

Din sökning på "*" gav 534834 sökträffar

Polyelectrolyte adsorption: electrostatic mechanisms and nonmonotonic responses to salt addition.

The main question addressed in this work is as follows: Under pure electrosorption conditions, that is, disregarding nonelectrostatic effects, how does the net adsorption of a polyelectrolyte at an oppositely charged surface respond to the addition of simple salt? Previous simulations and mean-field calculations have suggested that the polymers will desorb. However, we will demonstrate that an inc

How design process for the Base of the Pyramid differs from that for the Top of the Pyramid

The base (BOP) and the top (TOP) of the world income pyramid represent the poor people and the people from developed countries, respectively. The design of products for the BOP is an important ingredient of the poverty reduction approach that combines business development with poverty alleviation. However, the current understanding of the design for the BOP is limited. This study, using a protocol

Memory tourism in a contested landscape : exploring identity discourses in Lviv, Ukraine

The study explores divergent representations and cultural identity in a historically contested landscape. The first form of representations includes politically amended place marketing. It is analysed how public discourse on a city’s development and regeneration articulate inscriptions of local authorities to pursue political-economic agendas. The second form of representations is diaspora’s imagi

Glomerular permeability to macromolecules in the Necturus kidney

Tanner GA, Rippe C, Shao Y, Evan AP, Williams JC, Jr. Glomerular permeability to macromolecules in the Necturus kidney. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 296: F1269-F1278, 2009. First published April 1, 2009; doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00371.2007.-Many aspects of the glomerular filtration of macromolecules remain controversial, including the location of the major filtration barrier, the effects of electrical

HV2112, a Thorne-A >> ytkow object or a super asymptotic giant branch star

The very bright red star HV2112 in the Small Magellanic Cloud could be a massive Thorne-A >> ytkow object (TA >> O), a supergiant-like star with a degenerate neutron core. With a luminosity of over 10(5) L-aS (TM), it could also be a super asymptotic giant branch (SAGB) star, a star with an oxygen/neon core supported by electron degeneracy and undergoing thermal pulses with third dredge up. Both T

Elliptic Flow of Charged Particles in Pb-Pb Collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV

We report the first measurement of charged particle elliptic flow in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN) p = 2.76 TeV with the ALICE detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. The measurement is performed in the central pseudorapidity region (vertical bar eta vertical bar < 0.8) and transverse momentum range 0.2 < p(t) < 5.0 GeV/c. The elliptic flow signal v(2), measured using the 4-particle correlati

Pancreatic β-cell dysfunction, expression of iNOS and the effect of phosphodiesterase inhibitors in human pancreatic islets of type 2 diabetes.

AIMS: Induction of iNOS in pancreatic islets leads to exaggerated NO production associated with dysfunctional β-cells. We examined insulin secretion, iNOS expression and its relation to the cAMP system in islets from human type 2 diabetes. METHODS: Insulin, glucagon and cAMP were analyzed by RIA; iNOS or PDE expression by qPCR, Western blot and confocal microscopy; cell viability by MTS. RESU

Anthropometric Measures, Body Mass Index, and Pancreatic Cancer A Pooled Analysis From the Pancreatic Cancer Cohort Consortium (PanScan)

Background: Obesity has been proposed as a risk factor for pancreatic cancer. Methods: Pooled data were analyzed from the National Cancer Institute Pancreatic Cancer Cohort Consortium (PanScan) to study the association, between prediagnostic anthropometric measures and risk of pancreatic cancer. PanScan applied a nested case-control study design and included 2170 cases and 2209 control subjects. O

When Is the Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Flap Indicated for Breast Reconstruction in Patients not Treated With Radiotherapy?

BACKGROUND: It is controversial whether breast reconstruction with a microvascular free flap should be done without restrictions in patients who have not had radiotherapy. Many regard it as too expensive, but some consider it better and more economically advantageous than an implant reconstruction. METHODS: Databases of publications were searched to find out under what conditions is it suitable to

Stretch-dependent smooth muscledifferentiation in theportal vein - role of actin polymerization, calcium signaling and microRNAs.

The mechanical forces acting onsmooth muscle cells in the vascular wall are known to regulate processes such as vascular remodeling and contractile differentiation. However, investigations to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of mechanotransduction in smooth muscle have been hampered by technical limitations associated with mechanical studies on pressurized small arteries, due primarily to the s

Early vascular ageing in translation: from laboratory investigations to clinical applications in cardiovascular prevention.

The ageing of the vascular tree is a fundamental reflection of biological ageing in general and a determinant of organ function. In the arterial wall this is characterized by a reduction in the elastin content, as well as by an increased content of collagen and its cross-linkages, leading to increased arterial stiffness and elevated central as well as brachial blood pressure, accompanied by increa

Short-term effects of thinning, clear-cutting and stump harvesting on methane exchange in a boreal forest

Forest management practices can alter soil conditions, affecting the consumption and production processes that control soil methane (CH4) exchange. We studied the short-term effects of thinning, clear-cutting and stump harvesting on the CH4 exchange between soil and atmosphere at a boreal forest site in central Sweden, using an undisturbed plot as the control. Chambers in combination with a highpr

Molecular methods for identification and characterization of novel papillomaviruses.

Papillomaviruses (PV) are a remarkably heterogeneous family of small DNA viruses that infect a wide variety of vertebrate species and are etiologically linked with the development of various neoplastic changes of the skin and mucosal epithelia. Based on nucleotide similarity, PVs are hierarchically classified into genera, species and types. Novel human PV (HPV) types are given a unique number only

Political Mythmaking and the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi: Olympism and the Russian Great Power Myth

The theoretical point of departure of this paper is that the perspective of political myth adds to the understanding of political developments in Russia. The upcoming Olympic Winter Games in Sochi in 2014 are discursively constructed as a manifestation of Russia's return to great power status. In official Russian discourse, there is an encounter between the Russian great power myth and the myth of