

Din sökning på "*" gav 527170 sökträffar

Kombinerade X-bandsanläggningar som väderradar : Jämförelse med etablerade metoder för regnmätning

Studien är en första utvärdering i Sverige av X-bandsteknik som väderradar. Den visar hur flera X-bandsradaranläggningar kan samarbeta och hur regninformationen kan användas för avrinningssimulering. Tekniken öppnar nya utvecklingsmöjligheter för VA-branschen. Det gäller inte minst driften av ledningsnätet, väderstyrning av ledningsnät och reningsverk, samt utvecklingen av publika varningssystem.In this research report, a new methodology has been developed in order to integrate several X-band radar data sets in to one complete set. Furthermore, a direct and an indirect evaluation have been conducted compared to stationary rain gauges and C-band radar. In the indirect analysis, the input data sets were integrated into runoff models for Ellinge and Lundåkra WWTP where the results were compa

Introduction : Grief. Sonic Expressions. of Loss, Pain, and Sadness.

This special issue has invited scholars to reflect upon the theme of »grief« in the format of an audio paper. This format, we thought, would offer authors a possibility to present their research in sound, in a way that gives the theme of grief the opportunity to be heard firsthand, not only described in text. We, the editors, must admit that we prepared ourselves before listening to the audio manu

Effekt av vägunderhålls- och reparationsarbeten på cyklister - Översikt av litteratur

En systematisk litteraturgenomgång gjordes avseende effekterna av vägunderhåll och reparationsarbeten på cyklister. Fynden visar att befintliga svenska riktlinjer är otydliga och inte tillräckligt tar hänsyn till cyklisters förutsättningar och behov. Det finns inte heller några tydliga exempel på hur cyklister ska hanteras i praktiken. Det finns ett tydligt behov av att utveckla tydliga standarder

Direct Observation of Liquid–Solid Two-Phase Seed Particle-Assisted Kinking in GaP Nanowire Growth

In the last decades, the metal-assisted growth approach of semiconductor nanowires (NWs) has shown its potential in controlling crystal properties, such as crystal structure, composition, and morphology. Recently, literature reports have shown successful semiconductor NW growth with multiphase seed particles under growth conditions. Exploring alternative metal seeds and the mechanisms for growing

Den litterära domkyrkan

Skildringar av Lunds domkyrka i litterära texter från 1593 (Finnsägnen) till och med Elsa Graves berättelse "Sphinxer" från 1949 och Sven Christer Swahns "Detta Lund" 1965. Genrer som sägen, reseberättelse, roman, självbiografi och dikt exemplifieras.

Life histories as mosaics : Plastic and genetic components differ among traits that underpin life-history strategies

Life-history phenotypes emerge from clusters of traits that are the product of genes and phenotypic plasticity. If the impact of the environment differs substantially between traits, then life histories might not evolve as a cohesive whole. We quantified the sensitivity of components of the life history to food availability, a key environmental difference in the habitat occupied by contrasting eco

The History of African Development : A textbook for a new generation of African students and teachers

The History of African Development – published by the African Economic History Network (AEHN) – aims to draw experts in the field of African History, Economics and African Development Studies together around an open access textbook. The textbook is primarily intended for teachers/lecturers and undergraduate students, at African universities, but also for an interested wider public audience. The AE

Avskaffa den tredje uppgiften

Den så kallade tredje uppgiften är inskriven i högskole­lagen. Tanken är att högskolorna ska samverka med det omgivande samhället och verka för att kunskap och kompetens kommer samhället till nytta. Men den tredje uppgiften faller kort och bör avskaffas, menar Per Holmgren och Peter Svensson.

Functional connectome fingerprinting across the lifespan

Systematic changes have been observed in the functional architecture of the human brain with advancing age. However, functional connectivity (FC) is also a powerful feature to detect unique “connectome fingerprints,” allowing identification of individuals among their peers. Although fingerprinting has been robustly observed in samples of young adults, the reliability of this approach has not been

Free heme and hemopexin in acute kidney injury after cardiopulmonary bypass and transient renal ischemia

Free heme is released from hemoproteins during hemolysis or ischemia reperfusion injury and can be pro-inflammatory. Most studies on nephrotoxicity of hemolysis-derived proteins focus on free hemoglobin (fHb) with heme as a prosthetic group. Measurement of heme in its free, non-protein bound, form is challenging and not commonly used in clinical routine diagnostics. In contrast to fHb, the role of

Stimulation of χ transcription by a decamer‐dependent, synergistic mechanism

The intact SP6 χ promoter stimulated transcription 30 times more efficiently than did a control promoter consisting of a TATA motif as the only promoter element. Mutation of the SP6 χ promoter decamer in two positions reduced the transcriptional stimulation activity by over 90%. Promoters containing the SP6 χ promoter octamer or a consensus octamer in front of a TATA box were ineffective immunoglo

Anomalous binocular vision in African Harrier-Hawks

An animal's visual field is the three-dimensional space around its head from which it can extract visual information at any instant1. Bird visual fields vary markedly between species, and this variation is likely to be driven primarily by foraging ecology1,2,3. The binocular visual field is the region in which the visual fields of the two eyes overlap; thus, objects in the binocular field are imag

Non-heme FeIV=O complexes supported by four new pentadentate ligands : reactivity towards H- and O-atom transfer processes

Four new pentadentate N5-donor ligands, [N-(1-methyl-2-imidazolyl)methyl-N-(2-pyridyl)-methyl-N-(bis-2-pyridylmethyl)-amine] (L1), [N-bis(1-methyl-2-imidazolyl)methyl-N-(bis-2-pyridylmethyl)amine] (L2), (N-(isoquinolin-3-ylmethyl)-1,1-di(pyridin-2-yl)-N-(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)methanamine (L3) and N,N-bis(isoquinolin-3-ylmethyl)-1,1-di(pyridin-2-yl)methanamine (L4), have been synthesized based on the

Asymptotic bayes-optimality under sparsity of some multiple testing procedures

Within a Bayesian decision theoretic framework we investigate some asymptotic optimality properties of a large class of multiple testing rules. A parametric setup is considered, in which observations come from a normal scale mixture model and the total loss is assumed to be the sum of losses for individual tests. Our model can be used for testing point null hypotheses, as well as to distinguish la

A study on how efficient measures for secondary district heating system performance can be encouraged by motivational tariffs

Background: District Heating (DH) is a technology that provides heating and domestic hot water to buildings and is an important technology for supporting the European energy transition. As such the heating systems increasingly resort to renewable heat sources and waste heat, it is even more important that they operate in the most efficient way possible. DH companies have access to the primary netw

Hyphal exploration strategies and habitat modification of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus in microengineered soil chips

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are considered ecosystem engineers, but the interactions of their mycelium with their immediate surroundings are largely unknown. In this study, we used microfluidic chips, simulating artificial soil structures, to study foraging strategies and habitat modification of Rhizophagus irregularis symbiotically associated to carrot roots. AMF hyphae foraged over long d

The Crystal Structure of Tyrosinase from Verrucomicrobium spinosum Reveals It to Be an Atypical Bacterial Tyrosinase

Tyrosinases belong to the type-III copper enzyme family, which is involved in melanin production in a wide range of organisms. Despite similar overall characteristics and functions, their structures, activities, substrate specificities and regulation vary. The tyrosinase from the bacterium Verrucomicrobium spinosum (vsTyr) is produced as a pre-pro-enzyme in which a C-terminal extension serves as a

Health-related quality of life prior to and 1 year after radical cystectomy evaluated with FACT-G and FACT-VCI questionnaires

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate health-related quality of life (HRQoL) before and 1 year after radical cystectomy in relation to age and gender. METHODS: This prospective study involves 112 men and 40 women with bladder cancer treated with radical cystectomy between 2015 and 2018. HRQoL was assessed preoperatively and 1 year post-surgery through Functional Assessment of Cancer