Din sökning på "*" gav 528103 sökträffar
Trade-offs between precision and fluctuations in charging finite-dimensional quantum batteries
Within quantum thermodynamics, many tasks are modeled by processes that require work sources represented by out-of-equilibrium quantum systems, often dubbed quantum batteries, in which work can be deposited or from which work can be extracted. Here we consider quantum batteries modeled as finite-dimensional quantum systems initially in thermal equilibrium that are charged via cyclic Hamiltonian pr
Conclusion : Tourism, cyclones, hurricanes and flooding: An emerging research agenda
Beyond the Big Five factors : using facets and nuances for enhanced prediction in life outcomes
Research on personality traits predicting life outcomes has typically been investigated using the Big Five factors and only occasionally their facets. However, recent research suggests that the use of items (reflecting personality nuances) can account for more predictive variance. The aim of the present study was to examine the predictive validity for various life outcomes comparing the hierarchic
Cultural Values and Productivity
This paper estimates differences in human capital as country-of-origin specific labor productivity terms in firm production functions, making it immune to wage discrimination concerns. After accounting for education and experience, estimated human capital varies by a factor of around three between the 90th and the 10th percentile. When I investigate which country-of-origin characteristics most clo
Cartilage destruction in early rheumatoid arthritis patients correlates with CD21−/low double-negative B cells
Background: Involvement of B cells in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is supported by the presence of disease-specific autoantibodies and the efficacy of treatment directed against B cells. B cells that express low levels of or lack the B cell receptor (BCR) co-receptor CD21, CD21−/low B cells, have been linked to autoimmune diseases, including RA. In this study, we characterized the
Non-lethal sampling for assessment of mitochondrial function does not affect metabolic rate and swimming performance
A fundamental issue in the metabolic field is whether it is possible to understand underlying mechanisms that characterize individual variation. Whole-animal performance relies on mitochondrial function as it produces energy for cellular processes. However, our lack of longitudinal measures to evaluate how mitochondrial function can change within and among individuals and with environmental contex
G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER)/GPR30 forms a complex with the β1-adrenergic receptor, a membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) scaffold protein, and protein kinase A anchoring protein (AKAP) 5 in MCF7 breast cancer cells
G protein-coupled receptor 30 (GPR30), also named G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER), and the β1-adrenergic receptor (β1AR) are G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) that are implicated in breast cancer progression. Both receptors contain PSD-95/Discs-large/ZO-1 homology (PDZ) motifs in their C-terminal tails through which they interact in the plasma membrane with membrane-associated guanylat
Time-range FDA beampattern characteristics
Current literature show that frequency diverse arrays (FDAs) are able of producing range–angle-dependent and time-variant transmit beampatterns, but the resulting time and range dependencies and their characteristics are still not well understood. This paper examines the FDA transmission model with an emphasis on analyzing the beam auto-scanning characteristics and the equivalence with the MIMO be
BLINDED BY THE RETRO, What sound aesthetics reminiscent of the 1980’s reveal in the personas of The Weeknd and Charli XCX
This essay examines the effect of eighties synth-pop influences on modern day pop music production. The study analyzes retro aesthetics in the music of Charli XCX and The Weeknd, with the aim to gain a deeper understanding of the effect the 1980’s have on mainstream pop music. Synthesizers, drum-machines, rhythm, vocals, effects and timbre of these songs are analyzed to reveal how retro sound aest
Lunds universitet studenters klubbkultur “Spelar musiken roll på Lunds nationer?”
In Lund, a club culture has been evolving among the city's university students, which has had a great importance on the university life. It is not uncommon for students to go out to a nightclub several times a week, particularly to Student Nations clubs. I have therefore chosen to investigate clubculture in Lund university, through participant observation and interviews. I have also decided to
Zumba och den Andre: En visuell studie av Zumbas marknadsföring från ett postkolonialt perspektiv
It can be seen as if though Zumba has taken it upon themselves to mend the growing gap between humans of different ethnicities and cultural backgrounds in the world. Zumba and the Other investigates Zumba from a postcolonial perspective and questions the methods which Zumba use to reach their supposed ambition of uniting the world in one dance class. Zumba and the Other asks the question of who Z
Hur kan kontor bli hem? - Konvertering av kontorslokaler till bostäder ur ett fastighetsägarperspektiv
De svenska kontorsmarknaderna i Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö har sett ökade vakansgrader under de senaste åren. En viktig faktor bakom detta är anställdas preferenser efter Covid-19-pandemin. Även om närvaron på kontoren har börjat öka igen, har utnyttjandegraden sjunkit i Sverige, och hyresgäster prioriterar nu sin hyresportfölj och ytoptimering för att spara kostnader. Vakans i kontorsbyggnaderThe Swedish office markets especially in the three major cities Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö have experienced increased vacancy rates in recent years. One key factor behind this is employees' preferences post the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite a gradual return to offices, the utilization rate has decreased in Sweden, prompting tenants to prioritize their lease portfolios and space optimization
How Rights-based Penality Leads Nowhere
Publicerad på bloggen "Frontiers of Socio-Legal Studies"Published at the blog "Frontiers of Socio-Legal Studies"
On Swedish lexical stress patterns
När blir liten tillräckligt stor? - En studie av bostadsfastigheter i Skåne
Inom fastighetsbildning är lämplighetskravet ett centralt begrepp som lägger grunden för alla fastighetsbildningar och fastighetsregleringar som genomförs. Grundpelarna som bygger upp lämplighetsprövningen är belägenhet, omfång, och övriga förutsättningar. Trots detta finns det förhållandevis lite fasta gränser eller riktmärken att hålla sig till, vilket delvis är meningen, men det kan göra lämpliA property’s suitability is a central part of the Swedish Property Formation Act. It states that any creation or reformation of property must be suitable in regards to range, situation and other circumstances. Despite this, the actual requirements as to what is suitable are very vague, which in part is on purpose to account for changing politics and research. This master’s thesis aims to clarify t
Värdeskapande kommunikation : Ledande beslutsfattares och kommunikatörers perspektiv
Sustainable Welfare: Decoupling Welfare from Growth and Prioritising Needs Satisfaction for All
Welfare capitalism has developed in the context of rapidly expanding, fossil fuel-driven industrial economies. Faced with the urgent need for systematic changes of economic systems so that they stay within planetary limits, decoupling welfare from economic growth is an important task. This chapter introduces the concept of sustainable welfare, referring to welfare systems that prioritise the satis
Strategies for place making and branding through food and food experiences
Klimatflykting, inte en riktig flykting? De sjunkande önationernas argumentation för asyl utifrån rätten till liv.
Det internationella rättssystemet har ännu inte erkänt ’klimatflyktingar’ som flyktingar berättigade asyl, trots att klimatförändringarna resulterat i att människor tvingats evakuera sina hem. Stilla havets så kallade ’Sinking States’ är samtidens främsta klimatoffer och belyser rättssystemets brister i att skydda de som drabbas. Syftet med arbetet är därför att utreda hur två olika asylrätts fall