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Venös trombos och lungemboli
Last-mile delivery services in retail : a consumer-centric approach
The retail industry faces a multitude of complex sustainability challenges, which calls for transformational change. While the retail industry is a major driver of production and consumption patterns, it also offers significant potential to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. Notably, logistics services, such as warehousing, delivery, and returns, have gained vital importance in retail due to
Chinese strategies and American policies in the South China Sea : A qualitative study of a geopolitical conflict based on neorealistic theory
The tense situation over the territorial conflict in the South China Sea has intensified in recent years with China's increased military presence and actions. This has contributed to increased concern among the ASEAN states in the region. It has also affected the United States´s security policy on how to relate to China as an international power. The main objective of this study is to examine
Assessment of the energetic feasibility of a novel CHP biorefinery concept
This study investigates the potential for energetic self-reliance in an integrated biore- finery, the Earth Power Lodge (EPL), which aims to convert waste into valuable by- products through bio- and thermochemical conversion processes. The primary questions addressed include assessing the necessity of external propane to sustain the pyrolysis process and the net energy output of the ThermoChemical
Incidence and burden of injury at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games held during the COVID-19 pandemic : A prospective cohort study of 66 045 athlete days
Objective To describe the epidemiology of injuries at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, including injuries sustained in the new sports of badminton and taekwondo. Methods Injury data were obtained daily via the established web-based injury and illness surveillance system (WEB-IISS; 81 countries, 3836 athletes) and local organising committee medical facilities (81 countries, 567 athletes). Univariat
Växande vattenbruk i en ren miljö - dags för nya styrmedel?
De styrmedel som används i Sverige för att hantera övergödning från vattenbruket kan ha bidragit till att sektorns tillväxt är låg. Idag används främst fodertak, som anger hur mycket foder som får användas, och subventioner för att minska näringsutsläpp och öka näringsupptag från vattenbruket.Nya styrmedel för minskad övergödning kan öka det svenska vattenbrukets tillväxt. Exempelvis kan ett tak p
Free(doom) of Expression: An Analysis of the ECtHR’s Application of the ECHR Values and Principles on Case-Law on Freedom of Expression in Türkiye (2003-2022)
The issue of freedom of expression in the context of Turkey and the European Court of Human Rights (‘ECtHR’ or ‘the Court’) has been widely discussed from legal perspectives. Especially, with the changing political, legal and social dynamics in Turkey within 2003-2022, the case-law of the Court increased by a considerable amount. All the contingencies affecting the argumentative and interpretive a
Building ontology on-the-fly for the VGI and authority road networks to facilitate their integration
Squamous cell carcinoma of the mobile tongue in young adults : A Swedish head & neck cancer register (SweHNCR) population-based analysis of prognosis in relation to age and stage
Increased incidence of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the tongue has been reported in young adults (YA) in several countries since the 1980s and confirmed in later studies. The etiology is unclear, the prognosis has been debated, and conflicting results have been published. Some studies show better survival in young adults than in older patients, some worse, and others no difference. Most studie
Imagination and Science in Romanticism. By Richard C. Sha. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press. 2018. xi + 327 p. £44.50 (pb). ISBN 978-1-4214-2578-8.
Generative AI for Synthetic Data
Synthetic data generation has emerged as a valuable technique for addressing data scarcity and privacy concerns and improving machine learning algorithms. This thesis focuses on progressing the field of synthetic data generation, which may play a crucial role in AI-heavy industries such as telecommunications. Generative Adversarial Networks successfully generate various types of synthetic data but
On the nature of mixed neurodegenerative amyloidopathies
Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) are the most common neurodegenerative diseases in the world. It has been possible to identify common denominators for AD and PD, including aggregation of the amyloid proteins amyloid-beta (Aβ) and alpha-synuclein (α-syn). Given the continued challenges in finding therapies that could stop or prevent proteinopathies such as AD or PD, it is appar
Det samhällsbärande kontraktet : Individuation och likriktning i den västerländska civilisationen
Urban Climate Justice for Whom? A comparative discourse analysis exploring the concept of climate justice in urban climate strategy action plans.
Despite an increased emphasis on the role of cities in reaching the EU's ambitious climate goals, attention has been lacking paid towards climate justice on an urban level. Simultaneously, following international directives, urban adaptation plans are expected to consider climate justice in their approach and acknowledge the effects and benefits of climate action on their most exposed citizens
Visual noise from caustic flicker does not affect the hunting success of cuttlefish
Many animals rely on their visual systems to detect, locate or discriminate information in their environment. Environmental ‘visual noise’, however, may interfere with an animal's ability to detect visual information, affecting decision-making processes. A ubiquitous form of visual noise in aquatic environments is caustic flicker: moving light patterns caused by the refraction of light through sur
Nothing if not family?
Intonation som färg- Folkmusikens variabla intonation på trombon
Intonation som färg – Folkmusikens variabla intonation på trombon I denna kandidatuppsats beskrivs ett utforskande av folkmusik med variabel intonation med instrumentet trombon som verktyg. Arbetet, som sker i övningsrummet och följs genom en loggbok, utforskar olika metoder för att lära sig uppförandepraxis både av flera mikrotonala intervall för sig och av faktiska låtar ur den äldre svenska folColouring with intonation – variable intonation of Swedish folk music on the trombone In this bachelor's thesis, an exploration of folk music with variable intonation with the instrument trombone as a tool is described. Using a diary to follow the practice sessions, the project explores different methods to learn performance practice of the microtonal intervals themselves and of actual tunes f
Vad är en grupp?
Jag beskriver olika filosofiska teorier om vad grupper är, och skisserar kort min egen analys som jag utvecklat i mer detalj i en internationell artikel.