

Din sökning på "*" gav 535932 sökträffar

Fulfilling and defying the established gender norms: the experience of five Swedish drag artists

Both in the media and academic circles there have been a proliferation of interest in drag queens. While the female impersonator has a long recorded history, our contemporary society’s quite public and sustained preoccupation about the subject seems to be unprecedented. Even though drag can be considered part of the Swedish pop culture, to see a man dressed in clothes that are typically attributed

On Assessing Pro-Poorness of Economic Growth in the Dominican Republic from 1992 to 2016: A Multidimensional Approach

This research study aims to examine the effects of economic growth on poverty reduction and income distribution in the Dominican Republic from 1992 to 2016; by employing a broad range of methodological tools used in previous country case studies on the basis of micro-level data, we develop a multidimensional approach that allows us to incorporate an inter-temporal dimension of analysis across the

Characterising the Rheology of Fermented Dairy Products During Filling

Fermenterade mejeriprodukter har utvecklats i flera samhällen, och idag är yoghurt den mest populära fermenterade mejeriprodukten över hela världen. En av svårigheterna med bearbetning och modellering av fermenterade mejeriprodukter är deras komplexa beteende, som orsakas av den gelstruktur som bildas under fermentering samt deras anisotropiska natur. För Tetra Pak är de enklaste reologimodellerIt is difficult to predict the flow behaviour of yoghurt during processing because it is a complex fluid that is problematic to characterise. This study correlated measurable flow properties to issues during automatic filling. Yoghurt is currently the most popular fermented dairy product world wide. The complexity of yoghurt causes its viscosity, the property describing resistance to flow, to cha

Organizational Politicking: An Empirical Study on its Application to Communication Practitioners

Organizational politicking (OP), otherwise known as workplace politics has for many decades been a deeply subverted topic in the management literature due to its widely negative credo. This study aims to investigate OP and its uncharted utilization within the communication profession drawing upon the empirical foundation of 15 qualitative in-depth interviews with communication practitioners in var

AI vid rekrytering

Människor präglas av omedveten bias, vilket kan vara ogynnsamt i rekrytering för att de bäst lämpade kandidaterna kan väljas bort på andra grunder än deras kompetens. Således har det blivit allt mer förekommande att företag använder AI för att göra objektiva bedömningar. Däremot har det visat sig att AI kan resultera i motsvarande problematik med bias som vid traditionell rekrytering. Sådan proble

Integration av ERP-och CRM-system: En kvalitativ studie på varför vissa företag inte integrerar ERP-och CRM-system

Företag har historiskt sett spenderat stora summor på att förvärva ERP-system till verksamheten. En del företag ser även ett värde i att komplettera med IT-stöd för CRM. Att det finns flera skäl till att vissa företag investerar i ett ensamstående CRM-system istället för i en integrerad modul i ERP-system har bekräftats av tidigare forskning. Att däremot avstå från att integrera CRM-och ERP-system

Förskolan i biblioteksplanen: ett sätt att legitimera folkbibliotekets verksamhet?

In the light of reports of decreasing litteracy among Sweden’s youth, several public studies indicate the importance of promoting reading at an early age. In this context, library activities directed at preschools has been pointed out as especially important. Although there is presently no requirement for preschools to have access to a school library, which is the case for elementary schools, the

"Vågar jag köpa den här maten?"

Hållbar konsumtion är ett ämne som länge engagerat såväl konsumenter som producenter, media, politiker och forskare. Som en följd av att jordens resurser under lång tid hanterats utan vördnad omfattar ett av FN:s globala mål i Agenda 2030 säkerställandet av hållbara konsumtion- och produktionsmönster där delmål 12.3 berör matsvinnets problematik. Hållbar konsumtion har i tidigare forskning studera

Sources of TFP Growth in Indian Manufacturing Sector: A Frontier Approach

Traditionally, Total Factor Productivity (TFP) growth, interpreted as growth due to technological advancement, is considered as the main source of long-term economic growth as other factors of input i.e. labor and capital are subjected to diminishing returns. However, conventional methods of measuring TFP did not distinguish between technological change and efficiency change. Recent developments i

Den juridiska paradoxen : Vilka faktorer är avgörande vid hedersrelaterade LVU-omhändertaganden?

The legal paradox. Which factors are decisive in honour-related cases for compulsory care of young persons? Previous studies have shown that honour-related violence and oppression has grown to become a major problem in Sweden. The municipal social service is obliged to help and support all people who become victims of violence. Yet, several municipalities in Sweden have been criticized for their

Fabrication and Evaluation of Perovskite LaCrO3 Nanoparticles as Catalyst for Electrochemical Ammonia Synthesis

As our way of living exploits the resources of the earth and our energy use keeps on increasing, we are now facing a climate crisis never seen before in modern time. To face these consequences and try to ease the harm we need to transform our extraction and use of energy. The use of chemical energy carriers and fuel cells offers the possibility of a completely green solution for energy distributio

‘Partly Reversed Measures’: Critically Assessing the Management of Resistance Within Radical Changes - Accompanying Banking Employees on Their Identity Journey During Digital Transformation

The omnipresent megatrend digitalization significantly challenges traditional banking organizations. Banking employees’ work life, including their job role and identity are subject of radical change. Due to banks’ importance to societies and economies, those consequences of digitalization need investigation to prepare for expected future changes. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understa

A small step for emissions accounting, a giant leap for sustainability? Unpacking the debate around the consumption-based emissions accounting method.

This thesis deals with the problem of outsourced emissions, the situation when the consumption of (predominantly Global North) countries with high carbon efficiency drives emissions in (predominantly Global South) countries with low carbon efficiency. The EU as a climate leader and an economic superpower subsumes a large share of outsourced emissions. Outsourcing can be measured by the consumption

Goodwillskydd - Ja, finns det ett sådant? - En kritisk granskning av skyddet och bevarandet av ett varumärkes goodwill.

Goodwill som fenomen kan verka vara allmänt känt, men ur juridiskt perspektiv finns det många frågetecken. - Vad är egentligen goodwill som immateriell rättighet? - Hur skyddas goodwill för varumärken? - Finns det några rättigheter som ser till att man äger ”sin” goodwill och hur långt sträcker sig dessa rättigheter? I dagens samhälle i Sverige och runt om i EU verkar det finnas ett hål i lagstGoodwill as a phenomenon may seem generally known, but when one delves deep into the definition of the concept, there are many question marks. - What is goodwill? - How are goodwill protected for brands? - Are there any legal rights that ensure that you own "your" goodwill, and in particular, how far does these rights extend? In the society today, in Sweden and around the EU, there seems

Har miljörätten kört av vägen? - En analys av förhållandet mellan formell rättssäkerhet och miljörätten genom exemplet rimlighetsavvägningen i miljöbalken 2 kap. 7 §

För människan är en grundläggande miljökvalitet en nödvändig förutsättning för liv och livskvalitet. Eftersom vi vill leva är miljökvalitet eftersträvansvärt. För människan är även förutsebarhet en viktig förutsättning då den gör det möjligt att planera sin tillvaro och känna trygghet. För att få förutsebarhet är juridik ett viktigt medel. Det kan dock finnas ett spänningsförhållande mellan juridiFor humankind, an elementary level of quality in the environment is a necessary precondition for life and life quality. Therefore, it is also desirable since we want to live. For humankind, foreseeability is also an important precondition since it makes it possible to plan one’s life and feel secure. In order to get foreseeability, law is an important means. However, there can be a tension between

Faktorer för företagande på landsbygden - En fallstudie om lokaliseringsfaktorer för kulturella och kreativa näringar på skånska landsbygden

The aim of this study is to investigate what driving forces that affect the localisation of business establishments in cultural and creative industries in rural areas. This was done through a qualitative case study in the village of Skåne Tranås, placed in the eastern rural parts of Scania. The data gathering was done through five interviews, four with entrepreneurs in the village and one with a l

The Patterns of Sense of Place: A Post-Structural Human Geography Case Study in HafenCity, Hamburg

The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the wider understanding and implementation potentials of Sense of Place (SOP) through a case study in Hamburg, Germany. This was done by examining how socioeconomic and geographical factors influence people in Hamburg’s perception of the newly developed neighborhood HafenCity. The analytical framework consists of humanistic geography theories, a section o

Family life can wait - An examination of family reunification in the Act (2016:752) on temporary limitations of the opportunity to be granted residence permit in Sweden and its proposed extension

In the peak of the 2015 refugee crisis, Sweden stipulated a new law in order to give the system respite while recovering from the pressure that followed from the 162 877 asylum applications Sweden received that year. The Act (2016:752) on temporary limitations of the opportunity to be granted residence permit in Sweden entered to force on 19 July 2016 to apply for three years. The law constitution