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ESS ligger i malpåse
Flyktingen och dess politik i ett föränderligt samhälle
Metal Binding Tags - Characterisation, Use in Bioseparation and Applications of Green Fluorescent Fusion Proteins
Most of the recombinant proteins produced nowadays are fused to affinity tags, in order to facilitate their purification through affinity chromato-graphy. Out the different tags available, poly-histidine tags are among the most commonly used and can help purification through immobilised metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC). In this thesis, we present different metal binding tags, and their af
Blir det bara värre? Svensk klimatpåverkan under 200 år
Vägval 2050: Styrningsutmaningar och förändringsstrategier för en omställning till ett kolsnålt samhälle
Today there are climate policy targets within the EU and Sweden about limiting global warming and drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In order to stay within the goal of a global warming of less than 2 ºC, the industrialised countries should decrease their emissions by 80-95 % in 2050, and bring them down to zero in the longer run. Scenario studies indicate that this is possible to achi
Lexis in contrast. Corpus-based approaches
Småhusproduktion av tegelhus : en jämförande studie
Artificial receptors: New opportunities for the exploitation of molecularly imprinted polymers
Molecular imprinting, method for creating artificial receptors that are mimics of biological antibodies and receptors, is based on the concept of creating substrate-specific recognition sites in polymeric matrices by means of template polymerisation. The polymeric receptors produced display favourable binding characteristics, such as high affinity and specificity towards the substrate molecules. C
Tekniska möjligheter och sociala begränsningar - om äldre människors väg in i IT-samhället
Artikeln visar statistik och diskuterar möjligheterna och begränsningarna i äldres tillgänglighet till i IT-samhället under senare delen av 1990-talet. Resultatet från en intervjuundersökning (n=186)visar att äldre IT-användare kan kategoriseras i beroende, akriva och avancerade användare och att detta formas av tillgången, förmågan, förväntningarna, självbilden och dagliga restriktioner (sociala
Temporal variation and phytotoxicity of Batatasin-III produced by Empetrum hermaphroditum
In northern Sweden, the clonal dwarf shrub Empetrum hermaphroditum Hagerup exerts strong inhibitory effects on other plant species. These inhibitory effects may, at least in part, be attributed to the high production of the secondary metabolite, batatasin-III, which is released from leaves and transported to the soil by rain (throughfall) and snowmelt. Considerable amounts of batatasin-III are als
Technologies for Adaptation to Climate Change: a Stepchild of International Climate Negotiations
The Role of the Mass Media in Environmental Concern
Introduction: Same-sex sexuality and the law in Scandinavia 1842-2007
Crash Prediction Models for Intersections on Rural Multilane Highways: Differences by Collision Type
Accident prediction models are often used to predict the number of accidents on segments and at intersections in the road network. Most often the models are developed for a total number of crashes for the facility, or crashes by severity. However, the frequency and severity of crashes of different types can be expected to vary with regards to the underlying phenomena that cause them to occur. To b