Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar
A Tool for Utility Disturbance Management
Disturbances in the supply of utilities may lead to large economical losses at industrial sites. In order to take appropriate decisions on for which utilities improvement efforts should be made, a tool for evaluating the economical effects of utility disturbances is needed. This paper presents a tool for quickly estimating the revenue loss caused by each utility, using simple matrix operations. A
Hybrid Drive Systems for Vehicles - Part 1
Ergonomics, economics, and the law : The international regime of maritime security
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Jourhavande historiker
This book is a collection of texts that have previously been published in Svenska Dagbladet.
Islam, Knowledge and ‘the West’: The making of a Global Islam
Räddningstjänstutbildning för brandingenjörer - en utvärdering
Policymaking in transitional economies: poverty reduction and health care in Cambodia and Laos
First steps towards a computational theory of autism
A computational model with three interacting components for context sensitive re-inforcement learning, context processing and automation can autonomously learn a focus attention and a shift attention task. The performance of the model is similar to that of normal children, and when a single parameter is changed, the performance on the two tasks approaches that of autistic children.
The Connection Between a Real Fire Exposure and the Heating Conditions According to Standard Fire Resistance Tests - With Special Application to Steel Structures
Planering för framsteg och gemenskap : Om den kommunala utvecklingsplaneringens idémässiga förutsättningar
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur är det möjligt att planera om en kommun från arbetarstad till kunskapsstad? Idag har en rad svenska och europeiska kommunledningar ambitionen att återuppfinna städer genom att tvätta bort industristaden och ersätta den med en kunskaps-, informations-, kultur-, och/eller evenemangstad. Den här formen av kommunal utvecklingsplanering har genererat en rad olika frågor What are the discursive pre-conditions for planning? In this dissertation the author analyzes and critically assesses the assumptions which underlie our thinking about planning. This is done in an analysis of firstly, how planning is legitimized, and secondly, what consequences these forms of legitimation have for planning theory as well as for planning as a political practice. The author describ
Identity-related Issues in Contact-induced Historical Changes
No title
Abstract in Undetermined Allt börjar med frågorna: Det eviga - betyder det något idag? Hur ser den akademiska friheten ut? När blir en samling människor en konstellation och vad innebär sådana sammanslutningar? Några av Sveriges främsta författare, forskare och kulturpersoner diskuterar. De talade orden räcker snart inte till. Istället leder dialogen till ett utbyte av texter. Iderika och egensinn
Livsbejakelse och livstrots. Sivar Arnér – författaren som aldrig åldrades
En exposé över Sivar Arnérs författarskap från debuten 1943 till hans sista sista roman Räkna till tre, som utkom 1991. Uppsatsen avslutas med en studie av Räkna till tre.
Ustinov, Sir Peter (1921-2004)
Citizenship in Nordic welfare states: Dynamics of choice, duties and participation in a changing Europe
Enhanced 3D-GIS : Documenting Insula V 1 in Pompeii
This project was recently carried out as a part of The Swedish Pompeii Project, which was started in 2000 as a research and fieldwork activity initiated by the Swedish Institute in Rome. The aim was to record and analyze an entire Pompeian city block, Insula V 1. Since autumn 2011 a new branch of advanced digital archaeology, involving 3D reconstructions and documentation methods, was added to the