

Din sökning på "*" gav 536564 sökträffar

Targeting TUBG1 in RB1-negative tumors

The disruption of microtubule dynamics serves as a pivotal strategy for eliminating tumor cells, despite its accompanying toxicities affecting non-tumor cells. This study investigates the potential of selectively targeting γ-tubulin1 (TUBG1) as a therapeutic strategy in cancer treatment. By elucidating the TUBG1-E2F1-retinoblastoma protein (RB1) network, we introduce a novel compound, 4-(6-((3-Met

Weak Measurement of Quantum Harmonic Oscillators

In this thesis we investigate the effect that weak measurement has on a quantum harmonic oscillator. By implementing a measurement process described by density matrices and positive operator valued-measures, we establish a model where the position eigenstates of a quantum harmonic oscillator in an initially pure state, are measured with a specific measurement strength. The results show that by inc

Investigation of Gaia and GaiaNIR using selection functions on star clusters

Satelliten Gaia har samlat data för ESA sedan den skjöts upp år 2013. Denna data har gett astronomer en ny inblick i hur den galaktiska miljön ser ut i vår närhet. Gaia har varit ett så lyckat projekt att man nu har börjat arbeta med en uppföljare till Gaiasatteliten, GaiaNIR, som står för Gaia Near InfraRed. Planen är att GaiaNIR ska observera i det infraröda spektrumet, något som gör att extinktGaia Near InfraRed, or GaiaNIR for short, is a proposed successor to the original Gaia satellite. Its main improvement over the Gaia satellite is the fact that GaiaNIR will observe in the infrared spectrum. This would allow the telescope to see through the heavy extinction of the Milky Way, as the interstellar gas and dust obstructs light mainly in the visible spectrum. A selection function utiliz

The Learning Loop, architecture in the contemporary

The Learning Loop is a Naturum situated in the historic Limhamn Limestone Quarry, designed as a visitor and exhibition center that fosters education and inspiration about the natural environment. Acting as a gateway to the site's unique ecological and cultural landscape, the project integrates learning and recreation to engage both the general public and educational institutions. This report p

Skogen, trädet, sågen

Vad ska den svenska skogen räcka till idag? Varför ser den ut som den gör? Och kan vi sköta den på ett sätt så att fleras behov täcks? En parallell inläsning om regenerativ design och den svenska skogen står till grund i examensarbetet. Genom att identifiera skogens intressenter och gestalta en plats där de kan mötas undersöker projektet hur platsskapande kan leda till kulturella skiften. Vad händThis study aims to explore the current and potential uses of the Swedish forest, investigating the reasons behind its current state and examining potential management strategies to meet the needs of a diverse range of stakeholders. Drawing on principles of regenerative design, the thesis delves into the implications of creating a space where various forest stakeholders can converge and interact, p

Sm(II) and Yb(II) Assisted C-F Bond Activation of Monofluorinated Alkanes

In this study, the lanthanide complexes Sm(HMDS)2 (1), Yb(HMDS)2 (2), Sm(Cp*)2 (3), and Yb(Cp*)2 (4) were synthesized, and a new polymorph of 2 was identified via single- crystal X-ray diffraction (sc-XRD). Additionally, the previously unreported Yb(III) compound [YbI2(OPPh3)4]I was discovered as a probable disproportionation product of YbI2(OPPh3)4 and characterized via 31P{1H} NMR spectroscopy a

Shaping inequality: Progressive taxation under human capital accumulation

This paper develops a model of human capital accumulation with on-the-job learning subject to obsolescence risk. The model analytically characterizes trade-offs of reforming the level of income tax progressivity and matches well income inequality in the US. An enriched version is used to quantitatively investigate optimal tax progressivity in the US. In contrast to standard models with exogenous i

Green portfolios

We develop a long-horizon asset pricing model in which equity investments may damage future production/consumption possibilities through their climate impact. We derive a four-fund separation result and determine the stocks' equilibrium returns. Stocks that have a sufficiently adverse impact on the climate may appear to have positive alphas relative to the CAPM. We further link our equilibrium ret

Modeling Inequality and Mobility with Stochastic Processes

This paper presents tractable two parameter stochastic processes of the drift-diffusion class in order to model economic processes with a focus on income. Starting from the resulting closed-form, cross-sectional distributions, easy-to-interpret expressions for mobility and inequality (including the popular Gini-coefficient) are derived. The general processes are applied to discuss income mobility

Den svenska kommersiella fastighetsbranschen under och efter Covid-19 pandemin; påverkan, konsekvenser och hantering

I detta arbete undersöks hur Covid-19 pandemin har påverkat företag inom den svenska kommersiella fastighetsbranschen. Syftet med studien är att analysera både omedelbara och långsiktiga effekter av pandemin på branschen och dess aktörer, samt hur företagen har bemött dessa förändringar. Studien är kvalitativ och data samlades in genom delårsrapporter, årsrapporter och hållbarhetsrapporter, samt i

Concave consumption functions -A closed-form characterization

This paper presents a closed-form expression for the concave consumption function in a model with liquidity constraints and spanned labor and capital income risk. Local Marginal Propensities to Consume (MPCs) and buffer-stock savings are analytically characterized allowing to identify its determinants. Solutions for common examples of the Hyperbolic Absolute Risk Aversion (HARA) class are presente

Healthy ageing for older adult people with intellectual disability : a scoping review

BACKGROUND: The increasing longevity of people with intellectual disability creates a need for a healthy-ageing perspective, translated into evidence-based interventions in this multi-morbidity group. Accordingly, the aim of this scoping review was to identify, summarise and analyse the empirical research on healthy ageing in older adults with intellectual disability.METHODS: This review was based

Adjusting aggressiveness of Depth-of-Hypnosis PID control by MPC-based feedforward

In this paper we propose a technique to enhance the performance of a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID)-based control structure for Depth-of-Hypnosis control in total intravenous anesthesia when set-point changes are required during the maintenance phase. In particular, the PID controller, tuned for disturbance rejection, is integrated with a feedforward action based on Model Predictive Contro

Global Solution to an H-infinity Control Problem with Input Nonlinearity

This paper gives a global solution to an H-infinity control problem for systems with symmetric state matrix and state-dependent input matrix. A simple, closed-form expression for the minimizing controller is obtained. This is in contrast to already established theory in which nonlinear H-infinity problems are solved locally. The result is then illustrated through an example, and the potential for

A Cone-preserving Solution to a Nonsymmetric Riccati Equation

In this paper, we provide the following simple equivalent condition for a nonsymmetric Algebraic Riccati Equation to admit a stabilizing cone-preserving solution: an associated coefficient matrix must be stable. The result holds under the assumption that said matrix be cross-positive on a proper cone, and it both extends and completes a corresponding sufficient condition for nonnegative matrices i

Digitala daglönare i gig-ekonomin - En rättsvetenskaplig studio av arbetstagarbegreppet

De senaste åren har den digitaliserade ekonomin etablerats i Sverige. En del av utvecklingen är plattformsarbete eller gig-jobb, som innebär att korta uppdrag åt flera uppdragsgivare förmedlas via en digital delningsplattform eller app. Rättsreglerna är uppbyggda binärt, vilket förenklat innebär att det finns två möjliga system: det ena gäller för dem som är arbetstagare och det andra för dem som

Long term inguinal pain comparing TEP to Lichtenstein repair : the TEPLICH RCT 8 years follow-up

Purpose: To investigate long-term chronic postoperative inguinal pain (CPIP), QoL and recurrence in patients with a primary inguinal hernia comparing TEP to Lichtenstein. Material and methods: A questionnaire-based follow-up containing the Inguinal Pain Questionnaire (IPQ), the Cunningham Pain Scale and SF-36 was done 8 years after the TEPLICH RCT. The main objective was non-ignorable pain last we

Modeling and Control of Pharmacological Systems

Personalized patient care has gained increasing attention in recent years. Precise drug dosing is critical for patient safety and good clinical outcomes, especially in intensive care units, where patients often are in critical conditions. Such treatments can include stabilizing blood pressure and heart rate or maintaining safe anesthesia levels. However, the inter-patient variability in the drug r