

Din sökning på "*" gav 518366 sökträffar

The upper and lower bounds on Korenblum’s constant

The purpose of this thesis is to study complex analysis, the Bergman space and Korenblum's conjecture. This is done in three parts. In the first part the proofs that the conjecture is true are studied, giving lower bounds of Korenblum's constant. The first proof is explained in detail, to make it as accessible as possible to more people. The main differences for a couple of later proofs th

Adoption of Digital Precision Agriculture Technology and Farm Data: A Case Study on Swedish Grain Farmers and On-Combine Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Quality Measurement

Lantbruket står inför stora förändringar till följd av en snabb ökning av den globala befolkningsmängden och klimatförändringar som skapar stor press på värdekedjan för matproduktion. Användningen av teknologier för precisionsodling (PA) har visat sig ha fördelar som kan vara en del av lösningen för dessa framtida utmaningar. Trots detta råder det inte konsensus inom forskarkåren om vilka aspekterThe agricultural industry is going through immense changes due to the rapid growth of the global population and climate change, creating increased pressure on the food supply chain. The use of precision agriculture (PA) technologies have shown benefits that could help solve these challenges. Despite this, there is no consensus among researchers on what aspects affect the adoption of PA technology

Improving Classification of Auditory Attention using Optimized Multitapers and Machine Learning

Kommunikation är en sådan central del av vår vardag att vi ofta glömmer hur komplicerat både att tala, men även att lyssna egentligen är. Forskning kring dessa ämnen har gjorts länge, men ännu finns det saker vi fortfarande inte förstår till fullo. En sådan sådan sak är det så kallade Cocktailpartyproblemet, vilket avser hur människor så enkelt kan urskilja röster även i fall där mycketbakgrundsljThe cocktail-party problem relates to the challenge of separating a single sound source from a noisy and crowded background based on the listener’s attention. Earlier work has been done in order to use the relations between the sounds heard and the following brain response to develop a model that can accurately classify which sound an individual listener is listening to. The model deals with an re

C.U. Driver - Outer UI for autonomous public transport

With the advent of autonomous vehicles (AV) comes a plethora of new parameters to take into consideration in automotive design. Over the years, traffic signals and rules have developed in symbiosis, and are clear and easy to understand when the communication is between drivers. It is less clear between driver and pedestrian, especially when a pedestrian intends to cross the street. A non-verbal ag

Next generation gate seating

This project is based on product development of Green Furniture Concept’s module based seating system, Ascent, targeted towards airport environments. The project started with an open brief aimed at developing an add-on for the bench series, based on user needs. The project lasted for 20 weeks. The design process used is based on the Double Diamond process which divided the work into four parts: Di

Determinants of Financial Inclusion: A Case Study of Remittance Recipients in Vietnam

The topic of financial inclusion has attracted attention from several researchers and policymakers in the recent years. However, there has been limited number of studies in the context of Vietnam, especially to explore the factors driving financial inclusion in the country. The thesis aims to investigate the determinants of financial inclusion in Vietnam with a focus on a special group: the remitt

Impact of Gamification on Social Network Platforms

This thesis examines the motivational drivers of gamification that influence the willingness to interact among platform end users. Two elements of gamification, reward and challenge were used as independent variables while playfulness, recognition, enjoyment and social influence served as mediating variables. By using TikTok as our case study, and collecting data from 281 respondents, the study so

Ett hälsofrämjande arbetsklimat - upplevelser av kommunikationen i relation till organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö (OSA)

Studiens syfte undersöker hur kommunikationen, mellan medarbetare och chef inom restaurang- och cafébranschen, kan bidra till ett hälsofrämjande arbetsklimat. Detta görs genom en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer och två strukturerade elektroniska intervjuer på två olika arbetsplatser, för att undersöka deltagarnas upplevelser om kommunikationen som rör ämnet orgaThe aim of this study explores how communication, between coworkers and managers in the restaurant and café business, can contribute to a health-promoting work climate. This is done by a qualitative method including four semi-structured interviews and two structured electronic interviews, on two different workplaces, to examine the participants’ experiences about the communication on the topic org

Varför kommer de? En kvalitativ studie om anledningarna till deltagande i vuxenutbildning på Island.

Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning av de incitament som ligger bakom människors beslut om att delta i vuxenutbildning. Vid genomförandet av studien har det utgåtts ifrån en hermeneutisk metodologi. Fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer utgör uppsatsens empiriska material. Urvalet av intervjupersoner sammanstod av två män och två kvinnor som har utexaminerats med högskolekompetens från Háskólabrú Ke

Adverse Impacts - An Empirical Examination of the Impact of Climate Extremes on Inequality in India

Climate change is receiving more attention; the public debate has started to note its significance, and the consequences have started to show. How societies are interlinked with their environment is as evident in the 21st century as ever before. This study is an attempt to examine the relationship between climate change and inequality in India. Climate change is quantified by investigating climate

Abuse of Domestic Workers in Hong Kong

Today, an increasing portion of the world's population is moving from one country to another every year to work. In recent years there has been a feminisation of labour migration where women from developing countries respond to shortages in care work in developed countries, as domestic workers. Hong Kong is today considered one of the best places of destination for foreign domestic workers. Ev

"We are actually doing this for real”: Organizational identity and identification when CSR is part of the business model

Title: “We are actually doing this for real”: Organizational identity and identification when CSR is part of the business model Seminar date: 1st of June 2020 Course: BUSN49 Degree Project in Managing People, Knowledge and Change Authors: Misha Voss Gustavsson & Olof Skäremo Supervisor: Monika Müller Key words: CSR, sustainable business model, organizational identity & organizational

Assessing annual forest phenology: a comparison of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and phenocamera datasets

Near-surface remote sensing platforms such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and phenocameras appear to be potential platforms for keeping track of seasonal dynamics at a local scale. This research focusses on extracting time series of different vegetation indices (VIs) from both platforms, computing seasonality events from them and comparing the results against spectral sensor data. Time series

Inference and Prediction of Cryptocurrency Market Returns

The potential for making profits investing in cryptocurrencies, the hedging benefits and the role in global economy, make it relevant to study the determinants of cryptocurrencies and to analyze different returns prediction models. Previous studies have focused one or some cryptocurrencies, this study analyzes the cryptocurrency market as a whole and finds the determinants of the cryptocurrency ma

Paradoxen av att motiveras när man inte behövs - En kvalitativ studie av IT-chefers motivation när deras ledarskap inte behövs i stor utsträckning

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att få en djupare förståelse för sambandet mellan behovet av att känna sig behövd och individers motivation. Mer specifikt kommer IT-chefers upplevelser om att känna sig behövda sättas i relation till det låga behovet av ledarskap inom kunskapsintensiva företag. Detta för att på en mer utförlig nivå förstå vilken roll det låga behovet av ledarskap spelar för motivation

Framing sexual assault in Japan Ardent or apathetic?

In September 2017, freelance journalist Shiori Itō filed a lawsuit against the prominent TV reporter Noriyuki Yamaguchi for sexual assault. The somewhat obscure investigative and legal handling of the case prompted notable international media coverage, however domestic coverage has been comparatively scarce and apathetic. The media’s act of presenting news in a certain manner is referred to as med

When Brands Break Consumers’ Hearts: How to Earn Consumers’ Forgiveness after a Brand Betrayal

Title: When Brands Break Consumers’ Hearts: How to Earn Consumers’ Forgiveness after a Brand Betrayal Seminar Date: 4th of June 2020 Course: BUSN39 Degree Project in Global Marketing Authors: Johanna Allard, Frida Andersson, Johanna Eckerbom Supervisor: Javier Cenamor Keywords: Brand Betrayal, Brand Management, Consumer Relationships, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Forgiveness Purpose: This st

Urban densification as an instrument for creating socially sustainable and inclusive cities? : the case of Norra Sorgenfri in Malmö, Sweden : an instrumental case study on the use of urban form as a measure for achieving social-sustainability and inclusivity

The thesis represents an instrumental case study exploring the planning and development process of the Norra Sorgenfri neighbourhood in Malmö, Sweden in relation to its envisioned and attested spatial and social inclusivity. The thesis aims to trace the existing dynamics of a growth-equity conflict in the planning and development process of Norra Sorgenfri in relation to the Sustainable Developmen