

Din sökning på "*" gav 528089 sökträffar

Control and Design of Computing Systems: What to Model and How

The application of feedback control to computing systems is a promising research area, but has to date been hindered by the almost unanimously perceived complexity in creating control-oriented system models. Computing systems are in fact considered very hard to describe with dynamic models allowing for simple and powerful control design tools, so that complex ones need bringing in to the detriment

Bioelectronic Nanosensor Devices for Environmental and Biomedical Analysis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Idag kan vi mäta mycket låga halter av gifter i t. ex. dricksvatten och livsmedel, bland annat genom utvecklingen av nanosensorer. Sensorerna kan också använda's medicinskt, t. ex för att väsentligt underlätta livet för diabetiker. Idag drabba's diabetespatienter ofta av nedsatt känsel i fingrarna på grund av dagliga nålstick. Med hjälp av de nya sensorerna kan vi nu mäA new type of Bioelectronic Nanosensor Device with potential applications in medicine,biotechnology and environmental analysis was designed. The nanosensor is based on RISFET (Regional Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistor) technology. The design of the nanosensor involves use of a set of nano-sized electrodes on the surface of a silicon chip, giving the chip the ability to sense extremely low con

Metamorphism and Geochronology of the High Pressure Granulite and Upper Amphibolite Facies Rocks from the Southwest Swedish Granulite Region

The present thesis presents pressure-temperature and geochronological data from the high-grade mafic rocks from the Southwest Swedish Granulite Region, which forms part of the southwestern Baltic Shield. The region is characterized by variably deformed and migmatized granitic to intermediate gneisses, metabasites and charnockites metamorphosed in granulite and upper amphibolite facies. The peak m

Preschoolers' peer competence : Developmental perspectives on prosocial behavior, aggression, and social cognition

Popular Abstract in SwedishDenna doktorsavhandling har studerat förskolebarns kamratkompetens och speciellt uppmärksammat tre aspekter som är av central betydelse för barns samspel med kamrater; prosocialt beteende, aggressivt beteende och social kognition. Prosocialt beteende är handlingar som på något sätt gynnar en annan person (t ex hjälpa, trösta och dela med sig). Trots att prosocialt beteenThis doctoral thesis explored three broad aspects of preschoolers’ social competence: prosocial behavior, aggression, and social cognition. The longitudinal study followed forty-four children (initially 22-40 months), who were observed in natural peer interactions at their daycare centers during a two-month period in each of three con-secutive years. In addition, social-cognitive data were gathere

Organ till salu

After four years in the Swedish health care queues the kidney patient Sam bought a new kidney in Pakistan. But where did the new organ come from? And where the donor really voluntary? "Organs for sale" is a frightening journey through the organ trade murky world. Ethnologist Susanne Lundin is traveling around the world and witnesses the black organ market. She portrays crime syndicate in South Afr

Nano-Schottky Contacts Realized by Bottom-up Technique

Properties of nanostructures realized by bottom-up techniques are often different from their bulk counterparts.(1) Here we present a study of a nano-Schottky contact formed at the interface between a gold catalytic particle and an epitaxially grown GaxIn1-xAs/InAs nanowire. Selective electrical connections formed to the catalytic particle on one side and to the In As segment on the other side allo

Field study of the penetration of chlorides and other ions into a high quality concrete marine bridge column

The transport of ions related to the penetration of chlorides into concrete has been studied in the field by drilling 100-mm concrete cores from a marine bridge column. A 4-year-old concrete column in Sweden was selected. The concrete was of high quality (i.e., frost- and sulfate-resistant, with a low-heat, low-alkali portland cement with a maximum water-cement ratio of 0.40) according to new Swed


Popular Abstract in Swedish Intresset för metallbaserade läkemedel har växt stadigt de senaste årtionden. Kemins utveckling ger oss hela tiden mer förståelse och bättre verktyg för studier av olika metallkomplex och deras biologiska verkning. Utvecklingen och kunskapen har ökat så mycket, att nya specialiserade discipliner har vuxit fram, som till exempel bio-oorganisk och biometallorganisk kemi. Various metal complexes have been used in medicine traditionally, although their use was often connected with mystery and with a lack of empirically (clinically) proven effect. In modern times, the development of biochemistry, bioinorganic and bioorganometallic chemistry allows us more in-depth understanding of biological action of metal containing substances. Among metal-containing drugs used tod

Vom Kern der Dinge keine Spur. Spurenlesen aus archäologischer Sicht.

Dieser Beitrag versteht sich als Kritik der mit dem Indizienparadigma verbundenen archäologischen Metapher des Spurenlesens. Spuren können, sobald sie als solche gesichert sind, keineswegs die Vergangenheit quasi von selbst zum Sprechen bringen, indem sie als historische Indizien Zugang zum ‚Kern der Dinge‘ erlauben. Stattdessen bedarf es eines kreativen Interpretierens, um Spuren erst bedeutungsv

Bisphosphonates for orthopedic applications. Studies in rat models

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling undersöker förutsättningarna för att stoppa nedbrytning av benvävnad med hjälp av bifosfonater i några ortopediska problemsituationer. Bifosfonater är en relativt ny grupp av läkemedel som hämmar nedbrytning av benvävnad. De binder effektivt till benmineral och i praktiken förblir de inbundna i skelettet tills benmineralet upplöses. Bifosfonater finns iProsthetic loosening, bone graft resorption and osteonecrosis are examples of problems in orthopedic surgery caused by or augmented by bone resorption. Bone resorption is caused by osteoclasts. Osteoclasts can be inactivated with biphosphonates, a drug in clinical use against osteoporosis and osteolytic tumors. The bone resorption-reducing ability of bisphosphonates was analyzed in rat models. An