

Din sökning på "*" gav 530573 sökträffar

Livet med assistent : Föräldrars upplevelser av personlig assistans till ett hemmavarande barn

The aim of the study was to examine parents’ experiences of personal assistance of their child's personal assistance in the home. The focus set on the relationship to the assistant. The material has been gathered through semi-structured interviews and the sample group consisted of four parents. The approach is ethno methodological. Furthermore, the concepts of backstage and frontstage from Gof

Current account imbalances in the European Union - Can convergence and competitiveness explain the intra-EU current account imbalances

The current account within the EU has been balanced on an aggregate level; nevertheless divergences among the members have increased since the introduction of the common currency. This thesis aims to explain the intra-EU current account imbalances (in the period 1993-2013) through the convergence and competitiveness hypothesis. We distinguish between balances towards the EU and the rest of the wor

Människohandel i sexuellt syfte – vad säger normen? En rättssociologisk studie om sociala normer och maktstrukturer inom människohandel i sexuellt syfte.

The overall purpose of this thesis is to study what the general understanding of human trafficking for sexual purposes is, and at the same time increase the awareness regarding the subject. It is important to highlight this subject matter, since Sweden is striving for equality within its society (Bucken-Knapp, Karlsson & Persson-Strömbäck, 2010: 182) and the thesis becomes of interest when stu


Undersöka om vd-egenskaper påverkar företags hedging mot ett mer selektivt hedgingbeteende. Deduktiv kvantitativ ansats, testas med statistiska tester på paneldataset. Fyra regressioner kommer användas för att fastställa huruvida vd- egenskaperna påverkar graden av selektiv hedging företag använder. Teorin som presenteras är till en början allmän teori kring traditionell hedging, detta leder in p

Living on the water : a social innovation approach to flood adaptation planning in the river basin Eferding, Austria

In the summer of 2013, devastating floods caused heavy damage along various streams in central Europe. In the river basin Eferding in Austria, the Danube River reached record water levels and flooded hundreds of homes in the low-lying areas over night. The response of the government to resettle people has been heavily criticized by a local citizen initiative, leading to protests in front of the re

Där spriten går in, går vettet ut - en rättsutvecklingsanalys kring berusade lagöverträdare

En stor del av våldsbrotten i Sverige begås av gärningsmän som handlat under självförvållat rus. Hur man straffrättsligt ska behandla den här kategorin av lagöverträdare är ett ämne som givit upphov till debatter kring vad som är den lämpligaste lösningen. Skuldbedömningen för personer som begått brott under inverkan av rusningsmedel har förändrats ett flertal gånger genom svensk rättshistoria, trA large number of the violent crimes that are committed in Sweden involve an intoxicated offender. How these offenders should be treated is a subject that has raised several debates regarding the most appropriate solution. The assessment of guilt for people committing crimes under the influence of alcohol has changed several times through Swedish legal history. Nonetheless there is still disagreem

God skattelagstiftning, finansiell leasing och SOU 2014:40

SOU 2014:40 innebär avdragsbegränsningsregler för finansiella kostnader, bland annat finansiella leasingtransaktioner. Grundtanken bakom detta är att utjämna skillnaderna i den skattemässiga behandlingen av eget och lånat kapital. Ett ytterligare skäl till att avskaffa avdragsrätten för räntor är att det har förekommit omfattande skatteplanering med ränteavdrag som har visat sig svår att motverka.If the proposed changes in SOU 2014:40 are implemented it will impose limitations on deductions for ”financial expenses”. This process will mean limitations for deductions related to financial leasing. The idea behind this is to lessen the difference that exists between the taxation of equity and borrowed capital. Another reason behind the proposed changes is the large extent to which the current

Nytt blir gammalt och gammalt blir nytt - En jämförande studie mellan Islamic State in Iraq and Syria och Rote Armee Fraktion

Under det senaste decenniet har terroristverksamheten blivit allt mer brutal. Många forskare inom ämnet menar att terrorismen har förändrat karaktär och att man därför kan dela upp terrorism som ny respektive gammal. Detta anser vi vara intressant, då terrorismen i allt större grad påverkar världen och dess befolkning. I vår studie vill vi pröva denna teori om ny och gammal terrorism genom att bes

Risk-taking behavior in monolingual vs. bilingual children: an experiment

Språkets påverkan på ekonomisk beteende är ett område som endast nyligen har uppmärksammats. Tidigare studier har snuddat på språkets effekt på riskbeteende, men inte undersökt detta beteende hos barn. Skillnader i språkkunskaper bland barn kan tyda på skillnader i kognitiv utveckling och därmed en förståelse av ekonomiska koncept. I ett kontrollerat experiment undersöks 20 enspråkiga och 20 flersThe effect of language on economic behavior is an area of research recently brought to public attention. Previous studies have touched upon the effect of language on risk attitudes, though this behavior in children has been studied to a lesser extent. Observing differences in language skills in children may indicate differences in developmental gains, and therefore an understanding of economic con

Factors driving the Euro senior funding costs for Swedish Banks

In this thesis we show that the best forecast for near future yield curves are performed with a full specication of our chosen model and for far future yield curves the forecast is better with a partial specication of the model. We conclude that the driving factors for the banks' yield curves are not as closely related to Swedbank's as amongst the other peers which show that Swedbank stand

The effect of realistic nuclear charge distributions on atomic levels and transitions

Analogue atomic spectral lines from different isotopes display a small shift in energy, commonly referred as the frequency isotope shift. One of the components of the isotope shift is the field shift, which depends on the extent and the shape of the nuclear charge density distribution. In this work, we investigate how sensitive field shifts are with respect to variations in the nuclear size and sh

Characterization of Supported Catalytic Metallic Nanoparticles using Transmission Electron Microscopy

Katalysatorer är viktiga för effektivisering av både industri och spetsforskning. Att se enstaka atomer är inte möjligt i vanliga ljusmikroskop, så högupplösande elektronmikroskop har använts för att bestämma storlek hos katalytiska guldnanopartiklar mellan 5 och 20nm.In this project catalysts have been analyzed, in the sense of size and composition, using a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). This important class of substances are used to facilitate chemical reactions, in everything from specific molecular research to conversion car emissions which explains the importance of research. Nanoparticles of gold (Au) have been shown to have good catalytic perfor

Measurement and Verification; Establishing Relevant Procedures in Ukraine

Ukraine is at a cross roads. Several important decisions are needed to be made and carried out in a short time to secure the future of their in many cases broken and inefficient district heating systems (DHS), which heat the homes and offices of millions Ukrainians today. To make matters worse they have foreign interests panting down their necks with demands of payments regarding gas bought and im

Object Restrictions after Cartes Bancaires and Consequences for Agreements in Need to Benefit from the “Safe Harbour” of the De Minimis Notice

Some practices are seen as so serious and damaging to competition that they are presumed to have restrictive effects on competition. Having a category of restrictions that are forbidden benefits both companies, as it creates legal certainty, and the Commission which would not not have to go through a burdensome investigation. In recent decades, the interpretation of restriction by object has cause

Hydrolys av överskottsslam för maximerat fosforsläpp - En studie i Bio-P som resurs för näringsåtervinning

Anna Brandin Struvit från allt vårt skit – näringsåtervinning under utveckling Fosfor är en ändlig resurs och för att inte hota jordens matproduktion är det viktigt att återföra fosforn genom ett hållbart kretsloppsperspektiv. Det kan exempelvis ske genom att återanvända fosfor från avloppsslam. Det finns flera olika metoder för att utvinna fosfor ur avloppsslam utan att få med oönskade ämnenDuring the biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) process, the phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs) accumulates excess phosphorus in the form of polyphosphorus (poly-P) in the aerobic phase. In the following anaerobic zone, PAOs take up volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and simultaneously releases poly-P. Through hydrolysis of the biosludge, the slowly biodegradable organic carbon is degraded into VFA

What Can I Do About My Face? A Critical Feminist Exploration of How Women Relate to Personal Branding

Purpose: With our study we aim to uncover the gendered nature of personal branding by exploring the phenomenon from women’s perspectives. Theoretical Framework: Our study draws on theory from scholarly literature on gender in organizations and personal branding as well as on popular personal branding literature. Methodology: Locating our qualitative research in the interpretive and critical femini

Stalkning: "Något som varje människa borde skyddas mot”. En kvalitativ undersökning avseende svenska myndigheters hantering av fenomenet stalkning.

This paper aims to analyze and illustrate how the Swedish authorities and organizations in the province of Skåne manage and experience the phenomenon of stalking from a government and victim perspective. In October 2011 the phenomenon became penal provision olaga förföljelse (unlawful persecution) in Swedish law, in the Penal Code. The paper further illustrates the possible advantages and disadvan

Development of Key Performance Indicators for the Product Launch Process at IKEA Industry

The purpose of the project was to develop key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure and easily communicate the performance of IKEA Industry’s new product development process; Product Launch Process (PLP), and their new products, NEWS. This to enable improvements of the process and the products. The projects objectives were: 1. What performances of PLP should be measured? 2. What performances o