

Din sökning på "*" gav 532290 sökträffar

SRKCD : A stabilized Runge–Kutta method for stochastic optimization

We introduce a family of stochastic optimization methods based on the Runge–Kutta–Chebyshev (RKC) schemes. The RKC methods are explicit methods originally designed for solving stiff ordinary differential equations by ensuring that their stability regions are of maximal size. In the optimization context, this allows for larger step sizes (learning rates) and better robustness compared to e.g. the p

Establishing factors to consider while adopting the agile approach in manufacturing companies

Due to the current fast-paced business environment, new approaches to product development (PD) have been requested. In that matter, the agile approach has gained interest among researchers and practitioners. Based on its positive results in the software industry, it has started to be adopted in the manufacturing industry. Nevertheless, there are factors that manufacturing companies must consider w

Störningar och tidsförlängning : en entreprenadrättslig studie

I avhandlingen undersöks vilka störningar i entreprenadavtal som kan ge entreprenören rätt till tidsförlängning.Med störning avses i avhandlingen en omständighet som avviker från vad entreprenören förutsatt (antagit) senast vid avgivandet av sitt löfte (anbud) att ingå avtalet som gör att entreprenörens arbeten inte kan utföras som planerat och som orsakar tillkommande kostnader, en försening elle

Variation of satellite estimated LAI due to the impact of the ground vegetation cover

The contribution of the understorey vegetation to the spectral reflectance from the top of a forest canopy was investigated by the use of a forest canopy reflectance model. Detailed field data, i.e. forest leaf area index (LAI), tree structural parameters like the height, diameter and crown length of the trees, and the composition, distribution and reflectance of the forest floor, was collected fo

Introduktion till geografisk informationsbehandling

Summary: Geografisk informationsbehandling baseras på insamling, lagring, analys och visualisering av geografiska data. Denna indelning utgör också grunden för bokens disposition. Boken är i första hand avsedd för introducerande kurser vid universitet och högskolor men vissa delar är lämpliga även på avancerad nivå. Den är också utmärkt för yrkesverksamma inom GIS som vill öka sina teoretiska kuns

Robust residual control chart for contaminated time series : A solution to the effects of outlier-driven parameter misestimation on the control chart performance

Control charts have typically been constructed using estimators obtained under assumptions of data independence and a given distribution of data. Here, I deal with cases in which neither of these conditions are satisfied. In particular, I consider the case of data obtained from a first-order autoregressive (AR(1)) time series model that have been contaminated by outlying process observations. I fi

Experiences of acute care by persons with mental health problems : An integrative literature review

Aim: The provision of acute care to persons with mental health problems is challenging due to difficulties in encountering this group and the vulnerability of these persons. Understanding this group's experiences with acute care is thus an important endeavour. The purpose of this review was to critically and systematically identify and assess previous research on experiences of acute care by perso

Ett år av akademiskt skrivande : Erfarenheter och arbetstekniker för unga forskare

Unga forskare som vill göra akademisk karriär står inför många utmaningar. Deras tillvaro präglas av osäkra anställningar, motstridiga krav och begränsade erfarenheter av att stå på egna ben. Många befinner sig dessutom i familjebildande ålder. Kunskap om hur man kan göra för att må bra och nå framgång på sina egna villkor är sällsynt – få forskare låter andra få en inblick i deras forskartillvaro

”Jag har också rätt att ljudsätta världen” : Om tjejers och transpersoners tillblivelser som musikskapare i musikteknologiska lärmiljöer

The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to a better understanding of the relations between music technology and girls and transgender persons (aged 13–21) in music making. The research subject is leisure time music making in music technology learning environments, where issues of gender equality are emphasized. A further aim is to discuss the music technology learning environment from th

BEANS-distributed data analysis for numerical simulations

beans is a tool for distributed data analysis. It provides web and command line interface for data analysis and plotting for huge datasets. beans is written in a general form and can be used in any field of research to analyze the data. The main purpose of beans is to provide to the community a versatile tool to store, analyze and then visualize any amount of scientific data (e.g. numerical simula

Let there be light and darkness : Findings from a prestudy concerning cycled light in the intensive care unit environment

The present study reports findings concerning light in an intensive care unit setting presented from 3 aspects, giving a wide view. The first part is a systematic review of intervention studies concerning cycled light compared with dim light/noncycled light. The findings showed that cycled light may be beneficial to preterm infant health. Second, a lighting intervention in the intensive care unit

Moving between rooms - moving between life and death : Nurses' experiences of caring for terminally ill patients in hospitals

Aim. This study describes the meanings of generalist registered nurses' experiences of caring for palliative care patients on general wards in hospitals. Background. Earlier research shows that work with patients in palliative care is demanding. More research concerning palliative care is undertaken in oncological care, in hospice and in home-care settings than in general wards. It is therefore im

The social and solidarity economy in Argentina and the UK: convergence from opposite directions

This chapter explores the commonalities and differences in the history of the development of the social and solidarity economy in the UK and Argentina. It examines how the need for social security and welfare, unmet by political agency, was resolved through mutual organisation in both societies. It contrasts the absorption of welfare provision into the state in the UK with experiences in Argentina

Behavior underpins the predictive power of a trait-based model of butterfly movement

Dispersal ability is key to species persistence in times of environmental change. Assessing a species' vulnerability and response to anthropogenic changes is often performed using one of two methods: correlative approaches that infer dispersal potential based on traits, such as wingspan or an index of mobility derived from expert opinion, or a mechanistic modeling approach that extrapolates displa