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Våld i nära relationer bland samkönade par. Socialarbetares erfarenheter av heteronormativitet i socialt arbete.

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur heteronormativitet påverkar socialt arbete med våld i nära relationer bland samkönade par, baserat på socialarbetares utsagor. Vi hittade lite forskningen inom detta område, majoriteten av forskningen vi hittade var internationell. Vi ville utforska hur våld i nära relationer karaktäriseras hos samkönade par. Vi ville också utforska hur heteronormativiThe aim of this study was to explore how heteronormativity influences social work regarding domestic violence in same-sex couples, based off the experiences of social workers. The research we found regarding this subject was limited, especially in Sweden. We wanted to explore the characteristics of domestic violence within same-sex couples. We also wanted to explore how heteronormativity is expres

A digital tool for mathematical calculations with focus on interaction design

Efterfrågan av digitala verktyg i skolor har ökat de senaste åren och idag är det enligt Skolverket ett krav att använda digitala verktyg i matematik. Digitala matematiska verktyg kan förse elever med automatisk återkoppling och lärare kan anpassa sitt sätt att undervisa, baserat på elevernas progression. Trots att det finns flera fördelar med att inkludera digitala matematiska verktyg, finns det The demand for digital tools in schools has increased over the years and today it is a requirement from the Swedish National Agency for Education to use digital tools in mathematics. Digital mathematical tools can provide students with automated feedback and teachers can adapt their teaching strategy based on data from their students’ progress. Even though there are multiple advantages of includin

Energy Consumption as a Leading Factor of CO2 Emissions. Is the EKC still valid for the United States?

The objective of this paper is to examine the long-run relationship between CO2 emissions, economic output (GDP), and energy consumption in the US during the period 1960-2015. Energy consumption is investigated in its aggregated and disaggregated form i.e. Fossil Fuel, Nuclear, and Renewable energy to elicit a more precise diagnosis of the emission-energy-GDP nexus. The paper contributes to existi

The little neighbor : representations of Mexico in Life Magazine 1938-39

This paper examines the visual representations about Mexico's socio-political transitions displayed in two photo-essays of Life Magazine in 1938 and 1939 respectively. It attempts to focus on the analysis of the photographs in light of their historical context to examine how the American society has represented Mexico and constructed a mediated reality through Life magazine's photo-essays.

Whether nexus rules under EU Commission proposal of Significant digital presence rules is compatible with separate provisions of international tax law

Growing digitalisation of the global economy is brining irreversible changes in business models and structure of economic relationships. External factors, such as pandemiс, only facilitate the process of remote participation in economic life and performing economic functions. International system of allocation of taxing rights between resident and source states faces new challenges because of ment

Försiktighet, Förtänksamhet, och Finanspolitiska ramverk

Under det gångna decenniet sedan 2010 steg den genomsnittliga statsskulden bland 35 av medlemsländerna i Organisationen för ekonomiskt samarbete och utveckling (OECD) från 65,5 till 68,2 procent av BNP. Utgifterna för dessa länders auktoriserade förvaltningar överskrider deras inkomster i ökande utsträckning. Finanspolitiska ramverk är regelsystem för auktoriserade förvaltningars finanser vilka inDuring the past decade since 2010 the average general government debt among 35 of the members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) increased from 65,5 to 68,2 percent of GDP. The expenditures of the governments of these countries are increasingly exceeding their revenues. Fiscal frameworks are systems of rules for the finances of governments which are institutionali

Digital small talk: a case study about the construction of organiza-tional identity through informal communication during remote work

Organizations have gone through difficult times during the pandemic trying to adapt to new working conditions that restrict face-to-face encounters for their employees. The development of day-to-day tasks have been modified to cope with the virtual conditions of teleworking. Furthermore, the interactions between coworkers have been limited to virtual encounters, which has had a great impact on the

Det genetiska arkivet : en undersökning av DNA-företags hantering av känsliga personuppgifter i relation till dataskyddsförordningen

The aim of this thesis is to widen the research field of archival law in relation to the new technological opportunities that have been created regarding personal information such as DNA. This is done by the study of the three most influential and popular biotechnical companies that are currently offering their services in Sweden. The material used to achieve this aim is GDPR and the privacy state

Among Us på Twitch : underhållande marknadsföring

Denna uppsats är författad av Caroline Svensson och Victor Svenfelt för fortsättningskursen i Medie- & kommunikationsvetenskap vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier, Lunds Universitet. Among Us på Twitch - underhållande marknadsföring undersöker hur videospelet Among Us kunde bli ett av 2020 populäraste videospel och vilken roll den sociala medieplattformen Twitch spelade i det hela.

Non-core business talent attraction

Research Question and Purpose: The research question will investigate what talent attraction looks like in non-core businesses sharing the name of the core business. The purpose of this thesis is to explore talent attraction in the context of non-core businesses sharing the name of the core business. Methodology: The research paradigm is a relativist ontology with a social constructivist epistemol

The impact of Digital Inclusive Finance on Green Total Factor Productivity under the conditions of Regional Development, a Chinese case based on a spatial perspective

As a country with a high proportion of population and land area in the world, China is in a stage of changing its economic development direction, from the previous extensive economic growth to the intensive economic growth. At the same time, due to the limited total amount of resources and limited environmental bearing capacity on the earth, certain constraints are found in terms of amount and str

Välkommen till mina områden - Fritidsgårdspersonal om framgångar och utmaningar i arbete mot social utsatthet

This study aims to understand how and if the youth recreational centers (fritidsgårdar) in Malmö are able to help the young people that visit them handle different forms of social vulnerability. We have used the report made by the Noa group (Nationella operativa avdelningen) that is part of the police authority, which has identified four vulnerable areas in Malmö. Through the conducted interviews

SMARTA BIBLIOTEK[ARIER] : samspelet mellan IMMS och bibliotekarier på folkbiblioteken i Köpenhamn

When the public library in Malmö presented the forthcoming implementation of IMMS (Intelligent Material Management System) a debate followed in which both pros and cons were put forth. IMMS, a developed stock management system, introduces new ways for libraries to handle their physical collections. With a joint floating collection, the system introduces an algorithm, batch management and chaotic s

Straffbarhetsåldern - och hur den inverkar på särbehandlingen av unga lagöverträdare

I straffrättsligt hänseende är straffbarhetsåldern den gräns som skiljer barn från vuxna vilket i Sverige är 15 år. Straffbarhetsåldern har sedan år 1902 förblivit oförändrad trots att ändringar både varit och fortfarande är omdiskuterat. Motiven bakom straffbarhetsåldern präglas av individualpreventiva straffteorier, främst behandlingstanken. Barn under 15 år anses inte uppnått den mognadsnivå soThe age of criminal responsibility, which is the age of 15 in Sweden, is the dividing line between children and adults within the penal law system. Since 1902 the age has been unchanged. However, changes has been and currently are much debated. The motives behind the age of criminal responsibility is characterized by specific prevention, especially treatment of young offenders. Children below the

Obefogade hävningar - Rättsföljder och strategier vid kommersiella köp

Trots att utgångspunkten är att avtal ska hållas, finns det vissa utrymmen för köpare att häva ett köpeavtal. Om ett fel i en vara eller ett dröjsmål anses utgöra ett väsentligt avtalsbrott, och säljaren borde ha insett det, har köparen hävningsrätt. Om de nämnda grunderna för hävning däremot inte är uppfyllda, är hävningen obefogad. Vad har säljaren då för möjligheter att bemöta en obefogad hävniA buyer may terminate a purchase agreement if a delay or a defect in the purchased product is of material importance to the buyer, and if the seller should have realized this. It is, however, unclear what these requisites mean. If the requisites are not fulfilled, and the buyer terminates the agreement, the termination was a so-called unjustified termination. What legal options do sellers have to

The Role of Institutional Distance in Nordic-Baltic Strategic Alliances

As it appears that the Nordic and Baltic countries share both similarities and differences in institutional environments, the potential role of it on cross-border cooperation is ambiguous. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the distance in Nordic-Baltic strategic alliances. This study has revealed that formal national and supranational institutions affect the national business en

A Method for Evaluating and Mapping Terrestrial Deposition and Preservation Potential- for Palaeostorm Surge Traces. Remote Mapping of the Coast of Scania, Blekinge and Halland, in Southern Sweden, with a Field Study at Dalköpinge Ängar, Trelleborg

Studier av palaeostormfloder ger bakgrund till inom vilka intevall stormar av olika storlek förväntas återkomma och träffa olika områden. Denna information kan användas vid modellering, riskbedömning och stadsplanering. Genom att använda de marina ekvationerna av Nittrouer och Sternberg (1981; The formation of sedimentary strata in an allochthonous shelf environment: the Washington continental sheStudies of palaeostorm surges provides background into at what frequencies storms of different magnitudes are expected to return and hit different areas. This information can be used when modelling, doing risk assesments and city planing. Using the marine equations of Nittrouer and Sternberg (1981; The formation of sedimentary strata in an allochthonous shelf environment: the Washington continenta

Risk Perception and Protective Behaviours Regarding COVID-19 Among Pregnant People in Sweden

Few have been left unaffected by the outbreak and consequent impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. One group of people, namely those pregnant during the pandemic, faced a unique set of circumstances that this research has aimed to understand. The purpose of this research was to contribute to filling the knowledge gap by delving into the risk perception and protective behaviours adapted by pregnant peop

The application of data security management in healthcare organizations

Healthcare organizations manage, transfer, and store large amounts of private and sensitive data about their patients over digital solutions, which puts them in a vulnerable situation as intruders try to access and leak this data. However, the risk of data leakage is just as great to occur by the exchange of information made by an inattentive employee. To manage and protect data from unauthorized