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Cameras, Pencils, Traumas : Drawn Images in and as Documentary Practice
Night and Fog in Kurdistan, a documentary film in its last stages of post-production at the time this chapter is being written, documents six years in the life of seven teenage girls who survived the ISIS genocide of Yazidis in 2014. Night and Fog in Kurdistan is a hybrid documentary in its way of combining different types of images, various perspectives, and different approaches to documentary fi
Autoantibodies to Disease-Related Proteins in Joints as Novel Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Objective: This study was undertaken to develop and characterize a multiplex immunoassay for detection of autoantibodies against peptides derived from proteins known to play a role in development of arthritis and that are also expressed in joints. Methods: We selected peptides from the human counterpart of proteins expressed in the joints, based on mouse models that showed these to be targeted by
Offentlig/privata samarbeten – nya möjligheter under lagarna
Redefining the concept of smart tourism in tourism and hospitality
Researchers have shown a substantial amount of interest in smart tourism. Despite the fact that smart tourism has been a popular research topic in the tourism and hospitality industries over the past decade, research on this concept is still at a relatively early stage. This research extracted 50 studies (from 2015 to 2023) on the definition of smart tourism using a systematic review and performed
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The access and use of administrative health data in Germany is limited by several factors. Due to the large number and heterogeneity of data holders, data are usually only available in fragmented form, and access is often regulated in a non-transparent manner. Linkage of health data with other data sources is hardly possible for legal and logistic reasons. These limitations directly affect the abi
Magic Tree - Development of a technology mediating multi-sensory musical instrument
This thesis is part of the MISK-project, Musik, Interaktiv design, Sinnesstimulering och Kvalitet (Music, Interactive design, Sensory stimulation and Quality). The MISK-project is a collaborative project between Certec at LTH, Furuboda Folkhögskola and Eldorado Resurscenter, developing musical instruments for children and young adults with mental and physical disabilities. The goal of the thesis i
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Mechanisms underlying the responses of microbial carbon and nitrogen use efficiencies to nitrogen addition are mediated by topography in a subtropical forest
Microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) are key parameters determining the fate of C and N in soils. Atmospheric N deposition has been found to heavily impact multiple soil C and N transformations, but we lack understanding of the responses of CUE and NUE to N deposition, and it remains uncertain whether responses may be mediated by topography. Here, a N addition ex
The Gaia -ESO Survey : Chemical evolution of Mg and Al in the Milky Way with machine learning
Context. To take full advantage of upcoming large-scale spectroscopic surveys, it will be necessary to parameterize millions of stellar spectra in an efficient way. Machine learning methods, especially convolutional neural networks (CNNs), will be among the main tools geared at achieving this task. Aims. We aim to prepare the groundwork for machine learning techniques for the next generation of sp
Grundvattenpåverkan från pumpkraft - En fallstudie vid Stärnö Stenbrott
Pumpkraft är en energilagringsteknik där elektrisk energi omvandlas till lägesenergi i syfte att kunna omvandla tillbaka lägesenergin till elektrisk energi i ett framtida skede. Detta sker genom att vatten pumpas från ett lågt beläget vattenmagasin till ett högre beläget vattenmagasin. Få studier har genomförts gällande vilken grundvattenpåverkan som kan uppstå vid denna typ av verksamhet, et
Föddes Jesus verkligen i Betlehem?
Öron, hörsel och balanssinne: : människan och andra däggdjur
Allmännyttiga tjänster kan gå före konkurrensreglerna
Fermion mass hierarchy in an extended left-right symmetric model
We present a Left-Right symmetric model that provides an explanation for the mass hierarchy of the charged fermions within the framework of the Standard Model. This explanation is achieved through the utilization of both tree-level and radiative seesaw mechanisms. In this model, the tiny masses of the light active neutrinos are generated via a three-loop radiative inverse seesaw mechanism, with Di
Exercise Is the Most Important Medicine for COVID-19
Introduction : The Dynamics of Truthfulness and Media
In this introduction to “Truth Claims Across Media,” we approach pressing questions related to facts and fakes, authority and authenticity, information and disinformation through an intermedial perspective. As digital technology allows us to blend different media and modes on an unprecedented scale, we need to delve deeper into how our media choices impact our perception of truthfulness. We presen
Accurate prediction of protein assembly structure by combining AlphaFold and symmetrical docking
AlphaFold can predict the structures of monomeric and multimeric proteins with high accuracy but has a limit on the number of chains and residues it can fold. Here we show that a combination of AlphaFold and all-atom symmetric docking simulations enables highly accurate prediction of the structure of complex symmetrical assemblies. We present a method to predict the structure of complexes with cub
Quantum and Approximation Algorithms for Maximum Witnesses of Boolean Matrix Products
The problem of finding maximum (or minimum) witnesses of the Boolean product of two Boolean matrices (MW for short) has a number of important applications, in particular the all-pairs lowest common ancestor (LCA) problem in directed acyclic graphs (dags). The best known upper time-bound on the MW problem for n × n Boolean matrices of the form O(n2.575) has not been substantially improved since 200
RNA sequencing unravels novel L cell constituents and mechanisms of GLP-1 secretion in human gastric bypass-operated intestine
Aims/hypothesis: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (RYGB) frequently results in remission of type 2 diabetes as well as exaggerated secretion of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). Here, we assessed RYGB-induced transcriptomic alterations in the small intestine and investigated how they were related to the regulation of GLP-1 production and secretion in vitro and in vivo. Methods: Human jejunal sample