

Din sökning på "*" gav 532376 sökträffar

Purification and Characterization of Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation Endproducts (RAGE)

Vid t.ex. höga blodsockervärden kan socker binda in till proteiner och bilda försockrade proteiner s.k. advanced glycation endproducts (AGE). AGE proteiner anses vara en viktig faktor i åldrande och i nedbrytande sjukdomar som diabetes och Alzheimers sjukdom. Ligander är molekyler som binder till specifika receptorer på cellytan och därigenom skickar signaler in i cellen. Receptorn för AGE proteinIn this study a method for small scale purification of the protein RAGE (receptor for advanced glycation endproducts) was developed and soluble RAGE was purified from bovine and mice tissue. In healthy animals RAGE is expressed in measurable levels only in lungs and therefore lungs have been used. The tissue was homogenized and thereafter RAGE was purified using Concanavaline A (Con A)-Sepharose,

Socialtjänstens dubbla uppdrag : Socialsekreterares perspektiv på socialt arbete med unga lagöverträdare

The objective of this study is to describe and analyze the child welfare officers’ understanding of their work with the young offenders and how they explain and handle their double assignment (help vs. control). Three main questions in this study are following: 1. Which goals, motives and methods do child welfare officers have in their work with the young offenders? 2. What makes a child a young

‘What if trees could see the stars?’ How the phenomenological experiencing of nature can (or cannot) contribute to fostering social and environmental justice by affecting capitalist patterns of thinking around nature.

In line with the Capitalocene narrative, this thesis argues how globally prevailing social* and environmental injustices (including ecological injustices) are driven by systemic capitalist patterns of thinking. In order to enhance social* and environmental justice, it seems thus essential to tackle these. However, there does not yet exist an analytical framework providing a comprehensive overview

How to Awaken “Dormant” Pro-Development Provisions of the TRIPS Agreement

It is commonly understood that Intellectual Property Regimes are aimed at protecting private rights and in doing so sometimes neglect public interests. Historically IP systems were considered to allow authors or creators to secure certain monopolies on rights, hence in the 1970s and 1980s the concern over public needs came forward requiring the IP system to respond to it in a way that would stimul

Jakten på det personliga uttrycket - En studie i låtskrivares syn på personligt uttryck inom musikskapande

Denna studie syftar till att ge inblick i fyra låtskrivares synsätt på personligt uttryck inom musikskapande. Studien belyses ur ett kvalitativt forskningsperspektiv och baseras på intervjuer med fyra låtskrivare. Resultatet skildrar respondenternas sätt att se på det personliga uttrycket inom låtskriveri. Det visar att studiens respondenter har både tvetydiga och likvärdiga uppfattningar om perso

Prevalence of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor expression in the myeloid cell-line MUTZ-3

De senaste åren har allergisk kontaktdermatit ökat i förekomst och orsakas då av att en individ kommer i kontakt med en substans som denna har utvecklat en allergi emot. Detta leder ofta till att individen får utslag vid kontaktpunkten, men kan i värsta fall få fatala konsekvenser. För att minska skadan denna sjukdom ger, både ur ett ekonomiskt och socialt perspektiv, finns det ett behov att hittaCandidate chemicals used by e.g. the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics industries need to be tested for hazardous effects on human health prior to being released to the market. To stop the increasing prevalence of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), there is an urgent need to develop and use fast and reliable in vitro methods to replace the current, not very accurate, animal experiments used for t

Critical Success Factors for Social Media Campaigns in Austrian NGOs

This thesis examines social media campaigns in the Austrian NGO sector, focusing on fundraising, awareness-raising and advocacy campaigns. Building knowledge on existing literature on social media and the theory of social marketing, as well as through conducting practitioner interviews success factors of social media campaigns of Austrian NGOs are identified. The main limitation of this study is,

Accuracy of Quantification for Renography with 99mTc-MAG3: A Study on Virtual and Clinical Data

Njurarna har en renande funktion i kroppen. De ser till att blodet är fritt från olika ämnen och att kroppen gör sig av med restprodukter. Dessutom produc- erar binjurarna hormoner och reglerar blodtrycket. Detta är bara några av de många egenskaper som njurarna har. Eftersom njurarna har en viktig roll i många processer i kroppen kan en nedsatt njurfunktion ha flera olika typer av symptom som tröAim: Renography with 99mTc-MAG3 is one of the most common nuclear medicine examinations. It’s extensive use justifies a thorough investigation of the methods used to accurately determine the split renal function, for instance with regard to background subtraction and correction for renal depth differ- ences. Previous studies on this subject have been made, mainly on patient image data, thus the ”t

Characterization of gastrointestinal changes in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease

Avföringskomposition har en inverkan på beteende i Parkinson drabbade möss Parkinsons sjukdom (PD) är en kronisk neurologisk sjukdom som kännetecknas av rörelsesvårigheter, stelhet och okontrollerade skakningar. De första motoriska symptomen uppstår oftast efter 55 års ålder men PD-patienter upplever ofta störningar i sin tarm- och mag- funktion, så som obehag, förstoppning, och fördröjd magtömniParkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that results in the death of dopaminergic neurons. The death of dopaminergic neurons results in motor deficits of which bradykinesia, resting tremor, and rigidity are the principal symptoms. In addition to the motor symptoms, PD patients often experience disturbances to their gastrointestinal systems. These symptoms often appear years before the

Electrophysiological correlates of episodic memory retrieval are material sensitive

According to dual-process models of recognition memory, an old/new recognition response can be based on a sense of familiarity and/or recollection of contextual details. Two topographically and functionally distinct ERP old/new effects are held as generic indices of familiarity and recollection respectively. However, episodic retrieval is believed to involve neural reactivation of content-specific

MMA utifrån ett genusperspektiv : en studie av hur fyra UFC-atleter framställs i en promotion-serie

Arbetets syfte är att undersöka atleters framställning och könsroller inom sportens värld, närmre specifikt organisationen UFC och sporten MMA. Analysen utgår från medietexten ” UFC 185 Embedded” som totalt består av sex stycken uppdelade videoklipp. Medietextens syfte är att ge tittarna en inblick i atleternas liv inför kommande evenemang. Det teoretiska underlag som använts i denna undersökning

Serial Dependence and Portfolio Performance in the Swedish Stock Market

This paper studies the possibility to exploit linear dependence in stock returns of the Swedish OMX 30 index. The main model studied in the paper is a Vector autoregressive (VAR) model. Ten years of data from the OMX 30 index is used, consisting of 27 stocks for the period 2006-2015 which is transformed into daily, weekly and monthly returns. First the significance of the models is tested and it i

Vi trodde att de skulle dö utan oss

The purpose of this study was to explore how relatives to addicts experience the relation between their own role, health and wellbeing and the support that they have received. It was based on semi-structured interviews with five persons who have or have had family members who are or were abusers of alcohol or drugs. The study used Antonovsky’s concept of Sense of Coherence as well as the notion of


Very little if any previous research has been done on the potential predictability of bear and bull regimes in the Swedish stock market. In this study my aim is to predict OMXS30 bull and bear regimes with dynamic binary time series models. After using a nonparametric approach to identify the regimes of bull and bear periods in the market I looked at both an in sample and out of sample test. Based

The right tree in the right place : using GIS to maximize the net benefits from urban forests

Ecosystem services have been widely discussed as of late, and more so than ever, has the topic of resilience and sustainable city planning taken an important role in the debate over how we can meet the present challenges concerning livable cities. The costs and the benefits of urban trees is an important factor in sustainable city planning and their consideration early in the planning stages canno

Evaluation of an Extended Aeration System for Nutrient Removal, A Case Study of a Wastewater Treatment Plant in Kulai, Johor Baharu, Malaysia

Bakterier och alger behöver, såsom andra organismer bl.a. kväve och fosfor för att växa. Dessa näringsämnen är begränsande i naturen men finns i höga koncentrationer i avloppsvatten. Stora mängder näringsämnen i naturen från exempelvis avlopp kan leda till övergödning och obalans i ekosystemen. För att kunna njuta av våra sjöar, åar och bäckar måste avloppsvatten renas, t.ex. genom. biologisk reniMalaysia is one of the most developed countries in Southeast Asia, and strives to be acknowledged as a high income country by the year of 2020. According to Malaysian Environmental Quality (Sewage) Regulations from 2009 there are effluent limitations regarding nutrient emission from wastewater treatment plants. The company responsible for the municipal wastewater treatment, Indah Water Konsortium,

Det svenska lagförslaget om hållbarhetsrapportering: En fallstudie om hur företag hållbarhetsrapporterar och en diskussion om vad lagförslaget kan komma att leda till

Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och analysera några fallföretag med avseende på deras process att framställa en hållbarhetsrapport samt deras utgivna rapport. Vidare vill vi diskutera det svenska lagförslaget och vad hållbarhetsrapportering kan bidra till. För att undersöka syftet har en kvalitativ och explorativ studie använts med ett tolkningsperspektiv och en induktiv ansats. Studien g

Charitable Program Clustering in Canada: A quantitative analysis using T3010 responses

There is a lot of research dedicated to understanding what makes firms successful, and that research has expanded to take on a systemic approach. Most developed nations are implementing some sort of cluster policy and firms in clusters are well known to perform better than their counterparts. This thesis suggests we borrow practises used to understand firms, to better understand nonprofit organiza