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The Cerithium limestone Member at Stevns Klint reflecting the carbonate production recovery after the K/Pg mass-extinction

The Cerithium limestone Member (Mb) at Stevns Klint holds an invaluable record in understanding the marine recovery after the K/Pg mass extinction. The Cerithium limestone Mb constitutes a pale yellow limestone including several different microfacies and a large boxwork of Thalassinoides burrows and flint nodules. This paper aims to describe these microfacies in detail and document their vertical

”Ät snart! Tillsammans minskar vi matsvinnet”

Program, universitet och kurs: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen (VT 24) SEMK65, 15 HP. På kandidatprogrammet Service Management med inriktning Retail Management på institutionen för tjänstevetenskap vid Lunds universitet. Författare: Matilda Brondin och Emilia Noreblad Handledare: Tullia Jack Problemområde: Matsvinn som fenomen är ett omfattande globalt problem vilket livsmedelsbutiker är en stor

Reweighting Method for Lund String Breaks in PYTHIA

Event generators are useful for simulating collision experiments in high-energy particle physics. In the event generator PYTHIA 8, parameters may be varied to compare competing models against experimental data. It is then beneficial to employ reweighting techniques to explore the results for multiple parameter values with only one simulation. This study aims to develop and implement a reweighting

Egentillverkning: En strategi för ökad robusthet inom vården

The Swedish Armed Forces and the government have given the self-governing regions the responsibility to ensure medical device availability. This means that the regions should be able to provide healthcare that cannot be postponed for a period of six months without any deliveries. Simultaneously, new regulations have been implemented, resulting in stricter rules regarding medical devices. Hence, it

Limiting the Formation of Carbon Monoxide in the Formox-Process

De flesta associerar förmodligen ordet katalysator med bilkatalysatorer där smutsiga avgaser från fordon renas genom att gasen får reagera med syre och därmed bilda mindre skadliga produkter. Så kallade heterogena katalysatorer är ofta metalloxider och de används i många industrier för att möjliggöra kemiska reaktioner. Ett sådant exempel är Formox-processen, där en katalysator bestående av järnmoIn the Formox-process, methanol is converted to formaldehyde via partial oxidation on a heterogeneous iron-molybdate catalyst. To an extent, the formed formaldehyde (FA) is over-oxidized into carbon monoxide (CO) which cannot be recycled into FA. As CO affects the environment negatively and decreases the process economy, internal attempts have previously been made to decrease the CO formation of t

Identification of novel macrocyclic inhibitors of PSD-95 using tailored mRNA encoded libraries

Macrocyclic peptides are promising therapeutic modalities due to their ability to target protein-protein interactions (PPIs) with high specificity and affinity. In contrast to their linear analogues, macrocycles are conformationally constrained and the lack of N- and C-terminal make them more resistant to metabolic degradation. Advances in de novo peptide drug discovery, such as the Random non-sta

Expression of Terpene Synthases from Edible Fungi using Yeast Chassis

Secondary metabolites produced from organisms are compounds that are not directly connected to the growth of organisms but that serve many important purposes for them in nature. Terpenes and terpenoids form a section of the secondary metabolites, produced from terpene synthase (TPS) enzymes. Fungal species are highly dependent on secondary metabolites and especially the terpenoid compounds for num

Investigation of Interaction between Aquaporin 5 and Cytoplasmic Proteins CLIP2 and β-catenin

In all living organisms, proteins which transport water and other small solutes across the membrane exist and are known as aquaporins. Aquaporins consist out of four monomers, forming a homo-tetramer with a substrate conducting channel in each monomer. Aquaporins can be regulated by either gating or trafficking, which allows the cell to control the permeability of the membrane. Aquaporin 5 is one

Calculations of Transient Absorption Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes

In this work we study some potential light-harvesting iron complexes. Transient Absorption Spectra (TA ) has been used to determine the lifetime of the different excited states. The issue with this technique is that it is difficult to define the exact contribution of each excited state to the Transient Absorption Spectra. The aim of this work is to use DFT methods to calculate the ground and excit

Evaluation of Transition Metal Catalysts for Biphasic Oxidative Depolymerization of Kraft Lignin

Lignin är ett ämne som finns i alla växter och bidrar med stabilitet genom och skydd mot an-grepp från bland annat svampar och bakterier. Ämnet produceras i huvudsak som en biprodukt när träd används för att producera pappersmassa genom olika metoder, och omkring 100 miljoner ton lignin produceras varje år. Tack vare att lignin har en speciell struktur, där aromatiska molekyler är sammanlänkade i To decrease the dependency of fossil-based raw materials in society, and with that, the chemical industry, new and sustainable raw materials need to be investigated. Lignin is an abundant aromatic biopolymer, that can be used to produce, e.g. aromatic fine chemicals through depolymerization. In this master’s thesis, different homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts were screened for oxidative depo

Inhibition of Pitting Corrosion in 316L Stainless steel: an evaluation of the phenomena and method to facilitate material selection for processing equipment

Kan mjölk skydda mot gropfrätning på processutrustning av rostfritt stål och hur kan man testa det? Tetra Pak säljer högspecialiserad processutrustning till livsmedelsproducenter och utrustningen är ofta tillverkad av rostfritt stål. Stålet motstår många typer av rost, men gropfrätning är en typ av korrosion som påverkar stålet vid framför allt höga temperaturer och höga salthalter. Dessa förutsäThis master’s thesis is written for Tetra Pak with the aim to investigate if pitting corrosion inhibition can be detected for Stainless Steel 316L in contact with dairy products in an experimental setup. The aim was also to continue developing a corrosion test method to facilitate for material selection of food pro- cessing equipment in order to reduce the extent of detrimental pitting corrosion.

Stability screening of enzyme formulation in solid format

Enzyme formulation development is a tedious process that requires lots of time and resources. By improving parts of the formulation process, the formulation of enzymes could become more efficient and allow for quicker commercialization of enzyme products. The focus of this project has been on solid granular enzyme formulations, aiming to accelerate stability studies, develop enzyme degradation pre

Dynamic Update of CSP Allocations in Federation Orchestration

This paper discusses the project in which an algorithm was written to dynamically approach federation orchestration. This builds on and is part of the REINDEER project. In an environment with goods and online agents, and in this specific case, Contact Service Points (CSPs) and User Equipments (UEs), where the agents have different applications and make unpredictable changes such as moving around a