

Din sökning på "*" gav 533777 sökträffar

Embracing the academic–practice gap : Knowledge collaboration and the role of institutional knotting

Collaboration between academia and practice is crucial for addressing complex societal challenges and generating new knowledge. However, bridging the perceived gap between these two domains has proven challenging due to differences in language, expectations, and time horizons. In this article, we question the usefulness of framing these differences as a gap and explores alternative approaches to f

The importance of recurring public transport delays for accessibility and mode choice

This paper looks at the relationship between recurring public transport delays, accessibility to jobs, and travel behaviour in the region of Scania, Sweden. The difference between potential (scheduled) accessibility, observed (actual) accessibility, and behaviour is an important part of this research. This paper contributes to the growing body of literature that uses GTFS data (for both scheduled

Flyktingspionage I Sverige: En jämförande studie

Espionage against individuals within a diaspora in Sweden can be seen as a serious threat to the democratic values and processes, and of course, a direct threat to those who are exposed. With that insight as a starting point this study has the ambition to enlighten the reader about the problems and consequences that occurs when foreign countries try to control and threaten dissidents outside their

Tryggve Mettinger in Memoriam

Tryggve N. D. Mettinger, professor emeritus i Gamla testamentets exegetik, har avlidit i en ålder av 83 år. Hans närmaste är hustrun Solvi samt bröderna Karl och Bengt med familjer. Tryggve var professor i Gamla testamentets exegetik i Lund mellan 1978 och 2003, och han blev tidigt en av Sveriges mest namnkunniga, framstående och internationellt hyllade bibelforskare.

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Based on eleven months of engaged ethnographic research with the Platform for People Affected by Mortgages (PAH) in Barcelona and Sabadell, this article proposes that the financialization of housing goes hand in glove with the financialization of life itself, which includes subjectivity and the body. The financialization of life occurs when life is subsumed into the mechanisms of rent extraction t

Relationens väg genom skandalens storm

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Relationens väg genom skandalens storm - En kvalitativ studie om hur lojala konsumenters relation förändras efter en skandal Seminariedatum: 2024-01-11 Kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete på kandidatnivå i marknadsföring, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Elin Allard Advall, Astrid Sandberg & Mimmi Öjes Handledare: Sofia Ulver Nyckelord: Skandal

Stress Response in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - Effect of Cigarette Smoke Extract and Hypoxia on Structural Lung Cells

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the third leading cause of death worldwide according to the world health organization. It is a disease characterized by chronic inflammation and emphysema, and cigarette smoking is the main cause of COPD development. There are several forms of stress present in the lungs of COPD patients, such as smoking induced endoplasmic reticulum stress or hypoxi

When rain does not run, a fingerprint of uncoordinated water resources development

The management of water resources in a basin can be challenging due to the sharing of water resources among multiple stakeholders and conflicting interests. This often results in imbalanced water resource development across the basin. While small and medium-sized projects are efficiently implemented in the headwater and upstream areas, the commissioning of large reservoirs faces delays due to the

Production of Graphene Membranes from Rice Husk Biomass Waste for Improved Desalination

Inexpensive and efficient desalination is becoming increasingly important due to dwindling freshwater resources in view of climate change and population increase. Improving desalination techniques of brackish water using graphene-based materials has the possibility to revolutionize freshwater production and treatment. At the same time, graphene matter can be cheaply mass-produced from biowaste mat

Development towards high-resolution kHz-speed rotation-free volumetric imaging

X-ray multi-projection imaging (XMPI) has the potential to provide rotation-free 3D movies of optically opaque samples. The absence of rotation enables superior imaging speed and preserves fragile sample dynamics by avoiding the centrifugal forces introduced by conventional rotary tomography. Here, we present our XMPI observations at the ID19 beamline (ESRF, France) of 3D dynamics in melted alumin

Towards healthcare access equality : Understanding spatial accessibility to healthcare services for wheelchair users

Considering that the number of wheelchair users is on the rise at the global level due to population aging, it is crucial to secure their rights to have adequate access to healthcare services. Spatial accessibility to healthcare services has been well recognized to influence people's health. However, research on healthcare accessibility of wheelchair users is scarce. This study proposes a barrier-

Effects of horizontal self-rotation on flow and heat transfer of supercritical n-decane in regenerative circular/rectangular cooling channels

Concerning the rotation flight of a hypersonic vehicle centered on its geometric axis, the rotational flow and heat transfer characteristics of supercritical n-decane in horizontal circular and rectangular tubes were comprehensively analyzed based on numerical simulation. The computational domain was established and the corresponding governing equations of mass conservation, momentum conservation,

Koranbränningar mellan hets mot folkgrupp och yttrandefrihet - En studie om koranbränningar i förhållande till svensk lagstiftning

Sammanfattning Uppsatsen behandlar den under senare tiden hett debatterade frågan om huruvida koranbränningarna utgör hets mot folkgrupp eller om de ska tillåtas med hänvisning till den grundlagsskyddade yttrandefriheten. Uppsatsen tar sin utgångspunkt i den rättsdogmatiska metoden, vilket innebär att rättskällor såsom lagtext, förarbeten och praxis har studerats och analyserats. FrågeställningarnSummary This essay addresses the question of whether the action of burning the Quran is an incitement to racial hatred or if it should be permitted in consideration to the constitutional right of freedom of expression. The essay uses the legal dogmatic method, which means that legal sources such as legal text, preparatory works and case law have been studied and analyzed. The research questions an

Editorial: What makes a good article for leadership? Thoughts and views from our associate editors, part 1

This issue of Leadership marks our first full year as Co-Editors-in-Chief. As we highlighted in our introductory editorial (Edwards and Schedlitzki, 2023) we see our role as striving to develop the community of the journal in its endeavour to be a key, critical and contemporary voice for leadership studies. To continue this journey, and to help contributors frame and develop their work for submiss