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Experimental investigation of adaptive impedance matching for a MIMO terminal with CMOS SOI tuners
It is well known that user proximity introduces absorption and impedance mismatch losses that severely degrade multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) performance of handset antennas. In this work, we experimentally verified the potential of adaptive impedance matching (AIM) to mitigate user interaction effects and identified the main AIM gain mechanism in realistic systems. A practical setup includ
Differences in Scandinavian Habitus
A Structural Disanalogy between Aesthetic and Ethical Value Judgments
Helt utan ledareegenskaper
Changing clinical presentation of angiosarcomas after breast cancer: from late tumors in edematous arms to earlier tumors on the thoracic wall.
Angiosarcoma is a rare complication of breast cancer treatment. In order to define predictors, clinical presentation, and outcome, we characterized a population-based 50-year cohort of angiosarcomas after breast cancer. Clinical data were collected from all females with previous breast cancer who developed angiosarcomas/lymphangiosarcomas on the thoracic wall/upper extremity between 1958 and 2008
Det behövs en fabrik för influensavaccin i Sverige
Comparison of patients undergoing enhanced external counterpulsation and spinal cord stimulation for refractory angina pectoris.
INTRODUCTION: As more patients survive coronary events, the prevalence of patients with refractory angina pectoris is increasing. The aim was to evaluate the effects of enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) and spinal cord stimulation (SCS) and compare with optimal medically treated patients with refractory angina. METHODS: 153 patients with refractory angina were treated with either EECP, SCS
Globalization, transparency and economic growth: The vulnerability of Chinese firms to macroeconomic shocks
The process of globalization encompasses economic and financial integration. The abolition of capital controls and the dismantling of barriers of different kinds will expose previously sheltered companies to shocks originating in the global economic arena. Policymakers in already globalized countries have learned that market participants should be prepared in due time to meet the new exposure to f
Verkets mening och tolkarens val
...och von Triers skaparglädje har bara börjat
Kulturartikel om lars von trier med anledning av Peter Schepelerns bok Lars von Trier: En filminstuktörs arbejde.
On the magnetic moment and rotational spectrum of thulium169
Litteraturvetenskap på danska: Ett samtal om litteraturundervisning och litteraturforskning i Danmark
Recurrent gross mutations of the PTEN tumor suppressor gene in breast cancers with deficient DSB repair
Basal-like breast cancer (BBC) is a subtype of breast cancer with poor prognosis1, 2, 3. Inherited mutations of BRCA1, a cancer susceptibility gene involved in double-strand DNA break (DSB) repair, lead to breast cancers that are nearly always of the BBC subtype3, 4, 5; however, the precise molecular lesions and oncogenic consequences of BRCA1 dysfunction are poorly understood. Here we show that h
New excavations at the central site of Uppåkra, in the very south of Sweden
ABC om demenssjukdomar
Ackumulering av metaller i vegetation på geotekniska askkonstruktioner
Resultaten från denna studie tyder på att åldrat slaggrus som används utblandat med planteringsjord (här 50 vikt-%), till exempel i sluttäckningsändamål, inte ger upphov till betydande förhöjda metall- och metalloidhalter i engelskt rajgräs under en växtsäsong jämfört med vanliga anläggningsmaterial (här schaktmassa och bergkross). Studien visar även på vikten av att ta hänsyn till damning och
Verkligheten anfaller
Den patriotiska krigssynens dagar är räknade
Infantile colic, maternal smoking and infant feeding at 5 weeks of age.
BACKGROUND: Many parents seek help from health professionals because of their infants' persistent crying in the early months. The aetiology of this condition, often labelled ;;infantile colic'', is still unclear. AIMS: To assess whether smoking during pregnancy, and/or smoking at infant age 5 weeks, is associated with infantile colic, and to describe how feeding at infant age 5 weeks and smoking a