

Din sökning på "*" gav 532376 sökträffar

Boom goes bust goes crisis - Fluctuations in household debt during financial crises in Sweden 1873-2015

In this thesis I examine fluctuations and growth rates of household debt before, during and after financial crises in Sweden 1873-2015. The results show similar patterns in fluctuations between crisis and their adjacent years in Sweden. The results also show a significantly higher volatility of household debt growth rate fluctuations before, during and after financial crises compared to the rest o

Bruket av accounts i finansiell kommunikation – En (Vatten)fallstudie

Syftet med uppsatsen är att utveckla förståelsen för hur användandet av accounts i finansiell kommunikation är en del av ett företags krishantering. Vi har valt att studera Vattenfall under åren 2012-2015, den period då nedskrivningarna av Nuon ägde rum och fick stor medial uppmärksamhet. För att uppfylla syftet har vi gjort en kvalitativ textanalys utifrån grundad teori för att identifiera och kaThe purpose of this study is to develop the understanding for the use of accounts in financial communication in corporations’ crisis management. We have chosen to study Vattenfall during the years 2012-2015 when the devaluation of Nuon took place and received a lot of attention in the media. To fulfill the purpose we have done a text analysis based on grounded theory in order to identify and categ

Exposure At Default During Financial Stress - A Comparative Study

In recent years the capital requirements for banks have been updated which has complicated the pricing procedure for derivatives. Nordea has developed a proxy model that approximates the risk measure Exposure At Default, which is an important component in the recently updated requirements. The purpose of this thesis is to validate the accuracy of Nordea’s model. In order to fulfill this purpose, m

Internal Migration and Spatial Development of Informal Settlements: A case of Mali’s Urban Spaces

This dissertation aims to understand the phenomena of informal settlements and internal migration within the context of urban spaces in Mali. The design of the study is a qualitative case design using critical realism as a philosophical approach. Methods used are coding and memoing in accordance with a transcendental realism framework for qualitative research. The study found that there has been a

Modeling of temperature variations and response in a mining road bridge in Kiruna

Den här studien har utförts på en bro i Kiruna, i norra Sverige, som användes till gruvindustrin. En modell av bron skapades med finita elementmetoden i programvaran Abaqus 6.14 för att ta reda på huruvida temperatur- och töjningsvariationerna på bron på grund av klimatets påverkan kan beskrivas. Klimatets temperaturpåverkan på bron är komplex. Under dagtid påverkas bron av strålning från solen ocThis thesis treats a concrete bridge located in Kiruna, in the north of Sweden, which was used for the mining industry. A finite element model has been created with the finite element software Abaqus to find out if it accurately can describe the variation of the temperature and deformation within the bridge over time. The temperature variations and deformations have been studied with respect to cl

ABER - Creating a Brand & Producing Products

I knew early that I wanted to work with leather, a material that I took interest in a while back but never had the time to explore it thoroughly. My thoughts are aimed toward refining a previous project as well as creating other supporting products for this. I wanted to challenge myself so I wrote in the brief that the designs should accommodate for the production method i had in mind: Saddle sti

Resultat på Reynell IV samt SECDI utifrån en-/flerspråkighet och socioekonomisk status

Syfte. Syftet med föreliggande uppsats var att undersöka om resultaten på den svenska versionen av New Reynell Developmental Language Scales (Reynell IV), samt på Swedish Early Communicative Developmental Inventory III (SECDI), skiljer sig beroende på en-/flerspråkighet och socioekonomisk status (SES). Metod. 499 deltagare med typisk utveckling i åldern 2;0-6;11 deltog i normeringen av Reynell IV.

En tvärsnittsstudie om förskolebarns förmåga till inferens utifrån inferensdeltestet i The New Reynell Developmental Language Scales (NRDLS)

Syfte: Studien undersökte förskolebarns prestation på inferensdeltestet i The New Reynell Developmental Language Scales (NRDLS). Sambandet mellan inferensförmåga och språkförståelse studerades, inferensuppgifterna analyserades utifrån svårighetsgrad och icke-poänggivande svar kategoriserades. Metod: Föreliggande studie bygger på datainsamling till en svensk normering av NRDLS med fokus på delteste

Detecting Important Swedish Innovations By Text Mining Articles From the 1970s

This study explores the possibility of detecting otherwise overlooked important innovations by analysis of journalistic texts through naïve text mining techniques. The over 1,000 articles serving as the source data come from the SWINNO, a database constructed through the Literature Based Innovation Output method, where they serve as sources for information on innovations. The contents of the texts


In contrast to prior studies focusing on extraordinary retail environments such as impressive and outstanding retail spaces and themed environments, the present study examines ordinary retail stores, but with highly technological servicescapes. More specifically, retailers offering mobile applications as a part of the servicescape and its influence on customers’ motivations and experiences. The

Rätten till abort: diskursteori och innehållsanalys applicerad på svensk abortlagstiftning

In this essay, I use discourse theory on three versions of the Swedish abortion law: the current law from 2016, the law from 1974 and a bill from an abortion committee added in 1965. I also do a thematic content analysis on a parliamentary bill from 1974 discussing the need for and the purpose of a more permissive law. The history of the Swedish abortion law is diverse. In 1938, the law stated tha

Uppföljning med time-lapsedokumentation i tunnelprojekt

Är time-lapsedokumentation i tunnelprojekt en effektiv och användbar metod som stöd till uppföljning och dokumentation av daglig produktion? Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka och utvärdera time-lapsedokumentation i tunnelprojekt, motivet är att underlätta uppföljning i produktionen vilket skapar gynnsamma förutsättningar för förbättringsarbeten. I en bransch med hård konkurrens strävar f

Fostering buyer-supplier relationships An analysis of the supplier perspective in offshoring to China

This papers aims at analysing Chinese suppliers’ expectations of interfirm relationship when Western companies offshore their production to China. The research is motivated by the underrepresentation of the Chinese suppliers’ perspective in the literature and the undisputed role of China as the second most popular destination for offshoring. The literature finds that a successful relationship betw

The Plausibility of One Department Spurring the Process Orientation of a Firm - A case study of Helsingborgshem

This research examines the feasibility of initiating process orienting from one interdependent department in a firm. This was accomplished through interviews with the individual roles of the department studied as well as relevant project leaders and department managers on the board of directors. The findings suggest that the approach is viable based on the number of interdependencies mapped in the

Utrymningshiss som utrymningsväg – En analys av möjligheten att använda hissar vid utrymningsdimensionering

Elevators has for a long period of time been regarded as unsafe to use as a means of egress. This is an opinion that has shifted in the last couple of years as technical solutions has been found to the initial problems when using elevators as an escape route. This report investigates the possibility to replace a staircase with emergency elevators as a means of egress in a buildning. The report als

Optimization of resource usage in virtualized environments

Dagens värld omgiver oss av teknik, och nya tekniska ord och benämningar tillkommer jämt. Främst bland dessa förekommer ordet ”Cloud” som är något de flesta använt, men kanske inte riktigt känner till. Arbetet föreslår en kombinatorisk modell för optimering av resursanvändning i Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Cloud system.Today’s markets are heavily concentrated on Cloud Computing, where trends project an increasing amount of services living therein. Because these data centers, named Clouds, provide ability to dynamically scale the resources assigned to a service. It is a technology which allows products to remain competitive in a constantly changing market. Consumers profit from this solution, as it is much easier

Föremålsförvärv från vår samtid : en granskning av Nordiska museets styrdokument och föremålsförvärv

Today we live in a society that largely is based on objects, but in a world that more and more rely on objects it seems like the interest in the acquisition of objects from our own time decreases in museums. This master’s thesis investigates how contemporary life is represented in museums in policy documents and acquired objects. Through ideology critique and content analysis of the Nordic museums