Little Dog for Roger : en film av Malcolm Le Grice
Short analysis of the experimental film "Little Dog for Roger" (1967) by British artist and filmmaker Malcolm Le Grice (b. 1940).
Short analysis of the experimental film "Little Dog for Roger" (1967) by British artist and filmmaker Malcolm Le Grice (b. 1940).
Anna Rydstedts dikter undersöks med Johannesevangeliets markanta motsats mellan världen och Gud, som raster. Till denna motsats fogas motsatserna ljus- mörker, själ/ande - kropp/materia, liv- död. Därtill uppmärksammas det tydliga semiotiska karaktär som Johannesevangeliet har: under är inte bara under, utan också och framförallt tecken. Det visar sig att Rydstedts dikter ofta byggs av dessa motsa
Over the last decade significant research efforts have been devoted to the probabilistic modeling and analysis of system characteristics. Especially performance characteristics of systems subjected to random disturbances, such as robustness and resilience have been in the focus of these efforts and significant insights have been gained. However, as much of the undertaken research and developments
Damage detection systems and algorithms (DDS and DDA) provide information of the structural system integrity in contrast to e.g. local information by inspections or nondestructive testing techniques. However, the potential of utilizing DDS information for the structural integrity assessment and prognosis is hardly exploited nor treated in scientific literature up to now. In order to utilize the in
The second part of these companion papers mainly researches environmental/operational influences on structural dynamic properties under normal operational conditions during two years, in order to extract a statistical based damage-sensitive indicator for health monitoring of a wind turbine system. The correlation analyses between experimental identified frequencies, damping values as well as mode
Rapid sand filtration is essential at most waterworks that treat anaerobic groundwater. Often the filtration depends on microbiological processes, but the microbial communities of the filters are largely unknown. We determined the prokaryotic community structures of 11 waterworks receiving groundwater from different geological settings by 16S rRNA gene-based 454 pyrosequencing and explored their r
The epilogue synthesizes the main conclusions from the book. Keeping practical applications in mind, it argues that the entrepreneurial ecosystems (EE) and the innovation systems (IS) frameworks can be enriched not only by cross-fertilization but also by extending to incorporate a range of underexplored issues and by being applied in unconventional contexts. The chapter concludes by highlighting s
Tjänstearbetare, bland annat kvinnodominerade yrkesgrupper i offentlig välfärdssektor, står för en ökande andel av arbetskonflikter i världen. Därmed blir studier av strejker i offentlig sektor allt mer relevanta för att vidareutveckla förståelser av strejk som maktmedel. En forskningslucka finns särskilt avseende kommunalarbetares arbetsinställelser. Med målsättningen att utforska villkoren för oThe tertiary sector accounts for a rising share of labour disputes, making studies of public sector strikes increasingly relevant to the understanding of labour market power relations. With the intention of exploring conditions for public sector labour struggles, this study aims to empirically examine the extensive 2003 wage strike carried out by the Swedish Municipal Workers’ Union [Kommunal]. It
Maturation of lymphoid cells is controlled by the action of stage and lineage-restricted transcription factors working in concert with the general transcription and chromatin remodeling machinery to regulate gene expression. To better understand this functional interplay, we used Biotin Identification in human embryonic kidney cells to identify proximity interaction partners for GATA3, TCF7 (TCF1)
This paper presents a measurement-based analysis of 39 GHz millimeter wave (mm-wave) radio propagation through vegetation using an ultra-wideband (UWB) channel sounder. The measurement campaign was conducted in a suburban area on campus of Tongji University, Shanghai, China. Two different kinds of measurements were performed to investigate the foliage influence on the characteristics of radio prop
Skäl för att överväga huruvida skäl för ett beslut, i frånvaron av bevis, bör berättiga beslutsfattande i särskilda omständigheter presenteras. Det föreslås att en distinktion mellan skäl och bevis baserad på deras tid-indexikala olikheter ger oss skäl att, i särskilda omständigheter, formulera beslutsfattandeprocedurer som inte, utöver skäl, också kräver bevis för premisserna för beslutet. Invänd
Urban flood risk is a big and growing concern, particularly in relation to climate change. The complexity of this problem poses distinctive challenges to a broad range of actors involved in various ways in flood risk governance, as well as to the social scientists endeavoring to grasp them. These challenges are related both to the complexity of risk and risk perception as such, which attract a lot
Paperboard has been the basis for packaging materials used to aseptically store and protect food and beverages for a long time. To ensure that there are no bacteria that can spoil the product, sterilizing treatments are made. One such treatment is the retorting process, which involves heating to high temperatures in a pressurized environment of water vapor and dry air. The porous nature of paper m
The Republic of Korea (ROK) was designed as a Cold War democracy. It started as an electoral regime with formal commitments to democratic values, but institutions designed to keep the state secure also imposed limits on domestic political struggle. From the ROK’s founding in 1948 to the political liberalization of 1987, the political system shifted between orders that might be labeled more democra