

Din sökning på "*" gav 535574 sökträffar

Sibling stem cell donors' perceptions of experiences of donation

Objective: What and when should we tell sibling donors about the donation process? Although we provide extensive information to sibling stem cell donors, we lack knowledge of their perceptions and how they change during the donation process. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore sibling donors’ perceptions of experiences of stem cell donation from pre-donation to one year afterwards.Meth

Haemodynamic outcomes during piston-based mechanical CPR with or without active decompression in a porcine model of cardiac arrest

Background: Experimental active compression-decompression (ACD) CPR is associated with increased haemodynamic outcomes compared to standard mechanical chest compressions. Since no clinically available mechanical chest compression device is capable of ACD-CPR, we modified the LUCAS 2 (Physio-Control, Lund, Sweden) to deliver ACD-CPR, hypothesising it would improve haemodynamic outcomes compared wit

200 ka of glacial events in NW Svalbard: an emergence cycle facies model and regional correlations

Late Quaternary sedimentary units at Kongsfjordhallet, NW Svalbard, represent five cycles of glaciations and subsequent deglaciations during high relative sea levels. The high sea level events are interpreted as glacioisostatically induced and imply preceding regional glaciations, which we constrain in time by luminescence and radiocarbon ages to just prior to ~ 195, ~ 130, ~ 85, ~ 60, and ~ 15 ka

Cell density dependent release of hepatic lipase in cultured hepatocytes

Cultured rat hepatocytes release the enzyme hepatic lipase. In this study we investigated the effect of cell density on this metabolic function under a variety of experimental conditions. The release of hepatic lipase from cultured rat hepatocytes exhibits a cell-density dependence, the secretion per mg cell protein being increased with increasing cell density. When cell density dependence was tak

Situationism, Normative Competence, and Responsibility for Wartime Behavior

In April of 2004, about a year after the start of the Iraq War, a story broke in the American media about the abuse of Iraqi detainees by American soldiers at the Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad.1 From the beginning, editorialists and science writers noted affinities between what happened at Abu Ghraib and Philip Zimbardo’s 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment.2 Zimbardo’s experiment is part of a bod

Social functioning after organ transplantation- an integrative review

The way organ transplant recipients depend on social interactions to develop and experience social health and well-being is similar to that of the general population. A transplant may result in a close to full recovery of health status, but the physical and social problems can persist in some patients. The focus on improving the recipients’ social participation has therefore become an important is

Airway inflammation in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and asthma : The united airways concept further supported

Background: It has been established that patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) often have co-existing asthma. Objective: We aimed to test two hypotheses: (i) upper and lower airway inflammation in CRSwNP is uniform in agreement with the united airways concept; and (ii) bronchial inflammation exists in all CRSwNP patients irrespective of clinical asthma status. Methods: We

Stjärnor och galaxer

I denna planetariumvisning får våra besökare träffa en astronom från institutionen för astronomi och teoretisk fysik som berättar om hur vi har kommit fram till det vi vet om Universum idag.Har du någonsin undrat om hur vi mäter avståndet till avlägsna stjärnor och galaxer? Hur stjärnorna bildas, utvecklas och exploderar? Undrar du om det finns liv i universum? Hur stort Universum är? Hur vi nu haIn this planetariumshow our visitors get to meet an astronomer from Lund Observatory who explains not only what we know about our Universe, but also how we know what we know. Have you ever wondered how we measure distances to stars and galaxies? How new stars are formed, how they evolve and why they explode? Do you wonder if there is life out there? How big our Universe is? How we have now discove