

Din sökning på "*" gav 531351 sökträffar

Taking the pulse of the Sun during the Holocene by joint analysis of C-14 and Be-10

We have studied solar variations during the Holocene (i.e., last similar to 11,700 yr) by combining a new model of the Earth's dipole moment with C-14 data from the IntCal04 record and 10 Be data from the GRIP ice core. Joint spectral analysis of the two nuclide records suggests that the periodic behavior of the Sun was particularly pronounced between 6000-4500 yr BP and 3000-2000 yr BP, with domi

Goodpasture's syndrome with concomitant immune complex mixed membranous and proliferative glomerulonephritis

Classical Goodpasture's (GP) syndrome is a monophasic illness characterized by pulmonary hemorrhage and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis with linear IgG deposition along the glomerular and distal tubular basement membrane and destructive necrotizing diffuse extracapillary crescentic glomerulonephritis. The majority of patients have circulating anti-glomerular basement membrane (GBM) antibodi

High resolution experimental measurement of turbulent flow field in a high pressure homogenizer model and its implications on turbulent drop fragmentation

Particle image velocimetry is performed on a model of a high pressure homogenizer, scaled for qualitative similarity of the one phase turbulent flow field in a production scale homogenizer. Flow fields in gap entrance, gap and gap outlet chamber are obtained with high resolution. The measurements show gap flow development and formation of a turbulent wall adherent jet when exiting into the outlet

Andelivets agitator : J A Eklund, kristendomen och kulturen

The purpose of this thesis is to study the formation of opinions in issues related to the problem area of Christianity and culture of Public Theologian J A Eklund (1863-1945). The concept of Public Theologian refers to a theologian, who by participating in the cultural debate, strives to convince the public that Christianity is a superior theory of life even in modern society, and of Christianity’

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The central question of the dissertation is whether and how African Caribbeans in the Danish West Indies identified themselves with African ethnic groups. The dissertation discusses if and how such identifications played a role in the social life of African Caribbeans and influenced how new social networks developed in the colony. The dissertation is shaped as a micro study focusing on members of the

Review of particle physics

This biennial Review summarizes much of particle physics. Using data from previous editions., plus 2778 new measurements from 645 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We also summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as Higgs bosons, heavy neutrinos, and supersymmetric particles. All the particle properties and s

Optimal steady-state design of zone volumes of bioreactors with Monod growth kinetics

This paper deals with steady-state analysis and design of bioreactors consisting of a number of completely stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) in series. The study is confined to one consumed (substrate) and one consuming constituent (biomass). The specific microbial growth rate is assumed to be described by Monod kinetics. The death of biomass is assumed to be negligible. Two optimal design problems fo

Developing a thermophilic hydrogen-producing co-culture for efficient utilization of mixed sugars

Previous studies on the extreme thermophile Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus revealed that the organism produces high yields of hydrogen on glucose and xylose, the major components of lignocellulosic hydrolysates. Preliminary experiments on mixed sugar substrates, however, indicated that xylose was preferred over glucose. The sugar preference of some other extreme thermophiles, including Caldi

Simulation of multispectral x-ray imaging scenarios by Wien shift optical spectroscopy

The acquisition of multispectral x-ray images and the treatment of such data are essential for understanding many devices that we encounter in everyday life. Examples include computerized tomography in hospitals and scanners at airports. X-ray devices remain impractical for undergraduate laboratories because of their considerable cost and the risk of exposure to ionizing radiation. One way to acqu

Friction Stir Welding in HSLA-65 Steel: Part I. Influence of Weld Speed and Tool Material on Microstructural Development

A systematic set of single-pass full penetration friction stir bead-on-plate and butt-welds in HSLA-65 steel were produced using a range of different traverse speeds (50 to 500 mm/min) and two tool materials (W-Re and PCBN). Microstructural analysis of the welds was carried out using optical microscopy, and hardness variations were also mapped across the weld-plate cross sections. The maximum and

The sex-biased brain: sexual dimorphism in gene expression in two species of songbirds

Background: Despite virtually identical DNA sequences between the sexes, sexual dimorphism is a widespread phenomenon in nature. To a large extent the systematic differences between the sexes must therefore arise from processes involving gene regulation. In accordance, sexual dimorphism in gene expression is common and extensive. Genes with sexually dimorphic regulation are known to evolve rapidly

Characteristics, development and utilization of geothermal resources - a Nordic perspective

Geothermal energy is classified as a renewable energy source and it utilizes the heat generated in the earth primarily from the natural radioactive decay of isotopes of uranium, thorium and potassium. Heat is extracted from the earth to generate geothermal energy via a carrier, usually water occurring either in the liquid or steam phase. In the late 19th century and the early 20th century, the fir

Synthetic Strategies in Molecular Imprinting.

: This chapter introduces the basic principle and the synthetic aspects of molecular imprinting. First, the use of a molecular template to guide the location of functional groups inside molecularly imprinted cavities is explained. Three different mechanisms that ensure a molecular template associates with functional monomers or the imprinted polymers, that is, through reversible covalent, noncoval

Aryl Sulfonates in Inversions at Secondary Carbohydrate Hydroxyl Groups: A New and Improved Route Toward 3-Azido-3-deoxy-beta-D-galactopyranosides

A method of using benzenesulfonates and imidazylates as leaving groups at the secondary C3 galactopyranose carbon, instead of the commonly used less stable triflate leaving group, to facilitate scale-up and improve reproducibility is disclosed. The benzenesulfonates and imidazylates were proven to be significantly more stable than the corresponding triflates and the method was used to devise an im

The God Question

The essay focuses on the apophatic tradition, Western metaphysics, and the unknown God. It presents Jaspers' thoughts on transcendence as an eye-opener. To take the issue of the unknown God, two philosophers are highlighted, David Hume and Simone Weil. For Hume the concept of the unknown God presents the problem of how might anything that is unknown have any moral influence on human beings? Simone

Model Order Reduction Based on Semidefinite Programming

The main topic of this PhD thesis is complexity reduction of linear time-invariant models. The complexity in such systems is measured by the number of differential equations forming the dynamical system. This number is called the order of the system. Order reduction is typically used as a tool to model complex systems, the simulation of which takes considerable time and/or has overwhelming memory

Infants with colic - Parents’ experiences in short and long perspectives and the effect of acupuncture treatment on crying, feeding, stooling and sleep

Popular Abstract in Swedish Spädbarn med kolik – föräldrars upplevelse i ett kortare och ett längre perspektiv samt effekten av akupunktur på barnets skrik, ätande, avföringsmönster och sömn. Spädbarnskolik definieras som ett tillstånd där ett för övrigt friskt barn skriker och gnäller mer än tre timmar per dag mer än tre dagar i veckan. Kolik drabbar ca 10 % av nyfödda barn i västvärlden. Både bInfantile colic, involving an otherwise healthy infant crying and fussing more than three hours per day and more than three days per week, is a common problem in Western countries. Both the infant and the parents suffer during the months of persistent crying and there is a risk that the establishing of the early relationship might be disturbed. Safe and effective treatment that provides relief in