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Willingness to Pay for a Reduction in Road Mortality Risk: Evidence from Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling består av ett introduktionskapitel, följt av tre kapitel i vilka individens betalningsvilja för att reducera väg- och personbildödsrisken skattas, baserat både på observerade och hypotetiska val. I kapitel 2 används den hedoniska regressionstekniken på den svenska personbilsmarknaden för att skatta värdet av trafiksäkerhet. Resultaten från studien visaThe thesis consists of an introductory chapter, followed by three chapters in which willingness to pay (WTP) for a reduction in car- and road-mortality risk is estimated using both revealed- and stated-preference methods. In chapter 2 the hedonic regression technique is used to estimate the value of traffic safety, using information from the Swedish market for automobiles. The results from the st

Evaluation of under- and overreporting of energy intake in the 24-hour diet recalls in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)

Objective: To evaluate under- and overreporting and their determinants in the EPIC :24-hour diet recall (24-HDR) measurements collected in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Design: Cross-sectional analysis. 24-HDR measurements were obtained by means of a standardised computerised interview program (EPIC-SOFT). The ratio of reported energy intake (EI) to estim

Decreased expression of heat shock protein 72 in skeletal muscle of patients with type 2 diabetes correlates with insulin resistance

Oxidative stress has been ascribed a role in the pathogenesis of diabetes and its complications, and stress proteins have been shown to protect organisms in vitro and in vivo against oxidative stress. To study the putative role of one of the most abundant cytoprotective stress proteins, inducible cytoplasmic 72-kDa-mass heat shock protein (Hsp-72), in the pathogenesis of diabetes, we measured its

Effects of elevated CO2 and N deposition on CH4 emissions from European mires

[1] Methane fluxes were measured at five sites representing oligotrophic peatlands along a European transect. Five study plots were subjected to elevated CO2 concentration (560 ppm), and five plots to NH4NO3 (3 or 5 g N yr(-1)). The CH4 emissions from the control plots correlated in most cases with the soil temperatures. The depth of the water table, the pH, and the DOC, N and SO4 concentrations w

Don Pedro - saknad i paradiset

February 22, 1756, exactly 250 years ago, died one of Linnaeus’ apostles, the Swede Pehr Löfling, at the missions of San Antonio de Caroní, Venezuela. He was buried under an orange tree, just 27 years old. Sent by Linnaeus to participate in a Spanish border expedition, led by José de Iturriaga, he had the task to explore the flora and fauna of the New World. After spending more than two years in S

Radio Frequency Systems for NMR Imaging: Coil Development and Studies of Non-Thermal Biological Effects

This thesis concerns both design and optimization of NMR imaging systems and studies on non-thermal biological effects of electromagnetic fields. These two research fields are linked together by the fact that humans are subject to static and pulsed magnetic fields as well as to magnetic radio frequency fields (RF) during an NMR imaging investigation. This work bridges the gap between technology, p

Supramolecular Structures of Poly(γ-benzyl-L-glutamate) Self-Assembled on Mica Surface

This article reports the results of structural studies of poly (-benzyl-L-glutamate) (PBLG) layers self-assembled from dilute solutions in organic solvents on mica surface. Polarized dynamic light scattering and atomic force microscopy were used to study polymer properties in solutions and on the surface. The hierarchy of self-assembly from PBLG solutions in different solvents was investigated as

A systematic overview of radiation therapy effects in uterine cancer (corpus uteri)

A systematic review of radiation therapy trials in several tumour types was performed by The Swedish Council of Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU). The procedures for evaluation of the scientific literature are described separately (Acta Oncol 2003; 42: 357-365). This synthesis of the literature on radiation therapy for uterine cancer is based on data from one randomized study Moreover, da

Sexually transmitted diseases in Swedish women with experience of casual sex with men of foreign nationalities within Sweden

BACKGROUND. This study was performed in women who had attended the clinic for contraceptive advice to determine whether a history of casual sex with a foreign male, previously unknown to them (SFM) in their home country (Sweden), constituted an increased risk for acquiring sexually transmitted diseases (STD) as compared to women without such an experience (COMP). METHODS. Of 996 women enrolled, an

Resistance to aspirin is increased by ST-elevation myocardial infarction and correlates with adenosine diphosphate levels

BACKGROUND: To be fully activated platelets are dependent on two positive feedback loops; the formation of thromboxane A2 by cyclooxygenase in the platelets and the release of ADP. We wanted to evaluate the effect of aspirin on platelet function in patients with acute coronary syndromes and we hypothesized that increased levels of ADP in patients with acute coronary syndromes could contribute to a

The effect of vitamin B-12 on total plasma homocysteine concentration in folate-replete hemodialysis patients

Aim: Results from several studies indicate that the total homocysteine (tHcy) concentration in plasma is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease in hemodialysis patients. Folic acid is the established mainstay of homocysteine-lowering treatment, but since such treatment does not normalize plasma tHcy concentration in hemodialysis patients, it is of importance to search for additional