

Din sökning på "*" gav 531202 sökträffar

Exploring Urban Soundscapes

Min intention med den här avhandlingen är att utforska urbana ljud och arkitektoniska rittekniker som skulle kunna användas för att representera ljudkvalitéer i existerande eller planerade miljöer. Genom att använda upplevd data kommer jag att undersöka metoder och olika uppsättningar av diagram för att illustrera psykoakustiska kvalitéer i urbana miljöer.My intent with this thesis is to explore urban sound and architectural drawing techniques which can be used to represent sound qualities in existing or projected areas. By using experiential data, I will investigate methods and various sets of diagrams and drawings to illustrate psychoacoustical qualities in urban environments.

Archaeobotany in the 4th Dimension: Visualising Specialist Data in a 3D GIS

Archaeobotany and GIS are closely linked with archaeology, it is hard to imagine a modern archaeological investigation without them. The two appear to complement each other. GIS links highly complex sets of data with space, and offers a range of analytical tools. Archaeobotanists look for patterns in data over time and space to interpret human behaviour. Yet GIS is underused in archaeobotany. Ther

Genuin tro eller verklig risk? - En kritisk granskning av beslutsfattares bedömning av konvertiters skyddsbehov sur place

För erhållande av flyktingstatus krävs det att den sökandes skyddsbehov kan hänföras till någon av de skyddsgrundande egenskaperna i flyktingdefinitionen. Om den sökande har en välgrundad fruktan för förföljelse av en annan anledning är hen alltså inte flykting. Då den sökande anför ett skyddsbehov sur place på grund av konversion fokuseras bedömningen på om den sökandes skyddsbehov är hänförligt In order to obtain refugee status, it requires that the applicant's need for protection attributes to one of the grounds of persecution in the refugee definition. Thus, if the refugee has a well-founded fear for other reasons, they are not a refugee. When the applicant states a need for protection sur place, for purposes of religious conversion, the refugee status determination focuses on whet

In-store applications - expectations, experiences and resulting gaps

The purpose of the thesis is to explore customer expectations and experiences towards in-store applications and compare those in order to see if there are any gaps. The study is based on qualitative methodology and abductive research approach, enhancing the in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of the in-store applications. 14 semi-structured video interviews of 26-50 min duration were conducte

Dressing up the environmental potential for product-service systems: A comparative life cycle assessment on consumption in rental clothing vs. linear business models

Alternative business models such as product-service systems (PSSs) have been cited as a solution for the impacts from consumption and fast fashion, but there is a lack of evidence supporting the environmental claims of such business models for clothing. The research aimed to understand if rental clothing business models such as PSSs have the environmental benefits often purported by identifying wa

Undervisning i trumspel vid Estetiska programmet - En kvalitativ studie om övning, motivation och spelteknik på trumset

Studiens syfte är att undersöka fyra trumlärares syn på hur de undervisar sina elever vid det Estetiska programmet i att öva på sitt instrument och hur de ser på elevernas motivation. Studien syftar också till att undersöka hur trumlärarna ser på att undervisa sina elever i att utveckla det specifika övningsområdet spelteknik på trumset. Utifrån litteratur och tidigare forskning kring temat övningThe purpose of this study is to examine four drum teachers' views on how they teach their students at the aesthetic program how to practice as well as how they look at their students' motivation. The study also specifically aims to examine how the drum teachers approach teaching their students how to develop their playing technique on the drum kit. Based on the literature and previous rese

Tuwei: a stigma caused by class habitus

Since 2017, tuwei (土味) culture has emerged in Chinese online space and the manifestation of it varies. On the basis of a case study on two Chinese social media platforms and gathered data from interviews, online videos and relating comments, the aim of thesis was to explore this culture with the main focus on tuwei videos and their producers, including the definition and classification of it, and

Smärtlindring vid misstänkt höftfraktur inom ambulanssjukvård – ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Bakgrund: Inom ambulanssjukvården är extremitetsskada ett återkommande uppdrag. I Sverige inträffar mellan 16 - 17 000 höftfrakturer årligen. Höftfrakturer är medicinskt komplexa, förknippade med stark smärta och hög mortalitet. Smärtan inom akutsjukvården är oftast underbehandlad. I ett senare skede kan detta få konsekvenser så som till exempel kroniska smärttillstånd. Syfte: Syftet var att under

Optimist? Javisst!

The main objective of this paper is to examine the role of equity research analysts as a source of information to investment decisions by analyzing the accuracy of consensus estimates in the Swedish stock market in 2011-2020. The study expects to provide an overview of the accuracy of consensus estimates and thus contribute to educating investors about when estimates are reliable. The ambition is

Bilden av ett jämställt föräldraskap - Ur ett utredningspolitiskt perspektiv

Att bli förälder är omvälvande på många sätt och kanske första gången man kommer i kontakt med landets välfärdsystem genom föräldraförsäkringen. År 2017 lämnade Utredningen om en modern föräldraförsäkring sitt slutbetänkande till Socialdepartementet gällande en översyn av reglerna för föräldraledighet och föräldraförsäkringen (SOU 2017:101). Hur föräldrar väljer att ta del av föräldraförsäkringen

Virtual Staining of Blood Cells using Point Light Source Illumination and Deep Learning

Blood tests are an important part of modern medicine, and are essentially always stained using chemical colorization methods before analysis by computational or manual methods. The staining process allows different parts of blood cells to be discerned that would be unnoticeable in unstained blood. However, this process is complicated to perform correctly and often takes much time. It often require

Finite temperature effects on decay rates in the real-time formalism

Författaren av denna uppsats är partikelfysiker, till på köpet teoretisk partikelfysiker. Detta innebär att jag är intresserad av att beskriva och förstå universums absolut minsta beståndsdelar. Den moderna fysiken har, genom hårt arbete av många ytterst kompetenta hjärnor, byggt en modell av det minsta vi känner till: de fundamentala partiklarna. Med exotiska namn som kvarkar, gluoner, fotoner ocThis thesis work presents thermal decay rates for several reactions calculated within the framework of the real-time formalism. Processes considered are those of a neutral (pseudo)scalar decaying into two distinct (pseudo)scalars or into a fermion-antifermion pair. These processes are extended from earlier work to include chemical potentials and distinct species in the final state. A hypothetical

En granskning av Business Improvement District i Valsta

The Business Improvement District-model has in recent years become a more common model for improving residential and commercial areas in Sweden. The model provides a Public-Private-Partnership between property owners and the municipality that produces a unique form of local governance, but Swedish legislation is not suited for the model’s original use. This bachelor thesis in urban and regional pl

Florida i malmös stadsplanering : en fallstudie av Norra Sorgenfri och Hyllie i Malmö

Almost two decades ago, Richard Florida published the first version of ‘The Rise Of The Creative Class’ and since then several cities in Sweden have implemented his ideas in the hope of bringing growth to the city. This study aims to investigate how Florida’s ideas can be found within the municipal planning of two sub-areas of Malmö, Hyllie, and Norra Sorgenfri. Furthermore, this case study was ba

Urban design och hållbar mobilitet : är urban design en förutsättning för hållbar mobilitet?

The aim of this study is to understand how urban design can be used in order to integrate and create conditions for sustainable mobility. This is done at both national and municipal level by choosing two municipalities, Malmö and Linköping municipality. The methods used are document analysis and interviews with employees at each municipality. The analysis is done according to the theoretical frame

Parkeringsnormer som styrmedel för hållbar stadsutveckling : en fallstudie av Lunds kommun, hållbart resande och parkeringsnormer

This essay aims to investigate Lund Municipality’s objectives, obstacles and strategies for sustainable mobility. Furthermore, obstacles against reduced and private car usage will be analyzed, as well as the parking standards change and its applications. This is done through a case study of Lund Municipality in Scania, Sweden, in the areas of Brunnshög and Södra Råbylund. The case study involves a

Generalstrejk, sabotage och terror: anarkosyndikalisternas strategi före första världskriget i D. Novomirskijs och A. Jensens skrifter

This essay investigates the revolutionary strategy of the anarcho-syndicalists in Russia and Sweden before the World War I. The purpose of the research is to gain new knowledge about the relationship between the goal and the method from the point of view of the ideology of anarchosyndicalism. The study explores how the same ideology shaped strategy in two different national contexts. Publications

Childhood economic shocks and adult wage effects

Early childhood shocks and the long-run implications of them have been of great research and policy interest. Even though a large body of literature has analyzed medical shocks and a variety of outcomes, research on how economic shocks affects the individuals later life economy has been limited. Using repeated cross-sectional data from Integrated Public Use Microdata Series for USA (IPUMS USA) for

Anknytningens betydelse i familjehemsärenden

Familjehemsplacering är en samhällelig vårdform som innebär att barn inte längre bor med sina vårdnadshavare utan placeras i ett annat hem. Ett familjehem är ett enskilt hem som på uppdrag av socialtjänsten tar emot barn för stadigvarande vård och fostran. Familjehemsplacering regleras i Socialtjänstlagen (2001:453) och lagen med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (1990:52). FamiljehemsplacerFamily home placement is a form of social care that means that children no longer live with their parents but are placed in another home. A family home is an individual home that, on behalf of the social services, receives children for permanent care and upbringing. Family home placement is regulated in the Social Services Act (2001: 453) and the Act with special provisions on the care of young pe