual
Comparison of measured and calculated temperature and relative humidity with varied and constant air flow in the facade air gap
Calculation of relative humidity and temperature in an early stage of the design process is important to avoid moisture damages in wooden walls. Previous studies show that a sufficient air flow in the air gap behind the façade panel is important to ensure a moisture safe construction. This study investigates if blind WUFI 5.0 calculations with a varied air flow in the air gap behind the façade giv
Välkommen hem Mr Swanson : svenska emigranter och svenskhet på film
Från 1840 och ett sekel framåt utvandrade över en miljon människor från Sverige till Amerika. Att så många valde att lämna Sverige för att söka ett bättre liv på andra sidan Atlanten var ett stort trauma för den svenska nationen. Filmmakarna var inte sena att på olika sätt belysa fenomenet som skulle få märkbar betydelse för den svenska nationella identiteten. I Välkommen hem Mr Swanson analyserar
Xanthophyll Cycle in the Light of Thylakoid Membrane Lipids - Membrane Packing, Curvature Elastic Stress and Enzyme Binding
Popular Abstract in Swedish Fotosyntetiska membraner utsätts för stress vid höga ljusintensiteter och skador kan lätt uppstå. En av de viktigaste skyddande substanserna i växter är karotenoiden zeaxantin. Zeaxantin bildas från violaxantin i xantofyllcykeln och bildningen katalyseras av enzymet violaxantin de-epoxidas (VDE). I aktiv form är enzymet bundet till det fotosyntetiska membranet (tylakoidThe xanthophyll cycle involves the light-dependent and reversible conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin. The enzyme, violaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE) catalyses the conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin, via the intermediate antheraxanthin. VDE is a membrane-hosted enzyme during its activity. Low lumenal pH, violaxanthin, ascorbate and monogalactosyldiacylglycerol are required for activity. Th
Beslutsstödjande system underlättar investeringar
Height-length Joint Distributions for Computation of Static Wave Loading on Floating Bodies
We present a method for the estimation of the distribution of the quasi-static hogging-bending moment for a floating body. Starting points of this study are temporal characteristics of the sea state. The approximation is deduced from the estimation of the joint distribution of crest amplitude and crest length. The quality of the model is investigated by comparing computed distributions with empiri
Selenium Compounds and Antioxidant Capacity in Bovine Milk. Studies on Glutathione Peroxidase, Bioavailability and Electrochemical Techniques
The efficacy and function of antioxidants have been intensively studied in foods and other biological systems in recent decades. This thesis concerns different aspects of the antioxidant properties of bovine milk, with emphasis on measurement of the total antioxidant capacity (TAC), the activity of the selenium-containing glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx), and the bioavailability of selenium from bov
Vegetationsmätningar i ängs- och hagmarker: en statistisk utvärdering av nålsticksmetoden samt diskussion kring artarea-analysen
Mimicking the immunoregulatory properties of primary dendritic cells in vitro − A rational approach to design a test system.
Vilhelm Ekelund och den problematiska författarrollen
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