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A Real-Time Kernel with Graphics Support Modules
Simplifications of Multilinear forms for Sequences of Images
This paper contains a simplified framework for the analysis of sequences of images taken by uncalibrated cameras. It is assumed that the correspondences between the points in the different images are known. Corresponding points in a sequence of n images are related to each other by a fixed n-linear form. This form is an object invariant property, closely linked to the motion of the camera relative
Dags att ta lärdom av Nya Zeeland
A study of the neutral undistorted vacancy in silicon
Within the local energy independent pseudopotential theory, a convergent supercell calculation of the position of the discrete impurity level produced by the neutral undistorted vacancy in silicon has been performed. Translational symmetry was reintroduced by placing the impurities on a Bravais lattice. The author made calculations with unit cells containing up to 2662 atoms plus vacancy. A deep l
Handlingskraft på demokratins bekostnad
Kulturartikel om EU:s bestämmelser om terroristbrott, med avseende på sociala rörelser och demokrati.
OC206: Pictorial assay of the granulosa cell tumor
Ägare och kapital : klass och genus hos kapitalägare i Sverige 1918-1939
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen är en fallstudie som undersöker praktiker av klass och kön hos kapitalägare i Sverige under perioden 1918-1939, utifrån exempel från två av tidens mäktigaste familjer: Broström och Wehtje. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är ett försök att ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv förena en klassanalys utifrån Eric Olin Wrights modell med Bourdieus begrepp socialt oc"Owners and capital. Class and gender among capital owners in Sweden 1918-1939" The thesis examines practices of gender and class among capital owners in Sweden during the period 1918-1939, through the analysis of two of the most powerful families of the time: Broström and Wehtje. The theoretical frame is an attempt to develop an intersectional perspective through the combination of several theo
Problems of Identification and Control
Jämlikhet värderas högre än kunskap
Combined gene expression and genomic profiling define two intrinsic molecular subtypes of urothelial carcinoma and gene signatures for molecular grading and outcome.
In the present investigation, we sought to refine the classification of urothelial carcinoma by combining information on gene expression, genomic, and gene mutation levels. For these purposes, we performed gene expression analysis of 144 carcinomas, and whole genome array-CGH analysis and mutation analyses of FGFR3, PIK3CA, KRAS, HRAS, NRAS, TP53, CDKN2A, and TSC1 in 103 of these cases. Hierarchic
Empirical evaluations of regression test selection techniques: a systematic review
Regression testing is the verification that previously functioning software remains after a change. In this paper we report on a systematic review of empirical evaluations of regression test selection techniques, published in major software engineering journals and conferences. Out of 2 923 papers analyzed in this systematic review, we identified 28 papers reporting on empirical comparative evalua
Den förlorade tiden
Rate of heat release experiments with living materials
Results from rate of heat release (RHR) experiments with lining materials are presented. A total of 13 materials including both cellulosic and synthetic materials were tested. In small scale RHR was measured using a modified Ohio State University (OSU) RHR apparatus. In intermediate/large scale RHR measurements were carried out in a room-corner configuration with the tested material mounted on the
The Prayer Life of Peasant Communities in Late Medieval Sweden : A Contrast of Ideals and Practices
This study examines elaborate prayer practices among peasant communities in late medieval Sweden. The work focuses on the perspectives of ideals and practices, namely the standards of prayer, devotional prayer, and prayer in times of need and prayer cultures.
The Holocaust, Communist Terror and the Activation of Swedish Historical Culture
Comorbidity in heavy drug abuse
Improving OFDM: Multistream faster than Nyquist signaling
Mazo's concept of Faster Than Nyquist signaling is extended to pulse trains that modulate adjacent subcarriers, in a manner similar to orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) transmission. Despite pulses that are faster than the Nyquist limit and subcarriers that significantly overlap, the transmission system achieves the isolated pulse error performance. Systems with at least twice the spe