

Din sökning på "*" gav 531352 sökträffar

Prissättning av tjänster i byggkonsultbranschen – Införandet av alternativa prissättningsmodeller

Problemställning: Inom byggkonsultbranschen finns i dagsläget en stark tradition av att använda prissättningsmodellen löpande räkning. För att nå ökad lönsamhet har värdföretaget för studien satt ett mål att öka andelen uppdrag som utförs baserat på alternativa prissättningsmodeller. Vilka är då orsakerna till dagens låga arvodesnivåer i branschen? Varför är och har det varit svårt att genomföra e

Accounting for Gifts: How Consumers Understand Free on the Internet

Purpose: To investigate how consumers understand free services on the Internet. Theories: The research is primarily based upon theories of gift giving. Methodology and analysis: The Internet is not a tangible marketplace and in order to understand the value of the free services online, we used consumers' behavioral accounts to explain how they perceive the free services that are common online.

Time-Varying Beta of Scandinavian Industries: The Crisis Experience

Given the influence of the crisis on worldwide financial markets, the aim of this work is to empirically study the effects of the current financial crisis on the time-varying beta of industries in the Scandinavian region. The paper will consider such countries as Norway, Denmark, Finland and Sweden. Gathering data for 14 Scandinavian industries during the 10 year period. Then, quantitative tools s

Recruitment as a Part of the Dialogue - An Exploration of Different Experiences and Views of Social Media in the Recruitment Process

“Recruitment as a Part of the Dialogue – an Exploration of Different Experiences and Views of Social Media in the Recruitment Process”. The thesis you’re about to read is based on the new possibilities of communication that social media can enable in the recruitment process. The aim of the study has been to explore the relatively unexplored area of social media connected to HR. Theories used conce

Omhändertaganden av romska barn – en studie om minoritetsstatus i LVU-ärenden

Denna uppsats behandlar frågeställningar rörande romska barn, dvs. barn med minoritetsstatus i LVU-ärenden (lagen om vård av unga). Uppsatsens syfte är att studera hur rättsväsendet hanterar LVU-ärenden som berör romska barn och att undersöka om rättsväsendet vidtar speciella åtgärder för att garantera de romska barnen sina minoritetsrättigheter. Uppsatsens har även två delysften, att kortfattat bThis essay deals with issues concerning the Romani children, i.e. children with minority status in LVU cases (the law on the care of youth). The essays main purpose is to study how the legal system handles LVU cases involving Romani children and to investigate if the judiciary is taking special measures to ensure the Romani children their minority rights. The essay also aims to briefly describe th

RFID goes bananas - Change management for implementing RFID technology

För att nå långsiktig framgång måste företag röra sig snabbare och anpassa sig bättre till omgivningen än sina konkurrenter. Ett sätt att göra detta är att ta del av innovati-va teknologier för att skapa konkurrensfördelar. Nowaste Logistics som är en tredje-partsleverantör inom frukt och grönsaksmarknaden, beslutade år 2008 att införa RFID-teknologi för att öka spårbarheten på sina varor och på s

Witness Protection in International Criminal Court

The witness is universally considered to be one the most instruments to ascertain the truth in criminal proceedings or as Bentham says “Witnesses are the eyes and the ears of justice.” Under the International Criminal Court (ICC)’s legal framework, witnesses who testify before the Court, persons at risk and their interaction with the Court because of testimony at the ICC are entitled to the protec

Decarbonization: China from past track to future leapfrogging

Human behaviors lead to environmental change. If that premise stands true, then to put global warming under control is to restrict human behaviors in order to lessen their impact. For carbon emission specifically, the idea is to transform the global economy through a process of decarbonization. This paper focuses on China, both the largest carbon emitter and the largest of emerging economies leadi

Price discovery of sovereign credit risk in the Euro zone

This paper compares credit pricing on the bond market and the credit default swap market with focus on countries of the Euro zone and in particular on Greece. For the period 2006 to 2008 we find that the two markets are closely related and that the CDS market is the main forum of price discovery. After 2008 the relationship loosened, however we find evidence that the bond market still is affected

The Nucleus of CSR - Creating and Communicating a Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility Agenda in a Controversial Industry

Title: The Nucleus of CSR – Creating and Communicating a Strategic Corporate Responsibility Agenda in a Controversial Industry Authors: Karin Andersson and Anne Frandsen Supervisors: Martin Blom – Department of Business Administration, Lund School of Economics and Management Per Svenningsson – Department of Technology and Society, Envi-ronmental and Energy Systems Studies, Lund Institute of Techno

Value creation and earnings management in acquisitions: Evidence from Scandinavian Biopharmaceutical industry

This paper aims to examine the value creation and earnings management from acquisitions in Scandinavian biopharmaceutical industry from 1999 to 2008. In our study we do not find any evidence that acquirers in general make any abnormal return in the 3 and 11 days around the announcement date. However, when splitting the result according to their size we do find statistical proof that large firms wi

En jämförande analys av de svenska och danska dokumentationskraven vid internprissättning

Sverige införde den 1 januari 2007 dokumentationskrav av multinationella företags internprissättning. Internprissättningsproblematiken hade uppmärksammats internationellt och många stater hade redan infört dokumentationskrav i sina lagstiftningar. Danmark hade nio år tidigare infört krav om dokumentation. Denna uppsats kommer således behandla de svenska och danska dokumentationskraven. Syftet är aOn January 1, 2007 Sweden introduced documentation requirements of multinational companies’ transfer pricing. The issues with transfer pricing had attracted international attention and many states had already introduced transfer pricing documentation in their legislation. Denmark had earlier imposed requirements on such documentation. This essay will therefore deal with the Swedish and Danish tran

Are risk preferences stable? -An interdisciplinary analysis of context-invariance risk preferences in a hypothetical investment scenario.

The objectives of this paper was to; examine if risk preferences are stable across different distribution contexts, in line with the prediction of the expected utility theory (EUT); if the range frequency theory (RFT) (Parducci, 1965) can account for observed choice behaviour in a hypothetical investment scenario; and lastly, analyse the potential factors that can account for the individual differ

Eclipse-based graphical rendering and editing of Modelica code

This paper describes the development of software that generates graphical icons for classes written in Modelica, an object oriented language for modeling complex systems. The icon rendering is developed as a new feature in the JModelica IDE, a plugin for the multi-language software development environment Eclipse. The JModelica IDE is included in the distribution of the open source project JModeli


The practice of social development is situated within a broader phenomenological context known as the ―development paradigm‖—a grand milieu of institutions, policies, projects, and agents. Increasingly, social science discourses equate the development paradigm to a hegemonic project of empire epitomised by the moniker ―neoliberalism‖. As one such social development practitioner, I explore the ques