

Din sökning på "*" gav 530343 sökträffar

Identity Construction through Consumer Collectives: A qualitative study on how consumers construct their identity within the beauty community on Tiktok

The study aims to develop an understanding of how consumers construct their identities through online communities on social media platforms. The paper will specifically look into the platform Tiktok, and moreover how consumers construct their identities within the beauty community on the platform. The findings of the study demonstrate how consumers within the beauty community on Tiktok are seeking

Artificial Intelligence and Gender Equality: A Study on Legal Scholars’ Understanding of Gender Discrimination and Suggested Solutions

Syftet med denna uppsats är att identifiera den rådande diskursen inom juridisk forskning på området artificiell intelligens (AI) och genus, och att diskutera för- och nackdelar med de lösningar forskare presenterat i relation till substantiell jämställdhet. De rekommenderade lösningarna identifieras genom en systematisk juridisk litteraturgenomgång av AI och genus. Genom att tillämpa teorin om soThe thesis aims to identify the dominant narrative within the legal research field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and discuss the merit of the prevalent solutions offered by scholars in relation to substantive gender equality. The thesis finds the solutions from a systematic legal literature review covering AI and gender. It develops an analytical framework by applying the theory of social change

Restrictions on Reproductive Health Care and Women’s Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the United States

This paper evaluates the impact of reproductive health care restrictions on women’s labor market outcomes in the United States. We exploit the variation in restrictions on reproductive health care services across U.S. states and over time by using individual level data on fertility and labor market outcomes and state level data on reproductive health care restrictions. We apply a difference-in-dif

UAS som nationell resurs - En studie av UAS-teknik, dess användning i svenska myndigheter och möjligheter till samverkan

Drones have been used by the military since mid-1970 but the development of autonomous systems from the turn of the millennium and onward has opened the area of UAV to civil service and the public immensely. Today UAV technology saves lives in Search And Rescue operations, complements and supports full scale vehicles at the Police force and assists in surveys and documentation of ground and forest

Avkriminalisering av cannabis - En komparativ studie mellan universitets- och polisstudenters attityder

Cannabis is a well-debated topic in contemporary society where globally, several countries have legalized or decriminalized cannabis use in recent years. Yet Sweden remains a country that distances itself from such decriminalization policies and has long enforced a prohibitionist approach to drugs and drug use. The qualitative study presented here examines and compares university and police studen

Employer Attraction & Employee Retention in the Pharmaceutical Industry of Egypt and Pakistan

This thesis is placed in the context of Employer Attractiveness and Employee Retention within the Pharmaceutical Industry of Egypt and Pakistan. Most of the studies conducted in the past are either specifically done on Employer Attractiveness, Employer Branding, or a combination of both, indicating a lack of research between employer attractiveness and employee retention; thus, this thesis will br

Two steps forward, one step back – measuring social change in women’s rights through feminist values : An intersectional feminist critical content analysis on two NGO reports

Det finns ett ökat behov av att mäta både människor och förändringsprocesser. Icke- statliga organisationer (NGO:er), stater och forskningen behöver hitta metoder och verktyg för att säkerställa att traktat, program och strategier som är ämnade att minska fattigdom och öka jämställdhet fungerar. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur Oxfam och ActionAid mäter social förändring inom kvinnors rThe need to measure and track both people and processes involved in change is increasing. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), states, and research need to find tools to ensure that the treaties, programmes, and strategies meant to reduce poverty and increase equality are working. This thesis aims to study how Oxfam and ActionAid measure social change in women’s rights. Regarding women’s rights,

The role of United States foreign aid in reducing unemployment in Colombia between 2001-2008

This paper will examine if U.S. foreign aid to Colombia had any effect on unemployment rates in the country from 2000-2008. The anti-drug policy Plan Colombia’s success will be assessed and how the policy, which consisted of military and social aid, was able to reduce unemployment numbers. The analysis will be a case study using a qualitative method of interpreting trends from longitudinal and cro

Aesthetics of Urban Culture: Corporeal Experience of Copenhagen

This thesis explores the visual culture of the streets; images and sensory experiences that shape our sense of space and ideas of identity and belonging. The atmospheres of cities, partly constructed by planners and partly lived by those who inhabit its spaces, produce audio-visual material that affect the atmosphere of the city, influencing dynamics of hierarchal structures in society. Nørrebro,

Gas chromatographytandem mass spectrometry using chemical ionization for analysis of blood metabolites

Introduction: Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is a powerful tool when used in metabolomics, the study of small molecules in the body, and investigating new modes of using it might lead to even better tools for diagnostics and research. Background: Chemical ionization (CI) for GC-tandem MS (GC-MS/MS) is relatively rarely used compared to the more commonplace electron ionization (EI).

Earnings Management and Board Monitoring: Does CEO Power Have a Moderating Role?

The purpose of this study is twofold. The first is to examine the board monitoring's impact on accrual-based earnings management, as reflected by the absolute value of discretionary accruals. The second is to investigate the moderating effect of CEO power on the relationship between board monitoring and accrual-based earnings management. The study follows a deductive approach and a quantitati

Automated Functional Tests for a Web Application

Vid utveckling av stora applikationer använder sig många företag av tekniker så som testdriven utveckling för att skapa en stor samling av test som de sedan kan använda sig av för att validera skriven kod. Detta har blivit standarden på många arbetsplatser. Problem uppstår när en applikation redan är utvecklad och test ej har skrivits under utvecklingens gång. Detta gör det näst intill omöjligt atWhen developing a large application, many companies use techniques such as Test Driven Development in order to get a range of tests on which they later can validate their code with. This has become the standard in many work environments. Problems arise when an application is already developed and tests has not been written in the course of the development. This makes it near impossible to validate

A decade of maize yield gap studies in sub-Saharan Africa: how are farm-level factors considered?

The study of yield gaps has become more complex, prompting the use of varied approaches to measure yields and a wider range of factors to explain these gaps. In the Global North, the focus is on precision farming, whereas in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), a broader perspective is necessary due to pronounced variability in farmland conditions. While biogeophysical and management factors have been tradit

WOMBAT-P : Benchmarking Label-Free Proteomics Data Analysis Workflows

The inherent diversity of approaches in proteomics research has led to a wide range of software solutions for data analysis. These software solutions encompass multiple tools, each employing different algorithms for various tasks such as peptide-spectrum matching, protein inference, quantification, statistical analysis, and visualization. To enable an unbiased comparison of commonly used bottom-up

"Han talte de om som en hjälte" : Performativ maskulinitet i tv-serierna S*M*A*S*H och Pistvakt

”Han talte de om som en hjälte” examines the use of parody and satire in the Swedish comedy series S*M*A*S*H (1990) and Pistvakt (1998–2000) as well as the feature film Pistvakt – En albinovästern från de vita vidderna (2005). By analyzing how the series illustrates performative masculinity from the definitions of Judith Butler in Gender Trouble (1990), conclusions on whether they destabilize norm“Han talte de om som en hjälte ”examines the use of parody and satire in the Swedish comedy series S*M*A*S*H (1990) and Pistvakt (1998–2000) as well as the feature film Pistvakt – En albinovästern från de vita vidderna (2005). By analyzing how the series illustrates performative masculinity from the definitions of Judith Butler in Gender Trouble (1990), conclusions on whether they destabilize norm