

Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar

Validation of a Parent-Reported Diagnostic Instrument in a U.S. Referral Population : The Childhood Eczema Questionnaire

Background/Objectives: There is a paucity of validated tools for diagnosing atopic dermatitis (AD) in very young children that do not rely on clinical evaluation. The Childhood Eczema Questionnaire (CEQ)-a diagnostic tool for AD in children younger than 2 years that a caretaker can complete-was recently validated in Sweden. The objective of this study was to validate the tool in a U.S. population.

The oxygen isotope evolution of parent body aqueous solutions as recorded by multiple carbonate generations in the Lonewolf Nunataks 94101 CM2 carbonaceous chondrite

The CM2 carbonaceous chondrite LON 94101 contains aragonite and two generations of calcite that provide snapshots of the chemical and isotopic evolution of aqueous solutions during parent body alteration. Aragonite was the first carbonate to crystallize. It is rare, heterogeneously distributed within the meteorite matrix, and its mean oxygen isotope values are δ18O 39.9±0.6‰, δ17O -0.3±1.0‰ (1σ).

Acute cellular rejection later than one year after heart transplantation : A single-center retrospective study at Skåne University Hospital in Lund 1988-2010

Routine endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) to detect acute cellular rejection (ACR) late (>1 year) after heart transplantation (HT) remains debated. To gain knowledge on late ACR and thereby approach this issue, we studied the incidence, predictors, and outcome of late ACR. 815 late EMBs from 183 patients transplanted 1988-2010 were retrospectively reviewed until June 30, 2012. Only 4.4% of the routine a

Enteral Pancreatic-like Enzymes of Microbial Origin affect Insulin Release during an Intravenous Glucose Tolerance Test

We have previously shown that the presence of pancreatic enzymes in the gut lumen of exocrine pancreatic insufficient pigs influences blood glucose and insulin levels during an intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT). The present study aims to highlight the effects of orally applied pancreatic-like enzymes on blood glucose and plasma insulin levels during an IVGTT in young intact pigs. Five, 7-

Verification of the susceptibility loci on 7p12.2, 10q21.2, and 14q11.2 in precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia of childhood

Recent genome-wide association data have implicated genetic variation at 7p12.2 (IKZF1), 10q21.2 (ARIDB5), and 14q11.2 (CEBPE) in the etiology of B-cell childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). To verify and further examine the relationship between these variants and ALL risk, we genotyped 1384 cases of precursor B-cell childhood ALL and 1877 controls from Germany and the United Kingdom. The

Recovery From Heavy Vocal Loading in Women With Different Degrees of Functional Voice Problems

Type of Study: This is a longitudinal, case-control clinical trial. Objectives: This study aims to track recovery time following a vocal loading task (VLT) imposing vocal fatigue and to explore if patients with functional dysphonia (FD) are worse affected by vocal loading, and if these patients take longer than others to recover. Methods: Fifty (n = 50) female participants in four vocal subgroups

Aqueous alteration of chondrules from the Murchison CM carbonaceous chondrite : Replacement, pore filling, and the genesis of polyhedral serpentine

Forsterite and clinoenstatite in type IAB chondrules from the Murchison CM carbonaceous chondrite have been partially serpentinized, and the mechanisms of their alteration reveal crystallographic and microstructural controls on the reaction of silicate minerals with parent body aqueous solutions. Grains of forsterite were altered in two stages. Narrow veinlets of Fe-rich serpentine formed first an

Extended chronologies of aqueous alteration in the CM2 carbonaceous chondrites : Evidence from carbonates in Queen Alexandra Range 93005

The Antarctic CM2 carbonaceous chondrite QUE 93005 contains four compositionally distinct carbonates, namely breunnerite, calcite, dolomite and a Ca-poor dolomite. These carbonates can form monomineralic grains, or may be intergrown as bimineralic grains consisting of dolomite plus breunnerite and dolomite plus calcite, or polymineralic grains containing an intergrowth of breunnerite, Ca-poor dolo

Forskare: Årsredovisningar är en kulturell ritual

Årsredovisningar handlar inte bara om att kommunicera ett företags resultat och finansiella ställning utan även om att att upprätthålla förtroendet för finansmarknaden och kapitalismen. De fungerar mer som en ritual än som allsidig information, skriver forskarna Henrik Rahm och Peter Svensson.

Semantic Knowledge, Domains of Meaning and Conceptual Spaces

The main thesis of this chapter is that children do not learn single new words but rather new words that belong to the same domain. For example, once they learn a word for a color, other color words will be learned soon after. The chapter presents a model of such domain-oriented language learning. Conceptual spaces are used as a framework for modeling the semantic processes involved in language ac

Varumärken : vår tids symboler

A contribution to the Swedish National Encyclopedia (year book) on brands as symbols of our time. Definitions, examples, and reflections of the phenomenon of brands.

100 million years of multigene family evolution : Origin and evolution of the avian MHC class IIB

Background: Gene duplication has led to a most remarkable adaptation involved in vertebrates' host-pathogen arms-race, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). However, MHC duplication history is as yet poorly understood in non-mammalian vertebrates, including birds. Results: Here, we provide evidence for the evolution of two ancient avian MHC class IIB (MHCIIB) lineages by a duplication event