

Din sökning på "*" gav 533667 sökträffar

“The eyes also eat”: The Instagram Experience and Values that construct Destination Image.

Social media has been incorporated increasingly in society day to day lives. The emergence of social media has changed how people interact with and search for information about destinations. This thesis looks into the perspective of Instagram users’ on destination image formation through Instagram posts in accounts that only post about traveling. It researches how people perceive a destination and

Is Trade Bad for the Environment? Decomposing the Impact of Trade on Environmental Quality

The impact of trade on environmental quality has received a considerable attention, both in policy debate and in theoretical literature. However, the empirical evidence on the topic remains lagged. This thesis adds to the empirics by unearthing the relationships and decomposing the effect into scale-technique effect and trade-induced composition effect using Arellano-Bond GMM estimation technique.

Does ordinal class rank matter for student achievement?

Factors influencing and improving a student’s academic attainments, in particular, test scores, are an essential concern for academics as well as policymakers. In this thesis, I add a student’s ordinal rank, calculated from underlying test scores, as a new input factor to the education production function. By using experimental data on primary schools in the United States, I assess whether the ord

Intersectionality and Social Movements - A discourse analysis of intersectionality within the Zapatista movement

The Zapatista movement is a multilayered movement fighting unequal power structures and oppression. The movement has from the beginning incorporated a large number of women, both as members and as supporters. However, does the Zapatista movement recognize the multiple axes of oppression that women within the movement face? The aim of this thesis is to uncover how the theoretical ideas behind the c

Secret Communication - Inconspicuous Luxury Consumption and its Ambiguous Nature

Inconspicuous luxury consumption describes a descreet approach to luxury and refers to the avoidance of displaying ostentatious logos and blatant patterns on consumed goods. This consumption practice represents an evolving phenomenon and challenges the traditional perception that luxury consumption is highly visible. So far, research on inconspicuous consumption is scarce and points out its comple

Cancer i ett palliativt skede - ett närståendeperspektiv - En litteraturstudie om närståendes bemästring av sin livssituation

Bakgrund: Närstående är vanligen det främsta stödet till patienter med cancer i ett palliativt skede och tidigare forskning visar att närstående får ta ett stort ansvar för patientens vård. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur närstående till patienter med cancer i ett palliativt skede bemästrar sin livssituation. Metod: Studien gjordes som en litteraturstudie, som omfattar tio artiklar och

It is up in the air : academic flying of Swedish sustainability academics and a pathway to organisational change

Drastic emission-reductions are needed to avoid the disastrous consequences of climate change. Flying is one of the highest individual carbon-impact actions. By 2050, the aviation industry’s share on global greenhouse gas emissions is expected to rise by 300 to 700%. An intervention to counteract this development is to reduce flying at universities as they have a critical role in leading sustainab

Hydrologic modelling of the Zackenberg river basin : an applied study using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool

Since the 1980s, the Arctic has experienced an amplified warming of more than twice the rate of the global-mean, leading to large-scale changes in the Arctic hydrologic system, ultimately having cascading feedbacks on the global climate. However, few of today’s distributed models manage to capture the complex processes in Arctic hydrology, and therefore, the aim of this thesis was to evaluate the

Climate sceptics and climate believers : climate change beliefs and intergroup perceptions in a Swedish context

The climate change debate in Sweden seems to be settled with most societal stakeholders accepting the climate science tenets and supporting climate action. However, a closer look will reveal that even Sweden hosts a community of sceptics who question the causes, consequences of climate change and the need for expansive mitigation action. Literature reveals that there needs to be more focus on the

Optimering av extruder temperatur styrning i Tetra Paks laminatorer

This report covers a task created by the company Tetra Pak in Lund on temperature control in plastic extrusion. The task of the assignment was about plastic extruder used in the Tetra Pak lamination process. In order for the polymer to have the correct viscosity prior to lamination, it must hold a certain temperature. The temperature of the plastic is affected by the friction of the screw which de

Determinants of Gender Inequality in the MENA Region

With time, the race among countries to reduce gender inequality has resulted in a worldwide reduction in gender discrimination. However, all regions have not performed equally; lagging behind most is the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Many potential reasons have been put forward, but in recent times the most discussed sources of this disparity have been the region’s religion and oil d

Attachment Methods for Somaloy® components in Mechanical Constructions

Bilindustrin förändras! Många tror att den bil vi känner idag, med en taktfast förbränningsmotor under huven, snart är ett minne blott. Vi blickar då framåt till en värld där elbilar fyller våra gator. För många är detta glädjande besked men för den världsledande järnpulverproducenten, Höganäs AB, innebär det en omställning i produktionslinjerna. Deras järnpulver, som tidigare byggt upp dessa förbHöganäs AB is asking for a way to attach Somaloy® components onto aluminum in electric motors. Gluing, Crimping and Clamping are the attachment methods that are investigated. For the Gluing part, tensile tests are made at different temperatures. The tests are performed with six different adhesive combinations on aluminum and two separate Somaloy® materials. The adhesive’s ability to attach onto th

Wood, straw, clay and some rabbit skin… The evaluation of renewable based low-tech-high-knowledge housing solutions.

There is a clearly visible dichotomy in architectural sustainability approaches today. While there are several housing solutions available fulfilling sustainability criteria, most of these follow the high-tech industrial approach. In main-stream architecture these are often referred to as “green” or “sustainable” architecture. “Natural” or “regenerative” building practices stand at the other end o

Discriminatory withholding taxation for foreign investment funds.

Cross-border investments made through investment funds are still surrounded by uncertainty, derived by the inexistence of harmonization of direct taxation in the European Union. The uncertainty surrounding the tax treatment, especially in cross-border situations, tend to trigger tax issued such as discrimination and restrictions to fundamental freedoms. More than 3000 funds have claimed a full ref


A stark political system change in Warsaw and an enormous economic spurt have given prominence to private initiatives, leaving behind several public spaces and relevant buildings or at the will of speculative developers. Sports facilities, being one of these public spaces, are having problems of funding, restoration and maintenance, leaving them neglected, though there is a need of them functionin

Syndicated Lending and Antitrust

Discussion on whether syndicated loan structures may give rise to anticompetitive risks has been increasing thus the European Commission is performing a study on the impact syndicated lending structures have on competition in the credit markets. This thesis will cover the main aspects of syndicated loan structures and then examine Article 101 TFEU and anticompetitive conduct. Syndicated lending h

Aktiva spridare eller exploaterade konsumenter? En kvalitativ studie om konsumenters interaktioner med Oatly på Facebook

This bachelor thesis explores how and why people choose to interact with commercial messages from the Swedish brand Oatly on Facebook. Questions about people’s encounters with commercial messages on social media are often closely linked to perceptions about exploitation and free labor. This research uses the method of four qualitative interviews to explore who benefits from these actions and does

Biofortification of Cassava

Cassava, Manihot esculenta, is the third most important staple crop in tropical re- gions. Cassava is a fibrous root that is tolerant to drought and has a flexible harvest period making it a reliable crop under poorer farming conditions (FAO, 2008). The content of provitamin A, also known as β-carotene, is unfortunately low in cassava even though there are varieties bred for a higher content. Sinc

Social Impact and Its Challenges in Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation – A Case Study of Social Impact in Sweden

Social impact in social entrepreneurship and social innovation is a significant common denominator in these fields which received increasing attention recently. The attention is concentrated to measurement methods but the concept social impact is still “fuzzy”. This thesis contributes with clarification of social impact. The study is a case study of social impact where an abductive qualitative app