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A theoretical approach to communication management/PR based on participatory observation of 8 heads of communication in German companies
A theoretical approach to communication management/PR based on participatory observation of 8 heads of communication in German companies
A biography on the swedish king Oscar I, 1799-1859.
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The spectral representation of a moving average process obtained as a convolution of a kernel with a general noise measure is studied. A proof of the spectral theorem that yields explicit expression for the spectral measure in terms of the noise measure is presented. The main interest is in noise measures generated by second order Lévy motions. For practical considerations, such measures are easil
Recently, nonlinear properties of three-terminal ballistic junctions (TBJs) were predicted by theoretical calculations done by Xu, and potential applications such as rectification and logic function proposed. In that analysis the TBJ was modeled by connecting three quantum point contacts via a ballistic cavity with adiabatic boundaries, thus neglecting any backscattering of electrons. In this pape
Personlig redogörelse för hur Lunds stadsbiblioteks referensavdelning var författaren till nytta i ett uppsatsarbete.
This study is aimed at investigating and describing the different procedures of foreign language learners of Italian when they infer the meaning of unknown words in a written authentic text. Vocabulary is a crucial component in the learning process of a foreign language and many studies show that lexical inferencing is one of the most important strategies when foreign language learners encounter u
Popular Abstract in Swedish Kärnan kan ses som en samling nukleoner vilka hålls samman av den starka kraften. Nukleonerna är protoner (p) med laddning +1 och neutroner (n) med laddning 0. Kraften kan beskrivas som ett utbyte av mesoner såsom pioner (pi) vilka förekommer i tre laddningstillstånd pi+, pi- och pi0 (laddning +1, -1 och 0). Inuti kärnan rör sig nukleonerna och utbytesmesonerna vilket gA comprehensive near-threshold 4He(g,n) absolute cross section measurement has been performed at the high-resolution tagged-photon facility MAX-lab located in Lund, Sweden. The 20 < Eg < 45 MeV tagged photons (covering the Giant Dipole Resonance energy region) were directed towards a liquid 4He target, and knocked-out neutrons were detected in a pair of 60 cm x 60 cm vetoed NE213A liquid scintilla
An improved nonlinear asymptotic theory of spiral density waves is developed. It extends the theory developed by Yuan & Kuo to a global theory, not just one limited to the vicinity of the resonance. It can then be applied to the recent high-resolution observations of CO and HST NICMOS of nearby spiral galaxies. As an example, we apply the theory to the nearby grand-design spiral galaxy NGC 524
The aerosols from 13 common electric arc welding processes have been characterized regarding total emission, particle size distribution, elemental composition and, when applicable, the oxidation state of chromium. The characterizations have been performed systematically for different combinations of welding current and welding voltage.
This article suggests that the current discourses of globalization in anthropology, cultural studies and post-colonial studies are expressions and elaborations on a specific socially positioned perspective that has become a contender for a new ideological representation of the world. It is important to recognize that this representation is not so much the result of research but an immediate expres