

Din sökning på "*" gav 532455 sökträffar

Emotions and Policy - Teachers' Emotional Labour Amidst Policy Demands

This paper examines the interplay between emotions, policy and teachers' experiences within the Swedish municipal school system. Through an anthropological lens, it examines how emotions are not only personal experiences but also culturally and socially conditioned phenomena that influence teachers' subjectivity and the way they navigate the overall goals and expectations of the school sys

Jämkning av avtalade ansvarsbegränsningar i kommersiella avtal - När är ansvarsbegränsningar oskäliga enligt 36 § Avtalslagen?

Avtalsfrihet är en grundläggande princip inom avtalsrätten, vilket innebär att parter är fria att själva bestämma vilka de vill ingå avtal med och vad de vill inkludera i ett avtal. I sitt avtal kan parterna ofta också välja att begränsa det ansvar som de eller någon av dem annars har. Exempelvis kan avtalet innehålla ansvarsbegränsningar från skadestånd eller beloppsbegränsningar av det kontraktThe freedom of contract is a principle in common contract law, freedom of contract means that two parties are free to arrange the content of the contract however they like. Because they are free to dispose of the contract themselves, they can choose to include a disclaimer clause. However, there are restrictions. Parties can not include disclaimer clauses however they like because to minimize and

Alkohol- och spelmarknadsföring - En studie om skillnader i reglering av alkohol- och spelreklam

I Sverige idag uppskattas det att 16 procent konsumerar alkohol på ett sätt som bedöms som riskbruk. Detta är något som kan ge upphov till en rad olika konsekvenser, såsom sjukdomar, skador och missbruk. Vidare visar studier att fyra procent av individer mellan 16-24 år lider av någon form av spelproblem. Precis som med alkohol kan det vid konsumtion av spel utvecklas ett missbruk. Det är konstateIn Sweden today it is estimated that 16 percent consume alcohol in a way that is considered risky. This is something that can give rise to a range of consequences, such as illness, injury and addiction. Furthermore, studies show that 4 percent of individuals aged 16-24, suffer from some form of gambling problem. As with alcohol, the consumption of gambling can lead to addiction. It is recognized t

Pareto optimization of SPECT acquisition and reconstruction settings for 177Lu activity quantification

Background: The aim was to investigate the noise and bias properties of quantitative 177Lu-SPECT with respect to the number of projection angles, and the number of subsets and iterations in the OS-EM reconstruction, for different total acquisition times. Methods: Experimental SPECT acquisition of six spheres in a NEMA body phantom filled with 177Lu was performed, using medium-energy collimators an

Long-term ambient air pollution exposure and renal function and biomarkers of renal disease

Background: Despite accumulating evidence of an association between air pollution and renal disease, studies on the association between long-term exposure to air pollution and renal function are still contradictory. This study aimed to investigate this association in a large population with relatively low exposure and with improved estimation of renal function as well as renal injury biomarkers. M

Machining of Compacted Graphite Iron : A review

Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) represents a unique combination of the characteristics of grey and spheroidal cast irons, sparking significant interest over the past two decades, particularly as a favoured material in several automotive industry applications, including engine components and heavy-duty vehicle parts. Despite its growing prominence, the full potential of CGI remains underutilised, pri

Cod otoliths document accelerating climate impacts in the Baltic Sea

Anthropogenic deoxygenation of the Baltic Sea caused major declines in demersal and benthic habitat quality with consequent impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Using Baltic cod otolith chemical proxies of hypoxia, salinity, and fish metabolic status and growth, we tracked changes from baseline conditions in the late Neolithic (4500 BP) and early twentieth century to the present, in ord

Extending the Life World : Phenomenological Triangulation Along Two Planes

Phenomenology is often mistakenly understood as both introspectionist and anthropocentric and thus as incapable of providing us with objective knowledge. While clearly wrong, such critiques force us to spell out how the life world that is given in human experience is in fact not anthropocentric and not incompatible with science. In this article we address this by adapting a recent proposal to exte

Event generators for high-energy physics experiments

We provide an overview of the status of Monte-Carlo event generators for high-energy particle physics. Guided by the experimental needs and requirements, we highlight areas of active development, and opportunities for future improvements. Particular emphasis is given to physics models and algorithms that are employed across a variety of experiments. These common themes in event generator developme

Ett helt vidöppet tillstånd : Gurlesk existentialism i Mare Kandres Bübins unge och Aliide, Aliide

This article examines the combination of gurlesque aesthetics and existentialist themes of anxiety in Mare Kandre’s Bübins unge (1987) and Aliide, Aliide (1991). My ambition is to enable a deeper understanding of what I call “the Dark Girlhood”, that is, the existential pain that Kandre’s female characters constantly seem to experience. While previous readings take the social conditions of the cha

The effects of oral nutritional supplements on endometriosis-related pain : A narrative review of clinical studies

Endometriosis is a condition that can cause significant pain and discomfort for women, and the clinical and surgical treatments available have variable efficacy and can have adverse effects. These drawbacks often lead to poor adherence and therapeutic failure. Consequently, there has been increasing interest in the use of nutritional supplements as an adjuvant therapy for endometriosis. To facilit

Three-dimensional ecological drought identification and evaluation method considering eco-physiological status of terrestrial ecosystems

Ecological drought is a complex process in terrestrial ecosystems where vegetation's eco-physiological functions are impaired due to water stress. However, there is currently a lack of long-term assessment of ecological drought from an eco-physiological perspective. In this study, the standardized ecological drought index (SESNDI) was developed using actual evaporation, root soil moisture, and ker

Role of land-ocean interactions in stepwise Northern Hemisphere Glaciation

The investigation of triggers causing the onset and intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (NHG) during the late Pliocene is essential for understanding the global climate system, with important implications for projecting future climate changes. Despite their critical roles in the global climate system, influences of land-ocean interactions on high-latitude ice sheets remain largely un

Fattigdom och Visdom i Antonius av Paduas predikningar

In this master's thesis, my main objective is to broaden the understanding of early Franciscan spirituality. I achieve this by utilizing the sermons of Anthony of Padua as a source. By studying his sermons, we gain a deeper understanding of his thoughts. The research question of the thesis is: What is Anthony's perspective on poverty and wisdom based on his sermons? These two aspects of An

”Mycket större än vad ord kan rymma” Dopföräldrars val av doppsalmer i Svenska kyrkan i korsningen mellan liminalitet och mimesis

The purpose of this master thesis in practical theology is to investigate the reasons for choices of hymns made by parents baptising their children in the Church of Sweden. From earlier data on baptisms and hymns we do know which hymns are most commonly chosen, but no one to date has interviewed parents on their choices. The method used is semi structured interviews of eleven parents whose childre

Computing irregular hypar-based quad-mesh patterns for segmented timber shells

Hyperbolic paraboloids, “hypars,” are special types of ruled surfaces. Their geometric properties provide them with loadbearing and stabilizing capacities, as well as distinct esthetic qualities. These attributes become evident in numerous applications in buildings, in many of which concrete or timber is used for the construction of the hypars. Hypars could also be relevant in the context of circu