

Din sökning på "*" gav 537023 sökträffar

Othering in the Olympics

Through the use of discourse analysis, this study examines how Russian identity claims have changed during increased tension with the West and to what extent it is noticed in the political arena of the Winter Olympics. The material consists of speeches and statements from leaders in the Russian government and the theoretical framework is based on Iver Neumann’s and Tzvetan Todorov’s theories on Ot

Inlärning av digitala arbetssätt på byggarbetsplatsen

Byggbranschen uppfattas ofta som konservativ och bakåtsträvande, en bransch där papper och penna hellre används än IT-lösningar och digitala hjälpmedel. Hela byggindustrin står i skrivande stund under en digital revolution eftersom företag, organisationer och myndigheter har påbörjat den digitala utvecklingen av branschen med syftet att effektivisera byggprocesser. Det finns många digitala arbetss

Cancerpatienters erfarenheter av webbaserade stödforum. En litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund: Cancerpatienter har ett stort behov av psykosocialt stöd och i takt med den ökade användningen av internet är webbaserade stödforum ett växande fenomen bland cancerpatienter. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva cancerpatienters erfarenheter av stöd från andra patienter via webbaserade stödforum. Metod: En litteraturstudie som inkluderar åtta artiklar som analyserats med integrerad anal

Cultural Specificity and Sense of Place : Success and Failure in the Remake of Broadchurch to Gracepoint

This thesis examines transnational adaptations of television crime drama between the United Kingdom and the United States. This is accomplished by looking at the case of Broadchurch (ITV, 2013), a complex crime drama series that was adapted from Britain into America as Gracepoint (FOX, 2014). The research explores the themes of cultural adaptation, characterization, and sense of place in both seri

”We are not afraid": En komparativ analys över statsledares reaktioner på terrorattentat i Europa

In recent years, terror attacks have been a common occurrence and topic of conversation in Europe. After attacks struck countries such as Sweden, United Kingdom and France, state leaders have spoken out, providing strategies to move forward and measures to be taken against terror. Those speeches and statements represent a top-level discourse on terrorism in each country and constructs public under

Civil society’s role in times of social polarization and shrinking civil space : a deductive content analysis of Swedish aid policies with focus on civil society in Turkey

I denna kandidatuppsats undersöks hur det civila samhällets roll i demokratiseringspro-cesser uttrycks i svenska biståndsstrategier med särskilt fokus på Turkiet. Det empiriska materialet som valts består av två mer generella policyer och ett med regionalt fokus. Mitt teoretiska ramverk bygger på tidigare forskning om ämnet som har inspirerat en kategori-seringsmatris bestående av fem olika kategoThis bachelor thesis investigates how civil society’s role in democratization processes is expressed in Swedish aid policies with specific focus on Turkey. The empirical material selected consists of two more general policies and one with a regional focus. My theoretical framework is based on previous research about the subject which have inspired a categorization matrix consisting of five differe

Relationen mellan teampersonlighet och entreprenörers framgång i startup-processer

Den aktuella studien undersökte sambandet mellan teampersonlighet och framgång i startup-processen av nya företag. För att undersöka detta samlades personlighetsdata samt data gällande genomförda startup-aktiviteter in från 32 team, vilka deltog i affärsutvecklingsprogram på någon av ett antal olika affärsinkubatorer, fördelade över fem svenska orter. Teampersonlighet operationaliserades som teameThis study sought to examine the relationship between team personality and the success of new companies during their startup phases. Personality data was gathered along with data on what startup milestones the teams had managed to achieve. Thirty-two teams who participated in business development programmes in any of a number of business incubators, all located in Sweden, were included in the stud

They, Us & Myself - We Become Better and Everything Goes Better

Knowledge sharing is a key element in professional service firms (PSFs), as it is the knowledge that ultimately constitutes the core of their business. However, knowledge sharing is mainly voluntary and cannot be detached from the professionals engaging in it. Thus, it appears pertinent to appreciate professionals’ perspective and perception of knowledge sharing, as well as to understand their wil

Kvinnors upplevelse kring att föda vaginalt efter ett tidigare kejsarsnitt

Bakgrund: Antalet kejsarsnitt har ökat i världen. En orsak till ökningen beror på kejsarsnitt till följd av ett tidigare kejsarsnitt, vilket i många länder anses vara ett hinder för en vaginal förlossning. Aktuell forskning visar dock att vaginal förlossning till följd av ett tidigare kejsarsnitt är ett säkert alternativ för de flesta kvinnor. Syfte: Att belysa kvinnors upplevelse kring att föda v

Är Svenska Staten Våldsam? En kvalitativ fallstudie undersöker om svenska Staten utövar direkt, strukturellt eller kulturellt våld mot samerna idag.

Sweden’s dark past concerning their treatment of its indigenous people is rarely discussed. The ILO C169 has still not been ratified and the Swedish State continues to receive criticism for its lack of effectively addressing the Sami people’s situation. Through a qualitative case study and using Galtung’s theory of nuanced violence it is evident that the Swedish State’s treatment of the Sami peop

Amongst Victims and Perpetrators - A Study of Ex-Combatants' Re-Integration

The purpose of this study is to examine the complicated process of re-integrating ex-combatants back into a post-conflict society following their dismissal from the army. To do so, the study explores the relationship between Disarmament, Demobilization and Re-Integration (DDR), and the fields of Transitional Justice and Trauma Theory, in order to develop a more holistic theoretical framework for r

Rätten till ett frivilligt äktenskap : en intervjustudie om olika erfarenheter av Socialtjänstens arbete mot tvångsäktenskap

Tvångsäktenskap strider både mot den svenska lagen och mot internationella konventioner. Trots det uppges 70 000 svenska ungdomar vara oroliga för att inte själv få välja äktenskapspartner. Staten och dess myndigheter är ansvariga för att säkra individers rättigheter, därför riktar sig den här studien på Socialtjänstens arbete med att hjälpa de som riskerar att ingå ett tvångsäktenskap. Syftet medForced marriage is a violation against Swedish law and human rights. Despite that, around 70 000 Swedish youth are worried they will not be able to choose who they marry. The state and its authorities are responsible for securing individuals’ rights. For that reason this study investigates the Swedish Social Services' work against forced marriage. With qualitative interviews, the purpose of th

Prosumer Generated Stories

Social media usage is undeniably popular, which has escalated the amount of content existing online, resulting in a state of content overload. The overload of content has made it harder for organisations to reach out with their message, and it is therefore more important than ever to prioritize efforts to develop trustworthy relationships with consumers, and thereby aspire brand credibility. The i

Hbtq-kompetens? En kvantitativ studie av attityder, kunskaper och upplevd självförmåga hos psykologer.

En enkätstudie genomfördes i syfte att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar psykologers hbtq-kompetens. Via Facebook rekryterades 407 psykologer som besvarade den webbaserade enkäten. Hbtq-kompetens operationaliserades genom två komponenter: attityder till hbtq* (hbtq* används genomgående som förkortning för “hbtq-personer och hbtq-frågor”) och hbtq-kompetens (upplevd självförmåga att agera hbtq-A survey was conducted to investigate psychologists’ lgbtq competence. A total of 407 psychologists were recruited through Facebook. The concept of lgbtq competence was operationalized through two components: attitudes towards lgbtq* (attitudes towards and knowledge about lgbtq people and issues) and lgbtq competence (lgbtq affirmative counseling self-efficacy). The results were in line with previ

Från "antifascistisk skyddsmur" till "tecken på statsförbrytelser": Narrativ analys av framställningen av Berlinmuren i Neues Deutschland

In 1961 a concrete wall through the city of Berlin was erected and further determined the division between a once united Germany into West and East Germany. In East Germany the communist party had the power and the newspaper Neues Deutschland to spread its propaganda, until the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989. The aim of this paper is to look further into how the newspaper Neues Deutschland portra

Athletes in the European Union - Towards Improved Protection of Image Rights

The topic of this thesis is the sports law attached to the image rights and intellectual property rights (IPR). The focus is more on the individual athletes when it comes to the commercial use of their image. In this work I study how the individual athletes’ right to their image might possibly be limited. My question layout includes the reflection on how the athletes’ opportunities to use or to co

"Att ta kaptensrollen över sitt eget liv" : Socialt arbete tillsammans med utsatta människor i en brukarförening

Volunteer and service user organizations play an important role in order to meet the needs of marginalized people in Sweden. These organizations operate within civil society and are characterized by experiential knowledge and peer support. The purpose of this qualitative study was to gain knowledge on how a service user organization can organize their work as a means to offer support to marginaliz

Are limited editions limited to products?

Purpose: The aim of this paper is to explore whether service can be implemented as limited edition in order to strengthen the brand and to drive business. Methodology/Approach: This research is based on a qualitative approach with a multi case study analyzing Visit Sweden, Finnair and Lund University. Each brand has implemented a limited service of own kind this year. Findings: The research sh

Automatic Belt Tension Device

In this master’s thesis, the development of a new belt tensioning solution, for use in ASSA ABLOY's sliding doors is treated. As a starting point for the work, ASSA ABLOY’s current belt tension solution has been used as a reference. On this reference, an extensive problem analysis have been carried out, including interviews, field studies and laboratory tests in order to understand what is req