

Din sökning på "*" gav 530877 sökträffar

Holocene deglaciation drove rapid genetic diversification of Atlantic walrus

Rapid global warming is severely impacting Arctic ecosystems and is predicted to transform the abundance, distribution and genetic diversity of Arctic species, though these linkages are poorly understood. We address this gap in knowledge using palaeogenomics to examine how earlier periods of global warming influenced the genetic diversity of Atlantic walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus), a species

Expressing deference and intimacy concurrently with honorifics

This study is about ssu, a potential norm breaking honorific which reportedly can express intimacy and deference concurrently. While expressing intimacy and deference concurrently is incompatible with Brown and Levinson’s (1978 as cited in Hasegawa, 2015) politeness theory, Hasegawa (2015) provides a modification of their theory that allows for it. Yet, an honorific in hyōjungo ‘standard Japanese’

Exploring New Physics Through Collider and Gravitational Wave Measurements with Artificial Neural Networks: the Case Study of QCD-like Technicolor

Standardmodellen är idag fysikens mest konkreta beskrivning av universums minsta beståndsdelar. Den tillåter oss att kategorisera den synliga materian i sina grundläggande partiklar och beskriva deras växelverkan genom tre av de fyra fundamentala naturkrafterna; elektromagnetism, den starka kraften och den svaga kraften. Modellen har även lyckats förena beskrivningen av elektromagnetism och den svWith physicists actively exploring Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) theories that may fill in the gaps of the Standard Model (SM), a fundamental question arises: which parameters hold physical significance? In this thesis, we present our initial progress towards the development of a model-independent artificial intelligence framework designed for conducting parameter space scans in BSM scenarios. O

Characterization of different Streptococcus pneumoniae strains and their interactions with pooled human bronchoalveolar lavage fluid

Pneumonia is a common infectious disease of the lungs. When the lung tissue becomes inflamed, it can lead to symptoms such as cough, fever, and difficulty breathing. The most common cause of pneumonia is the bacterial species Streptococcus pneumoniae, also known as pneumococcus. This species is sometimes found in cultures from the nose or throat, without causing disease. If the immune system is we

Parternas lojalitetsplikt vid offentlig upphandling

Den snabba samhällsutvecklingen gör att juridiken ständigt ställs inför nya problem; nya fenomen gör att tidigare grundläggande antaganden och rättsliga konstruktioner snabbt kan bli föråldrade. En sådan utveckling sker kontinuerligt på såväl det offentligrättsliga som det civilrättsliga området ibland styrs förändringarna av lagstiftaren men lika ofta är det innovationer inom den s.k. marknaden o

Measurements of the laminar burning velocities of small alkyl esters using the heat flux method : A comparative study

Consistent datasets of the laminar burning velocity, LBV, for homologous fuels are indispensable for the elucidation of the structure-reactivity trends and the development and validation of pertinent detailed kinetic models. In the present study, all available LBV measurements for small alkyl esters obtained using the heat flux method have been reviewed. New results of the LBV for methyl propionat

The Prevalence of Polyneuropathy in Type 2 Diabetes Subgroups Based on HOMA2 Indices of b-Cell Function and Insulin Sensitivity

OBJECTIVE Metabolic syndrome components may cumulatively increase the risk of diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN) in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients, driven by insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia. We investigated the prevalence of DPN in three T2DM subgroups based on indices of b-cell function and insulin sensitivity. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We estimated b-cell function (HOMA2-B) and in

DNA methylation partially mediates antidiabetic effects of metformin on HbA1c levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes

Aims: Despite metformin being used as first-line pharmacological therapy for type 2 diabetes, its underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We aimed to determine whether metformin altered DNA methylation in newly-diagnosed individuals with type 2 diabetes. Methods and Results: We found that metformin therapy is associated with altered methylation of 26 sites in blood from Scandinavian discovery and re

Pedagogiska problem och lösningar i pandemitid : En samling lärarberättelser

Covid-19-pandemin blev en global kris med konsekvenser för såväl offentliga och kollektiva som privata och individuella vardagspraktiker. Svenska universitet fick med kort varsel lägga om all undervisning så att den kunde utföras på distans. Bidragen i denna antologi består av en samling berättelser skrivna utifrån ett antal universitetslärares undervisningsvardag under en omvälvande tid. De repreA collection of teacher's stories about their pedagogical problems and solutions during the covid-19 pandemic

Delamination of cellulose-based materials during loading–unloading conditions : Interface model and experimental observations

A cohesive interface model based on a master curve is proposed for the analysis of delamination in paperboard under various loading, unloading, and reloading conditions. The model is thermodynamically consistent and considers the effects of elasticity, plasticity, and damage. The proposed model is verified by comparing its predictions with experimental data obtained from multiple loading–unloading

Don't air your dirty laundry: Party leadership contests and parliamentary election outcomes

Staging an open contest is a democratic method to choose a party leader, though its electoral consequences remain unclear. I argue that leadership contests are electorally detrimental to governing parties. Competitive contests signal intraparty policy and/or personality conflict to voters, which damages governing parties’ perceived unity as well as competence in the policy-making process. Thus, le