

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Is Engagement Intimate? A Process Fluency Perspective on Content Category and Modality across TikTok and Instagram

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze how platform and content intimacy affect customer engagement on TikTok and Instagram. Furthermore, it aims to investigate how different content categories (rational, interactional, and transactional) and modalities (video vs. photo) affect engagement levels on both platforms, if there is evidence of distinguished performances across TikTok an

"Unveiling the Impact of Corporate Brand Activism through Commodification of LGBTQ+ Movements."

In recent years, social marketing, particularly LGBTQ+ advocacy, has become increasingly prevalent in many brands' communication techniques, gaining significant attention. However, few attempts have been made to study its practical and strategic aspects and develop a framework for successful social marketing endeavors that companies can implement with minimal risk of failure. This study aims t

Understanding the Data Privacy concerns of Consumers on Personalised Marketing Strategies

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this research was to explore the opinion of consumers from Asia and Europe about data privacy concerns while receiving personalised marketing campaigns. We aim to contribute in existing literature on this specific domain for future researchers and companies who want to invest in these unexplored regions. Methodology: This study has used qualitative research methodo

Brand Disengagement from Social Media- Consumer’s Perception of Brands Leaving Social Media Platforms

Keywords: Brand Disengagement From Social Media, Consumer Brand Engagement, Brand Equity, Consumer Perception, Consumer- Brand Relationship Research questions: How do consumers perceive a brand’s disengagement from social media?; How does a brand's disengagement from social media shape the consumer-brand relationship? Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate how consumers perc

Consumer Behavior in Podcast Advertising: A Planned Behavior Theory Approach to Promotional Codes

This study aims to investigate the factors influencing podcast listeners' intentions to redeem promotional codes from advertisements in this medium, focusing on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) extended with the concept of trust towards podcast hosts. This research is based on the Theory of Planned Behavior while integrating trust as an additional predictor of intention to behave in the co

How do personal values, social networks, and socioeconomic status influence consumers to engage in online activism and boycotts?

This study explores the intricate dynamics and factors driving consumer engagement in online activism and boycotts, shedding light on the complex interplay between personal values, socioeconomic status, and social networks. Drawing upon and utilizing theories from other researchers, this study examines the impact of economic, social, and cultural factors that drive consumers to engage in online ac

Brand positioning through thought leadership

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate thought leadership and its potential as a strategic tool for brand positioning for B2B industrial corporations. The study aims to enhance the understanding of how thought leadership can be defined, how it can be implemented and measured, and why it might be used for brand positioning. Methodology: We conduct a qualitative multiple embedded cas

Like it or Leave it: Identity and Engagement: Consumers’ Interpretation of Sustainability Messages From Fast Fashion Brands on Social Media

Despite growing interest in sustainable communication, current research provides limited insights into how consumers perceive sustainable communication from fast fashion brands. Existing studies broadly address sustainable communication on social media but rarely focus on specific industries. White et al. (2017) noted that consumer reactions to CSR initiatives remain underexplored, particularly in

Plant-Based Diets in the Digital Era: The Role of Social Media in Vegan and Vegetarian Practices

Plant-based diets have become increasingly popular as a mainstream lifestyle choice, reflecting broader societal values and an interest in ethical consumption and environmental consciousness. Social media plays an important role in popularizing plant-based diets, serving as a channel for information sharing. However, while existing literature acknowledges the link between social media and plant-ba

Birthing Babies for National Defense - The Securitization of Falling Fertility Rates in South Korea

The decrease in fertility rate has become an increasingly pressing matter worldwide. This research employed the Copenhagen School-rooted theory of securitization in analyzing the discourse on falling fertility rates within South Korea’s defense white papers from 2012 to 2022. In contrast to the mainstream security studies, the argument is that state-specific fertility rates can be considered a thr

Co-creating urban development : local Swedish projects guided by Universal design

This chapter summarizes my doctoral thesis about Universal Design (UD) in Sweden, contributing knowledge about the understanding, implementation, and co-creation of UD. The implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Sweden made UD a guiding principle, necessitating research about the practical side of UD. Using qualitative research methods, interviews and gro

The Horseless Age, The arrival of autonomous vehicles and the challenges facing EU liability regulation

In the vehicle industry, as well as rest of society, efficiency and automatization is increasingly important. For the vehicle industry, the next big step in vehicle evolution is automated vehicles, AVs. AVs are predicted not only to make transportation easier but also safer. This thesis will further examine the present EU legislation in product liability, how the presentation of AVs will be affect

The environmental impact of the Levkart

Fossilbaserad transport är en av de största källorna till dagens globala uppvärmning och därmed är eldriven transport en viktig del till en grön omställning av samhället. Levtek Sweden AB är ett start-up bolag som vill följa med i denna omställning genom att lansera det nya eldrivna och fyrhjuliga mikromobilitetsfordonet – Levkarten. Levkarten kommer erbjuda en autonom och lätthanterlig produkt påCarbon emissions from the transport sector are one of the main drivers of climate change, and electrified transportation is one attempt to reduce the sector’s climate impact. Levtek Sweden AB is a start-up company developing the Levkart, a lightweight and autonomous four wheeled vehicle. To aid Levtek in developing a sustainable vehicle, this thesis aims to investigate the environmental impact of

Artificiell intelligens i byggbranschen - Fördelar, utmaningar och implementeringsstrategier

Samhället befinner sig i en konstant utveckling med en oavbruten ström av tekniska innovationer. Artificiell Intelligens (AI) har på senare tid blivit en central punkt för diskussion och har väckt betydande intresse inom många sammanhang. Den ökade närvaron av avancerade verktyg, såsom chatboten ChatGPT och andra AI-plattformar, har agerat som katalysator och har främjat omfattande diskussioner omSociety is in constant evolution with a continuous influx of technological innovations. Artificial intelligence (AI) has recently become a focal point of discussion and has sparked significant interest in many contexts. The increased presence of advanced tools, such as the ChatGPT chatbot and other AI platforms, has acted as a catalyst and has stimulated extensive discussions about AI's potent

Hierarchical cardiac-rhythm classification based on electrocardiogram morphology

Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is a type of cardiac arrhythmia that significantly increases the risk of stroke and heart failure. In general, in the case of patients affected by AF, their electrocardiogram (ECG) shows a typical pattern of irregular RR intervals and abnormal P waves. However, discriminating AF from a normal sinus rhythm or from other types of rhythms remains a challenging problem today.

Circular Business Models for Highly Customized Technical Products

With an increasing emphasis on sustainability, and the necessity to align with new regulations, companies face the challenge of transforming their business models to incorporate circularity. Many companies today operate according to a linear business model, where products are designed for consummation and disposal. However, to comply with new demands surrounding sustainability, companies will need