

Din sökning på "*" gav 533413 sökträffar

Marknadsplanering för e-handelsföretag

Nyckelord: Marknadsplanering, e-handel, situationsanalys, marknadsföringsstrategi, marknadsföringstaktik Syfte: Syftet med rapporten är att studera hur företag verksamma inom e-handeln arbetar med marknadsplanering när det kommer till situationsanalys, marknadsföringsstrategi samt marknadsföringstaktik. Metod: Med ett interpretativistiskt perspektiv har en kvalitativ studie i form av fyra djupgå

A Question of Resilience: Challenges for Bottom-Up Democratisation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Two decades after emerging from war and after many years of delay, Bosnia and Herzegovina at last submitted an EU membership application in 2016. There is little doubt, however, that candidate status and accession are still a long way off. Reform process is slow, and the country’s state of democracy is undermined by a variety of factors. To evaluate perspectives for the future, this paper investig

[...] Allt jag köper säger ju vem jag är, […] då är hon ändå och påverkar där.

Influencers har idag blivit ett aktuellt ämne där allt fler konsumenter låter sig inspireras av influencers publikationer. Vi har därmed valt att undersöka detta problem genom att studera hur den svenska influencern Kenza har en inverkan på unga konsumenters identitetsskapande via sociala medier. Syftet med studien är att undersöka på vilka sätt sociala medier kan ses som en ny arena för unga kons

Architecture of the Forest

Sunlight is filtered through the web of branches giving an airy feel to the forest stroll. A soft floor and a light ceiling supported by majestic pillars encloses us in one of the most spectacular places nature has to offer. A homogeneous place, yet with variations in scale, texture and spaces. In one hand, an aggregation of small parts into a whole, on the other, clearly differentiated, strong ob

Mining solar and social innovation : exploring social innovation and the conditions that foster it in a Canadian, community-owned renewable energy project

As a primary driver of climate change, energy systems are often affected by the type of “self-perpetuation and lock-in” that characterize so-called ‘wicked problems’. Although it has a relatively clean energy system, Canada still has provinces (e.g. Alberta, Saskatchewan) that possess carbon-intensive power grids, and provinces that have experienced minimal renewable energy development other tha

Skapande övning – Komposition i instrumentalundervisning ur ett elevperspektiv.

Denna studie undersöker fyra folkhögskoleelevers upplevelser av att fördjupa sina kunskaper i rytm och skalor på sitt huvudinstrument genom att arbeta med komposition. Eleverna har fått öppna kompositionsuppgifter med få riktlinjer där elevens eget utforskande och idéutvecklande stått i fokus. Studien bygger på aktionsforskning och kvalitativa intervjuer. Studiens resultat visar att eleverna uppskThis study examines four folk high school students’ experiences with deepening their knowledge of rhythm and scales on their main instruments by working with composition. The students have been given composition assignments with few guidelines, enabling them to focus on their own exploration and development of musical ideas. The study is based on action research and qualitative interviews. The res

Risk Management - Differences in Use Between Public and Private Organizations. Benchmarking Municipalities from an Enterprise Perspective

Purpose: The purpose of the study is to contribute to the knowledge on the use of risk management and especially ERM in different context. More specifically the aim is to find what similarities and differences there are in the use of ERM between public and private sector, as well as to find what variations there are within each sector. Methodology: The method used during this multiple case study,

Special Approach for Musical Works in Relation to the Idea-Expression Dichotomy in Copyright Law

This thesis discusses a rather contentious issue of how copyright law possesses musical works nowadays. It is essentially argued in the thesis that current copyright law appears to be too restrictive, leaving not enough space for creativity in the musical world. In this regard, the issue related to musical works are mainly analysed through the prism of the idea-expression dichotomy. One of the gen

Informationssäkerhet och effektivitet på den digitala arbetsplatsen

Uppsatsen handlar om en undersökning genomförd på två svenska storföretag. Den syftar till att utforska om effektivitet och användarinkludering är något som beaktas vid utformningen av informationssäkerhetspolicyn. Genom enkäter och expertintervjuer etablerar vi vilken roll användaren har, hur denne upplever informationssäkerhet inom sin organisation och om möjlighet till förbättring finns när det

Developing AFFIRM assays for detection of potential biomarkers for relapsed breast cancer in plasma

Today, breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer related death in women. Early detection of breast cancer relapse presents increased treatment options and better control. Protein biomarkers from plasma are currently measured by state-of-the-art methods like ELISA, which require antibodies with high sensitivity and specificity. Developing such assays is laborious and time consuming. Thus, there

Evaluation of sifting segregation testing with spherical particles

I alla industrier där partiklar behandlas i torra prover är segregering ett stort problem. Segregering kan ske vid olika steg i processen där partiklarna i fråga till exempel transporteras, blandas eller bara lagras. Det uppskattas att uppemot 30 % av all fördröjning i processer sker på grund av segregering av partiklar(Johanson, 2014). Detta leder till kritiska konsekvenser för ett företag så somSegregation is a well-known process problem that may cost companies quality and time. The aim of this project was to establish a fundamental understanding about sifting segregation by using the sifting segregation tester described in the ASTM International standard. In this work, Cellets and Suglets were used to study particles tendency to segregate at different weight ratios and different particl

Fina flickor snusar? En etnografisk studie om klassmärkt kvinnlig maskulinitet och feministisk identitet.

Nice girls use snuff? (Fina flickor snusar?) is an inductive study about how young feminists in the academy are negotiating and constructing their identity through the use of snuff. The thematic content analysis proceeds from nine semi-structured life world interviews. This study is based on a poststructuralist understanding of meaning as constructed in the language, as theorized by Scott, Derrida

Understanding banks' CSR engagement in times of crisis - A multi-method approach to the strategies of Commerzbank and Deutsche Bank

The financial crisis of 2007 and the subsequent global recession have caused stakeholders, governments and the public to criticise the amorality of the financial sector. For banks, being in the center of critique, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is argued as a promising concept to regain legitimacy. Despite broad engagements highlighting responsibility, distrust towards banks still remains h

Drilling for time: ice cores and the synchronization of temporalities in glaciology, 1935-1978

Since their emergence in the 1950’s, ice cores have ventured from being scientific objects of concern to a limited number of glaciologists to becoming one of the most iconic representations of anthropogenic climate change. This thesis aims to historicize the way in which ice cores became enrolled into climate discourse, particularly emphasizing the production and representation of temporalities of

Vår väg mot de andra -En dokumentanalys av Nordiska motståndsrörelsens skapande av en högerextrem identitet genom manifestet Vår väg

Studien tar utgångspunkt i våldsbejakande extrema miljöer och hur dessa skapar och förmedlar en bild av sig själva som starka utifrån svagare samhällsgrupper. Den organisation som har analyserats är Nordiska motståndsrörelsen (hädanefter förkortat NMR) och deras manifest Vår väg, i vilket de uttrycker sin ideologiska övertygelse. I det empiriska materialet har två retoriska teman uppmärksammats oc

The Role of Teacher Gender on Students’ Academic Performance

A prominent class of explanations for the gender gap in student performance focuses on the gender based interactions between students and teachers. This has led to a rise in discussions in education talks centred on controversial claims that teachers consistently privilege boys over girls. In this study, I examine whether assignment to a same sex teacher influences student performance. The empiric

The heterogeneous pervasiveness of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO)

Research Question Does EO manifest in heterogeneous manners along the vertical dimension of an organisation, and if so why? Purpose To gain a deeper understanding of how EO is manifested within organisations and why the pervasiveness of EO could be manifested in an heterogeneous manner throughout an organisation. Theoretical Perspectives Corporate entrepreneurship, EO, entrepreneurial spirals and

Design of an Optimal Analogue Microphone System for Best Possible Capture of Incoming Acoustic Signals

This project examines how to achieve the best possible capture of incoming acoustic signals in a surveillance camera without overspending. This will be done by designing a complete analogue microphone system to be integrated into a surveillance camera and identify the critical stages in terms of performance. The project will cover the complete analogue signal chain from incoming acoustic signals t

Modelling nitrogen balance in two Southern Swedish spruce plantations

Utsläpp från jordbruk och förbränning av fossila bränslen ökar den atmosfäriska belastningen av reaktivt kväve (N). Kvävenedfall beräknas fortsätta utgöra betydande skada både för miljön och människors hälsa under de kommande decennierna. Övergödning som resultat av kväveläckage är en av de negativa effekterna av nedfallet. Den inträffar när tillförseln av N in i ett ekosystem överstiger upptagninEmissions from agriculture and the combustion of fossil fuels increase the atmospheric load of reactive nitrogen (N). N deposition is projected to continue posing significant harm both for environmental and human health over the upcoming decades. Eutrophication as a result of N leaching is one of the negative effects of heavy deposition. It occurs when the input of N into an ecosystem exceeds its

Vindkraftens påverkan på elpriset

De senaste åren har Sverige sett en kraftig ökning från utbyggnaden av vindkraft. År 2015 fick Sverige ca 16 TWh el från vindkraftsproduktion, och regeringens mål om 30 TWh el från vindkraft per år från och med år 2020 ser mycket väl ut att kunna uppnås. Tack vare skattelättnader och subventioner till vindkraft, samt elcertifikatsystemets inverkan så har mängder av investeringar gjorts. Vindkrafte