

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Konfliktstudier i landsvägskorsningen mellan väg E20 och 2623 utanför Jung

Konfliktobservation och hastighetsmätningar med radar genomfördes i landsvägskorsningen mellan väg E20 och 2623 utanför Jung. Tolv konflikter registrerades. Fortkörning är en vanlig företeelse genom korsningen. Det förekommer även andra regelbrott, t.ex. då fordon inte stannar vid stopplinjen.

Resisting Economic Integration when Industry Location is Uncertain

This paper analyses the political determination of transportation costs in a new economic geography model. In a benchmark case with certainty about where agglomeration takes place, a majority of voters favour economic integration and the resulting equilibrium is an industrialised core and a de-industrialised periphery. Allowing for uncertainty, a high level of trade costs may win the election and

The Missing People: Accounting for Indigenous Populations in Cape Colonial History

Because information on the livelihoods of indigenous groups is often missing from colonial records, their presence usually escapes attention in quantitative estimates of colonial growth, inequality and productivity. This is nowhere more apparent than in the eighteenth-century Dutch Cape Colony where the role of Khoesan in Cape production has frequently been acknowledged but almost completely ignor

Textens ansikte i seklernas spegel : om litterära texter och typografisk form : anförande vid Svenska Vitterhetssamfundets årsmöte den 27 maj 1998

A materialized text shows many faces in the mirror of time. In every printing, how ordinary it may seem, the graphic structure given carries meaning over and below the linguistic. Examples from different editions of the Bible and of Swedish literature demonstrate how the face of a text has been adapted to changing reading habits and literary taste. Scholarly text editors though have generally disr

Dynamics of Picture Viewing and Picture Description.

In his book Visual thinking, Arnheim (1969) writes: ... cognitive operations called thinking are not the privilege of mental processes above and beyond perception but the essential ingredients of perception itself. I am referring to such operations as active exploration, selection, grasping of essentials, simplification, abstraction, analysis and synthesis, completion, correction, comparison, prob

Gunnar Rosendal i kyrkopolitiken : Europeiska perspektiv på kyrklig förnyelse

This article deals with Gunnar Rosendal within church politics in a European perspective. The term church politics is here used in a broad sense, referring to the church’s management of internal problems and conflicts as well as the political strategies of the church in its relation to state and society. In my study I focus on three fields that in various ways got church political consequences or This article deals with Gunnar Rosendal within church politics in a European perspective. The term church politics is here used in a broad sense, referring to the church’s management of internal problems and conflicts as well as the political strategies of the church in its relation to state and society. In my study I focus on three fields that in various ways got church political consequences o

Disturbance Effects on Plant and Mycorrhizal Communities in Sandy Grasslands

Popular Abstract in Swedish Enligt ordboken betyder störning något som är avvikande från det normala. I den ekologiska begreppsvärlden är det tvärtom en del av det normala. Störning är en förutsättning för att många kulturmarker med hög biodiversitet ska kunna skapas och bevaras. I denna avhandling undersöktes hur markstörning i form av plöjning och harvning i torra gräsmarker påverkar mångfalden Many ecosystems have historically been disturbed, either naturally or as part of a cultural management. Due to loss of species as a result of too little disturbance, disturbance must be considered as a potential tool for conservation and restoration in various ecosystems. In this thesis work, disturbance effects on a grassland system were studied. The studied grassland had traditionally been sever

Characterization of the perturbed differentiation in neuroblastoma, aided by the analysis of normal sympathetic nervous system development

Popular Abstract in Swedish POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING PÅ SVENSKA Neuroblastom är en barntumör i nervsystemet som drabbar ungefär 14 barn i Sverige varje år. Neuroblastom uppstår under bildandet av det sympatiska nervsystemet, som är den del av nervsystemet som ansvarar för vår reaktion på fara och stress. Det sympatiska nervsystemet bildas under fosterutvecklingen och de första åren efteNeuroblastoma is a pediatric tumor derived from cells in the sympathetic nervous system. In an attempt to explain the heterogeneous clinical behavior of neuroblastoma tumors, neuroblastomas have been characterized with regard to their degree of sympathetic differentiation. Their expression of genes and proteins that regulate normal sympathetic development and cell cycle/cell death regulators was a