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Effekterna av lönetransparensdirektivet på HR:s operativa arbete - En arbetsrättslig analys av arbetsgivarens skyldigheter vid implementeringen av lönetransparensdirektivet med fokus på rekrytering, lönesättning, lönerevision och samverkan med fackliga organisationer

The wage disparity between women and men stems from the historically unequal valuation of their work. This systemic undervaluation of women's contributions to the labor market has persisted over time, highlighting the ongoing need for regulatory measures to address these inequities and promote greater fairness in pay practices. This study seeks to explore the anticipated impacts of EU Directi

Design, development, construction and installation of a ceramic chamber for a pulsed kicker at LNLS storage ring

Following the upgrade of the LNLS injector system with the addition of a 500 MeV booster synchrotron, the storage ring in vacuum ferrite injection kicker magnets started to show overheating due the interaction with high frequency electromagnetic fields induced by the electron beam in large currents. In this paper, we describe the design of a new ceramic chamber for the kickers, which minimize this

Design of button beam position monitor for the Brazilian Synchrotron light source

We present the electrical and mechanical design of a button beam position monitor (BPM) recently developed and installed in the UVX electron storage ring at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS). The first characterization results will also be presented. This development started when we observed strong correlation between false stripline BPM readings and the external temperature of thi

Creating nature-based play settings for children through looking, listening, learning and modifying in a Swedish landscape laboratory

Children's outdoor play and access to nature are important for their health and development of environmental agency but there is a global decline of green spaces available to them. The aim is to explore the possibilities of creating nature-based outdoor settings for play and learning which benefit children as well as the wildlife and wider ecosystems. A fieldwork on developing nature based play se

Income inequality in Mexico, 1895-1940: industrialisation, revolution, institutions

This paper, building on new archival research and the social table method, presents comprehensive estimates of income inequality in Mexico in 1895, 1910, 1930 and 1940. Inequality grew from 1895 to 1910, driven by economic expansion within the context of an oligarchic economy. While real income increased for the lower classes during this period, the main beneficiaries were large landowners and ent

Effects of very early hyperoxemia on neurologic outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest : A secondary analysis of the TTM-2 trial

Purpose: Hyperoxemia is common in patients resuscitated after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) and may increase the risk of mortality. However, the effect of hyperoxemia on functional outcome, specifically related to the timing of exposure to hyperoxemia, remains unclear. Methods: The secondary analysis of the Target Temperature Management 2 (TTM-2) r

Plasma Alkylresorcinols is an objective biomarker for gluten intake in young children

BackgroundAlkylresorcinols are a well-established biomarker for whole grain intake. There is evidence suggesting that total plasma alkylresorcinol concentration may also be used as a biomarker for gluten intake in adults.ObjectiveThe aim of the study was to evaluate if total alkylresorcinol concentration is a valid biomarker for gluten intake in young children.MethodsNon-fasting plasma alkylresorc

Ultrasonographic Measurement of Common Carotid Artery Wall Pulse Dynamics and Longitudinal Motion – Method Validation and a Novel Parameter Ratio

Objectives: The enormous burden that cardiovascular diseases put on individuals and societies warrants reliable biomarkers of disease risk to optimize disease prevention. We studied longitudinal movement (LMov) in arterial walls using ultrasound of the common carotid artery (CCA). We believe that LMov could be a sensitive biomarker of cardiovascular health and in this study, we evaluate the intra-

Drug-Induced Cognitive Impairment

Drug-induced cognitive impairment (DICI) is a well-established, yet under-recognised, complication of many types of pharmacological treatment. While there is a large body of scientific literature on DICI, most papers are about drug-induced dementia in the elderly and one specific drug class. However, DICI also comprises subclinical symptoms, domain-specific forms of cognitive impairment as well as


This study bridges occupational health and innovation management by proposing psychosocial safety climate (PSC) as a key precondition for employee-driven innovation (EDI). EDI emphasises employees’ unique potential to generate and implement innovative ideas, with conducive working conditions, particularly those supporting psychological health, being crucial. Using a mixed-method explanatory design

Från tystnadsplikt till rapporteringsskyldighet – hur yrkesrollen avgör rapporteringsskyldigheten

I takt med globaliseringen har det blivit allt lättare för företag att flytta vinster, vilket kan urholka medlemsstaters skattebaser. För att motverka denna utveckling har OECD länge arbetat med projektet BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting). En av åtgärderna i BEPS-projektet är införandet av obligatorisk rapportering. Inspirerad av OECD antog Europeiska unionen direktivet DAC 6, vilket SverigeWith globalization, it has become increasingly easy for companies to shift profits, leading to the erosion of member states’ tax bases. To counter this development, the OECD has long worked on the BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) project. One key measure introduced under the BEPS project is the implementation of mandatory disclosure rules. Inspired by the OECD, the European Union adopted th

Beställarens ansvar för oriktiga uppgifter i förfrågningsunderlaget – särskilt om ansvar vid entreprenörens vetskap om en oriktig uppgift

Entreprenadavtal ingås ofta efter upphandling. I utförandeentreprenader betyder det att beställaren har ansvar för att projektera och tillhandahålla entreprenörer ett utförligt förfrågningsunderlag. Detta förfrågningsunderlag avgör omfattningen av kontraktsarbetena och ligger till grund för entreprenörens kalkyl. Vid upphandlingsförfarandet är det viktigt att anbuden är jämförbara. En förutsättninConstruction contracts are often entered into after a procurement process. In construction contracts, this means that the purchaser is responsible for designing and providing the contractor with detailed tender documents. The tender documents form the basis for the contractor's cost estimate and the scope of the construction work. During the procurement process, it is crucial that the submitte

Självkostnadsprincipen i AB 04 – särskilt om entreprenörens skyldighet att åstadkomma bästa tekniska och ekonomiska resultat

Enligt AB 04 kap. 6 § 10 p. 1 åläggs entreprenören att utföra sitt arbete på ett sådant sätt att beställaren erhåller både bästa tekniska resultat och bästa ekonomiska resultat. I praktiken är dessa två resultat ofta svåra att förena, då de sällan korrelerar. Ytterligare komplexitet tillförs genom entreprenörens incitament att maximera sin vinst. Eftersom entreprenörens arvode ofta beräknas som etPursuant to AB 04 chapter 6 section 10 item 1, the contractor is obligated to perform their work in such a manner that the client receives both the best technical and economic result. In practice, these two outcomes are often difficult to achieve, since they rarely correlate. Additional complexity arises from the contractor’s incentive to maximise profit. Because the contractor’s fee is often calc

Risken för ett olovligt bortförande

Det framgår tydligt av lagändringar och motivuttalanden över åren att det har kommit att fästas ett större fokus vid barnets behov av skydd och ett mindre fokus på barnets behov av kontakt. Det följer både av föräldrabalken och barnkonventionen att beslutsfattaren har att göra en konsekvensanalys där långsiktiga och kortsiktiga effekter som kan följa av ett beslut ska beak-tas. Vilken vikt risken Is is clear from the legal amendments and the statements from the prelimina-tory works over the years that there has come to be a greater focus on the child’s need for protection and a lesser focus on the child’s need for contact. It follows from both the Parerantal Code and the Conventions of the rights of the child that the decisionmaker has to make an assessment of long-term and short-terms pot

Ger en fullgörandeförsäkring ett fullgott skydd?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka gränslandet mellan offentlig upphandling, entreprenadrätt och försäkringsrätt. Fokus ligger på att analysera fullgörandeförsäkringens funktion och de problem som kan uppstå vid dess tillämpning i relation till standardavtalen AB 04 och ABT 06 samt Lagen om offentlig upphandling (LOU). Målet med uppsatsen är att belysa hur ekonomiska krav i offentlig upphandlinThis thesis aims to examine the intersection of public procurement law, construction contract law, and insurance law. The focus is on analyzing the function of performance bonds (known in Sweden as "fullgörandeförsäkring") and the challenges that can arise in their application in relation to the standard agreements AB 04 and ABT 06, as well as the Swedish Public Procurement Act (LOU). Th

Farlig verksamhet enligt LSO

För att industriella risker inte ska utgöra en för stor risk för människa och miljö har Sverige lagstiftat emot detta. Det finns flertalet lagstiftningar som syftar till att begränsa eller förhindra en olycka med industriella risker. En av dessa är 2 kap 4 § lag (2003:778) om skydd mot olyckor (LSO). 2 kap. 4 § LSO är en rent skadebegränsande lagstiftning. Det vill säga att den endast syftar till This report investigates how Swedish fire and rescue services fulfil their responsibility of surveying hazardous establishments comprised by the Swedish Act (2003:778) on protection against accidents. The research was conducted thru interviews with ten representatives from ten different fire and rescue services. The focus of the interviews was to gain understanding in how they work with the law an

En riktigt gapig shitshow : medborgarengagemang och civic culture på Flashback

I denna uppsats analyseras hur en civic culture kan förkroppsligas på det svenska digitala diskussionsforumet Flashback. Genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys analyserades en diskussionstråd som refererade till en svensk TV-sänd partiledardebatt i SVT:s samhällsprogram Agenda. Det teoretiska ramverk som användes för att strukturera analysen var Peter Dahlgrens (2009) föreslagna sex dimensioner av ci