Din sökning på "*" gav 533326 sökträffar
Gendered Insecurity: Violence in Time and Space
Technological change, labour contracts, and income distribution
Linearity of bulk-controlled inverter ring VCO in weak and strong inversion
Frequency modulation in ring VCOs is investigated. Primarily, the linearity of conversion from input voltage to output frequency is considered. Bulk-voltage control of the threshold voltage of the VCO transistors is found to be a very promising approach for applications in frequency /spl Delta//spl Sigma/ converters. Different approaches apply in presence of high supply voltages, when transistors
Badstugan vid Karlskrona örlogsvarv
Use Gainschedule for Process Control
Immunsvar och inflammation vid Crohns sjukdom. Snart mojligt driva diagnostiken langre och utveckla mer specifika lakemedel
The chronic inflammation in Crohn's disease may be caused by aggressive response to bacterial antigens normal to the gut. Genetic and environmental factors modify the inflammatory response evoked by damage to the mucosal gut barrier. Genetic factors may also determine the subsequent course of chronic inflammation. Further elucidation of the pathogenesis might improve our understanding of the heter
Minoritetsspråk i Kina
Discourse for Normalising What? The Learning Organization and the Workplace Trade Union Response
Recent critics of organizational learning and its normative offshoot the ‘learning organization’ have posited that conceptualisations of organizations based on knowledge and learning constitute a rhetorical device enabling elites to assert different forms of control through a new ‘normalising discourse’. The paper, whilst welcoming such critique, nevertheless asks whether it is adequate to dismiss
Older people and local public transit: Mobility effects of accessibility improvements in Sweden
Several transportation factors concerning older and disabled people are under transition in Sweden at present. By the year 2010, the public transit system must be fully accessible for all passengers. The present survey studied older people, in order to assess the perceived travel opportunities. Questionnaires were sent to a sample of older citizens (75+) in three Swedish mid-sized municipalities.
Både fängelse och frihet. Livslångt lärande kan bli till livslång otillräcklighet
Uptake, turnover and distribution of chlorinated fatty acids in aquatic biota
Popular Abstract in Swedish Sedan årtionden tillbaks finns en stor mängd klorerade organiska miljögifter spridda i vår miljö (t ex DDT, PCBer och dioxiner). Djur får i sig miljögifterna främst med födan och eftersom dessa ämnen som regel är svårnedbrytbara och inte kan omsättas i kroppen i någon större omfattning leder detta till att de istället lagras upp i djuren, framför allt i fettvävnaden. EtChlorinated fatty acids (ClFAs) are the major contributors of extractable, organically bound chlorine in fish lipids. A known anthropogenic source of ClFAs is chlorine bleached pulp production. Additional anthropogenic sources may exist, e.g., chlorine-containing discharge from industrial and house-hold waste and they may also occur naturally. ClFAs have a wide geographic distribution. They have,
Non-functional requirements metrics in practice - an empirical document analysis
The Politics of Part-Time Work in Denmark and Sweden 1940-1970
Long-term pain conditions after a stroke.
Synchronization in OFDM systems - Sensitivity to the choice of pulse shape
Swedish business research productivity – improvements against international trends
No title
Résumé : Le français écrit est caractérisé par de nombreuses marques morphologiques qui ne se prononcent pas. Cet article pose la question de savoir quand et sur quels constituants de la phrase les apprenants de français L2 font l’accord en nombre, souvent silencieux, à l’écrit. Dans une optique de développement qui s’inspire des travaux de Bartning et Schlyter (2004) dans le domaine du français p