

Din sökning på "*" gav 535606 sökträffar

Antibodies targeting the shared cytokine receptor IL-1 receptor accessory protein invoke distinct mechanisms to block all cytokine signaling

Interleukin-1 (IL-1)-family cytokines are potent modulators of inflammation, coordinating a vast array of immunological responses across innate and adaptive immune systems. Dysregulated IL-1-family cytokine signaling, however, is involved in a multitude of adverse health effects, such as chronic inflammatory conditions, autoimmune diseases, and cancer. Within the IL-1 family of cytokines, six—IL-1

Genomic deletion of Bcl6 differentially affects conventional dendritic cell subsets and compromises Tfh/Tfr/Th17 cell responses

Conventional dendritic cells (cDC) play key roles in immune induction, but what drives their heterogeneity and functional specialization is still ill-defined. Here we show that cDC-specific deletion of the transcriptional repressor Bcl6 in mice alters the phenotype and transcriptome of cDC1 and cDC2, while their lineage identity is preserved. Bcl6-deficient cDC1 are diminished in the periphery but

A framework for business continuity management in a multiactor context

Business continuity management (BCM) is an analytic process capable of fostering the resilience of critical societal functions. While previous research on BCM primarily has focused on its applications within individual organizations, today's modern society involves networks of interdependent actors collectively delivering these essential functions to end users. This necessitates an expansion of BC

Temperature behavior of Ce3+ emission in (Lu,Y)2SiO5 single crystals excited by vacuum ultraviolet synchrotron light

Cerium doped (Lu,Y)2SiO5 (or LYSO) single crystals have been studied by means of luminescence excitation spectroscopy in the temperature range from 7 up to 300 K. Vacuum ultraviolet excitations in 4.5–8 eV energy range from synchrotron radiation of 1.5 GeV storage ring of MAX IV synchrotron facility. It is shown that both type of Ce3+ emission centers (seven and six coordinated centers) are excite

Debating the Populist Pariah : Changing Party Dynamics and Elite Rhetoric in the Swedish Riksdag

Radical right populist parties have often been treated as “pariahs,” being excluded from coalition politics in parliamentary democracies. We argue that negative rhetoric targeted at radical right populist parties in legislative debates is used by the established parties to distance themselves from such parties and that the incentives to do so depend on the political context. Using sentiment analys

Hepcidin, in contrast to heparin binding protein, does not portend acute kidney injury in patients with community acquired septic shock

Background Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common and severe complication in patients treated at an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The pathogenesis of AKI has been reported to involve hypoperfusion, diminished oxygenation, systemic inflammation, and damage by increased intracellular iron concentration. Hepcidin, a regulator of iron metabolism, has been shown to be associated with sepsis and septic shoc

Protecting the Mind? How Inhibitory Control and Emotional Distress Relate to Intrusive Memories After Trauma Analogue Exposure

Intrusive memories are a chief complaint after trauma exposure and a hallmark symptom of posttraumatic stress disorder. Using a well-established trauma-film paradigm, the present study sought to investigate the role of inhibitory control ability and emotional distress as predictors of memory intrusion frequency. A nonclinical sample was recruited for participation in a trauma analogue exposure exp

Quantification of the release rate of the aggregation pheromone of the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), using solid-phase microextraction (SPME)

The aggregation pheromone of the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), has previously been identified as the monoterpenoid ester neryl (S)-2-methylbutanoate. It attracts both male and female adults to traps in commercial glasshouses. In this paper, we investigate the rates of production of this compound at two male densities and in the presence or absence of

The Effect of COVID-Related Quarantine and Attitudes on Time Conceptualization : Evidence From Temporal Focus and Implicit Space-Time Mappings

The temporal focus hypothesis (TFH) entails that individuals who value the past tend to conceptualize it in front, whereas individuals who value the future tend to map the future in front instead (de la Fuente et al., 2014). This varies as a function of culture, individual differences, and context. Here, we extend this line of inquiry by testing a contextual variable, namely COVID-19 quarantine st

Flying insect swarms

Dublon and Sumpter give a concise and access guide to flying insect swarms, some of which, such as the crop-eating locust swarms, are pests, while others, such as honeybee swarms and migrating butterflies, are beneficial.

Thinking for speaking

This chapter provides an overview of current research on thinking-for-speaking and second language acquisition. The Thinking-for-Speaking hypothesis (Slobin, 1996) posits that whilst in the process of producing speech, speakers channel their attention according to the linguistic categories of their language. As a result, speakers of different languages think differently during speech production. W

Feeling the past : an emotional reflection on an archive

This article looks at the photographic parts of the archive of racial biology in Uppsala, Sweden. This material is approached both through works by Swedish Sámi artist Katarina Pirak Sikku as well as through close engagements with the archive itself and its historical circumstances. In the article, the focus is on affective and emotional relations to the archival photographs and the events of thei

A reply to Nieberding and Holveck : Beyond experimental design and proximate mechanisms - mate choice in the face of sexual conflict

We summarise our work on male mating behaviour in the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana, responding to the commentary provided by Nieberding and Holveck. We acknowledge that our laboratory studies are not free of shortcomings and potential caveats, though we attempted to address or highlight these within each paper. The concerns raised seem to stem mainly from different notions with respect to t

Kapacitetsbyggande för ekosocial integration : Utmaningar och möjligheter för Lunds kommun

Klimatförändringar och social rättvisa är två sammanlänkade utmaningar för städer och kommuner. I takt med att miljö- och klimatkriserna förvärras blir behovet av att sammanlänka ekologisk och social hållbarhet alltmer centralt för städers och kommuners omställning. Tidigare separata åtgärder för dessa områden har ofta misslyckats med att tillvarata synergier och hantera motsättningar. Projektet u

Thyroid disease in ANCA-associated vasculitis : a clinical and epidemiological study

Objectives To describe clinical and laboratory characteristics and outcomes in patients with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV) and thyroid disease (TD). We also aimed to calculate incidence and identify predictors of TD in two large cohorts of patients with AAV. Methods The study comprised 644 patients with AAV in a population-based cohort from southern Sweden

Weyl spin-momentum locking in a chiral topological semimetal

Spin-orbit coupling in noncentrosymmetric crystals leads to spin-momentum locking – a directional relationship between an electron’s spin angular momentum and its linear momentum. Isotropic orthogonal Rashba spin-momentum locking has been studied for decades, while its counterpart, isotropic parallel Weyl spin-momentum locking has remained elusive in experiments. Theory predicts that Weyl spin-mom

A comparative study of satellite altimetry-based and DEM-based methods for estimating lake water volume changes

This study compared two different methods, the satellite altimetry-based and DEM (digital elevation model)-based, for estimating lake water volume changes. We focused on 34 lakes in China as the testing sites to compare the two methods for lake water volume changes from 2005 to 2020. The satellite altimetry-based method used water levels provided by the DAHITI (Database for Hydrological Time Serie